Institutional Communication
Institutional Communication
The team coordinates all communication platforms, including website, social networks, mailing lists, brochures, and annual reports. We also support researchers in their activities, such as meetings, journal cover design, and laboratory websites.
AgroTech Campus 2016 (PT) (2016)
Visits and events at ITQB NOVA 2015-2016 (2016)
ITQB NOVA Scientists in motion 2015-2016 (2016)
ITQB NOVA and Society 2015-2016 (2016)
"Plant Sciences: Discover, Innovate, Communicate with Society", talk by Prof. Mark Montagu (2016)
ITQB NOVA, a great choice for your PhD (2015)
Mestrado em Bioquímica para a Saúde PT (2015)
ITQB NOVA International (2014)
"Universos", biopainting by Patrícia Noronha (2014)
Um cientista vai à escola (2013)
Making of Dia aberto ITQB NOVA (2013)
Dia aberto ITQB NOVA - O que é ser cientista? (2013)
Support to the following meetings, courses and events:
- PhD Students Meeting
- PhD Programs
Molecular Biosciences (MolBioS) | Plants for Life
- Masters
Biochemistry for Health | Biotechnology for Sustainability | Medical Microbiology | Science Communication
- Summer School
Other projects:
- Cermax Course
- Transbio (2014; 2013) and workshops:
- Metabolomics and Molecular Interactions for Biology and Health (2013)
- Two faces of Science Communication:peers and lay audiences (2012)
- Coil 5 (Banner and merchandise) (2013)
- MembStruct 2013
- PhD Movie (2012)
- Be Green (2011)
- ITQB Planet (2011)
- Think blue campaign (2008)
ITQB NOVA's Website
Our website is an evolving entity and is continuously updated and redesigned
- New sections
- Highlights
- Support to lab webpages and lab websites
- Redesign contents
ITQB NOVA leaflets
- Annual Report - Coordination and Design
- Postcards
- Leaflets of PhD Programs and Master Courses
- Leflet of Cermax
- Postcards for exhibitions (Futurália and others)
Social Networks:
Facebook | Youtube |Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | ITQB NOVA alumni on linkedin
Selection and design of merchandise products
- Merchandise product catalogue
Other specific design projects:
Logos and banners
Websites for events
Posters (António V. Xavier Award |AVX seminars | SCAN Seminars | Santander Prize)
Journal covers
ITQB NOVA business cards
Building blueprints
X-mas card
Hall LCD information (signage)
Entrance hall acrylic pictures
Chillers campaign video
The team strives to help ITQB NOVA researchers reach the public through the media, guiding them through the process whenever needed. The team also helps journalists in understanding better our science and scientists
- Guidelines for Talking to the press
- Press releases
- ITQB NOVA in the News - Clipping