Become a Partner
Become a Partner of the 2nd International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health 2018!
FBHC 2018 is a major event for the Lisbon and Portugal industry and we hope to bring together human nutrition researchers, food science researchers, food engineers Public health experts, academic and industry researchers, agro food industry representatives, clinicians, students and post-docs from more than 30 countries.
The FBHC 2018 offers numerous opportunities for partnership and exhibition with various options and levels. Do not hesitate to contact us if need more information and if you would like to share your ideas and discuss other partnership scenarios. We are flexible and willing to work with you to design a partnership package that will fulfill your needs.
To get more information please contact:
FBHC 2018 Organizing Comittee
2nd International Conference on Food Bioactive and Health 2018
2nd International Conference on Food Bioactive and Health 2018
Av. República, Qta. do Marquês
Estação Agronómica Nacional
Edificio IBET/ITQB
Estação Agronómica Nacional
Edificio IBET/ITQB