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Invited Speakers








João Paulo Crespo

Professor, FCT-UNL / Member of the research centre Requimte

João Crespo is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa and member of the research centre Requimte. 

The research interests of João Crespo are centered on the science and engineering of membrane processes, applied to health, food and energy & environmental problems.  He integrates the editorial board of “Journal of Membrane Science”, “Journal of Biotechnology” and “Desalination and Water Treatment”.


Hélder Maiato

Head of Chromosome Instability and Dynamics Laboratory, IBMC / Auxiliary Professor, FMUP

Hélder Maiato


Hélder Maiato is Principal Investigator and Head of the Chromosome Instability & Dynamics Laboratory in the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology and Invited Auxiliary Professor in the Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Porto.

He graduated in Biochemistry at the University of Porto and enrolled the 6th Gulbenkian PhD Program in Biology and Medicine, which led him to work in the Edinburgh University (UK) and to obtain his doctorate in Biomedical Sciences by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS).

He was affiliated with the Wadsworth Center, Division of Molecular Medicine, NY State Department of Health, USA (2003). He has published numerous scientific articles in international journals of excellence such as the EMBO Journal, Journal of Cell Biology, Cell and Nature Cell Biology.

His work was recognized by national and international awards such as Prize of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics (Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana - 2004); Jacinto Magalhães Award (2005); distinction of "Programa Gulbenkian de Estímulo à Investigação" from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2005); Crioestaminal Award (2006); Gulbenkian Prize for Research Support at the Frontiers of Life Sciences (2007), among others. Last year, he and his team were awarded internationally competitive grants from the Human Frontier Science Program and the European Research Council.
He has installed the first diffraction-limited system for laser microsurgery in living cells in Europe and his current research interests are related with spatiotemporal control of chromosome segregation during cell division.


Maria Carmo-Fonseca

Head of Cell Biology Unit, IMM / Executive Director of IMM

Maria Carmo Fonseca

Maria Carmo-Fonseca is an MD with a PhD in Cell Biology from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon. After a period as a Post-doctoral researcher at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, she got a teaching position at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, where she later became full Professor. Throughout her career, she has published in high impact factor journals such as Cell, EMBO Journal, Nature Cell Biology and Journal of Cell Biology.

Maria Carmo-Fonseca is now the leader of the Cell Biology Unit at the Institute of Molecular Medicine. This Unit works to discover pathways of gene regulation controlled by RNA molecules and has set as long-term goal to contribute for the development of novel RNA-targeted therapeutic strategies.

She is also the Executive Director of the Institute of Molecular Medicine since 2001, director of the Harvard Medical School-Portugal Program since 2009 and has advisory positions in many scientific bodies. Carmo-Fonseca was awarded several prizes and honors including the Iberian DuPont Science Award in 2002, three Pfizer Research Prizes (1981, 1989 and 2002), the Gulbenkian Science Award in 2007 and more recently, in 2010, the Prémio Pessoa.


António Câmara

Chief Executive Officer, Ydreams / Professor, FCT-UNL

António Câmara António Câmara is Chief Executive Officer of YDreams and Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He got a BSc in Civil Engineering at IST (1977) and MSc (1979) and PhD (1982) in Environmental Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech. António Câmara was a Post-Doctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Visiting Professor at Cornell University (1988-89) and MIT (1998-99).
António Câmara has been a pioneer on geographical information systems research. He published over 150 refereed papers and the “Spatial Multimedia and Virtual Reality” published by Taylor & Francis (1999) and “Environmental Systems” published by Oxford University Press (2002).
He is a founder of YDreams, a international leader in interactivity. YDreams has developed more than 600 projects in 25 countries for companies such as Nike, Adidas, Santander, Coca-Cola, NOKIA and Vodafone.
António Câmara has received several national and international awards, namely Premio Pessoa in 2006.

William Heggie

Chief Scientific Officer, Hovione

W Heggie  William Heggie has a PhD in organic chemistry from Manchester University, UK. He held various post-doctoral positions at Harvard University, USA, St. Andrews University, Scotland and Oxford University, England where he worked in the area of synthetic chemistry. He became an invited lecturer in 1974 at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. In 1979 he joined the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa as a lecturer, later becoming a full Professor up until 1999. He joined Hovione in 1980 where he has held several positions namely as Director of Research and Executive Director of Research and Development. William Heggie has served on Hovione’s Board of Directors and at the present time is Chief Scientific Officer in Hovione where he is responsible for Innovation and Product Development. His interests are in the area of Process Development for the production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and the application of new technologies to this area. He is co-author of several University text books in Portugal, co-author of several scientific articles and author of more than 20 patents.
Hovione is a world leader in the development of inhaled products, with a large relevance in the development of new active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Carlos Fontes

Managing Director, NZYTech / Associate Professor with aggregation, FMV-UTL

Carlos Fontes

Carlos Fontes received his Doctor of Science in Agriculture degree in 1991 from the Technical University of Lisbon. Working at Prof. Harry J. Gilbert laboratory, he was awarded the PhD degree in 1995, by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Work developed by Prof. Carlos Fontes research group, at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Lisbon, provided several relevant contributions in the fields of carbohydrate bioengineering and the function of plant cell wall degrading protein complexes (also termed cellulosomes). Prof. Carlos Fontes has supervised several PhD students and is co-author of more than 70 papers published in international refereed journals.

NZYTech was founded in June 2008 by Professors Carlos Fontes and Luís Ferreira in order to explore the commercial potential of the carbohydrate-active enzymes characterized at their University Laboratories at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Lisbon. NZYTech aims to build a reputation in the fields of Molecular Biology, Carbohydrate Research and Biochemical and Food Analysis through a continuous investment in research and innovation.


Carlos Romão

Vice President, Alfama / Professor and Head of Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, ITQB-UNL

 Carlos Romão

Carlos Romão was born in Lisbon, Portugal. He graduated in Chemical Engeneering at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (1971) where he received his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor A. Romão Dias (1979) and was successively appointed Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (1981-1996) and later obtained his Agregação (1993). In 1989 he was appointed Research Leader at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica of the New University of Lisbon, Oeiras, where he became Full Professor (1998). He carried out research at the University of Oxford with Professor M. L. H. Green, FRS (1974) and was a postdoctoral research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, at the Max-Planck Institut f. Kohlenforschung, Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, Germany, with Professor P. W. Jolly (1982/84) and at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, with Professor W. A. Herrmann.
His scientific interests are in Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry, and its applications in Catalysis and Medicine.
He is a co-founder of Alfama Inc., a start-up dedicated to the development of CO Releasing Molecules for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.


Patrícia Calado

Drug Discovery and Development Director, Bioalvo

Patricia calado

Patrícia Calado holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon. She has over 10 years research experience in molecular and cellular biology, namely in the field of “protein aggregation diseases”. She has a 9-year lecturer experience, as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and as Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Genetics and Genetic Engineering Courses for the Degree in Biotechnological Engineering at the University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias.

She joined BIOALVO in September 2006 as Project Manager. In January 2008 she joined the Executive Management Team as Drug Discovery and Development Director.
BIOALVO, the Biotech for Natural Products, is a Portuguese biotech company, founded in 2006, dedicated to providing fully-integrated biotech solutions to maximize natural products market applications. BIOALVO owns a large and ever-expanding natural extract library, holding unique extracts derived mostly from a diverse array of microorganism, which can be industrially produced by laboratorial sustainable culturing methods. This collection is expected to reach 100.000 extracts, at the end of 2012, including a variety of exquisite sources, ranging from deep sea vents in the Azores, or secret diving spots of Portugal’s Ministry of Defense, to some mainland ecosystems. This collection is used for internal R&D projects, resorting to the in-house cell-based robotized facility and is also made available to partners through licensing deals that explore the potential of these collections to their chosen field of application. In addition, BIOALVO offers a simple, customizable, quick and fully integrated cell-based robotized unit designed for screening and evaluating extract bioactivity for partners who wish to take advantage of BIOALVO’s one-stop- shop organization to speed up their product development.


Paulo Andrez

Member of the board, DNA Cascais / Vice President, EBAN / Vice President, FNABA

Paulo Andrez is the vice-President of EBAN (European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and other Early Stage Market Players), chairs the EBAN Research Committee, Vice-President of FNABA (Portuguese Business Angels Federation), President of Cascais Business Angels Network, Member of the Board of DNA Cascais, co-coordinator of Post Graduation in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism in ESHTE University. In 2007 received the Medal of Merit from Cascais Municipality.

Paulo Andrez is an IT Engineer and has a MBA from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He created several companies in areas like wooden products export, IT software and training. In 2000 he participated as entrepreneur (seller) in the initial public offering of Novabase. From 2003, he became Business Angel, helping entrepreneurs to achieve results. He is frequently invited speaker in several conferences in Europe as expert in innovation, entrepreneurship and early stage investment. He is also judge in several Business Plan Competitions.

Agency DNA Cascais The agency DNA Cascais is an initiative promoted by the Municipality of Cascais, which aims to contribute by all appropriate means, for the promotion, encouragement and development of entrepreneurship in general, with particular emphasis on the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and social municipality of Cascais entrepreneurs by providing tools and solutions that help support their projects DNA Cascais aims to capture, define and develop creativity, skills and knowledge through the promotion and encouragement of creativity and innovation.


Pedro Tochas

Street and Stage Performer

Pedro Tochas is a regular street and stage performer and a past cast member for a popular Portuguese TV comedy series. He gained his prowess through studies in physical theatre and comedy at the Celebration Barn Theater (USA) and Circomedia - Academy of Circus Arts and the Physical Theatre (UK). He is very well known for his irreverent performances in television, on stage and in the street. He is also known for the success of his motivational lectures, characterized by encouraging people to develop new ways of addressing the problems, to communicate and overcome prejudices with great humor and relaxation – “Think out of the box”.

He has performed in numerous festivals around the world and received several awards, such as winner of best act at Landshuts 2 - Internationales StadtSpektakel 2008 (Germany), winner of the Adelaide International Buskers Festival 2006 (Australia), winner of "Best Hair" award - The 19th Halifax International Busker Festival (Canada), winner of "Streets of fools" award "The Biggest Fool 2003" (Norway) and second place in the International Busking Competition - Killarney SummerFest 2003 (Ireland).




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