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The International Legume Society, the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier and the Centro de Tecnologia Química e Biológica CTQB-NPS, both of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, cordially invite you to join us at the Second International Legume Society Conference, scheduled the 11th to the 14th October, 2016 at the Tróia resort, (in the vicinity of Lisbon), in Portugal.

Tróia from the sky.
In a world urgently requiring more sustainable agriculture, food security and healthier diets the demand for legume crops is on the rise. This growth is fostered by the increasing need for plant protein and for sound agricultural practices that are more adaptable and more environmentally sensitive. Food, feed, fiber and even fuel are all products that come from legumes – plants that grow with low nitrogen inputs and in harsh environmental conditions. The Second Legume Society Conference will be held during 2016 - the United Nations’ International Year of Pulses.
The conference will address the following themes: Legume Quality and Nutrition; Farming Systems/Agronomy; Abiotic and Biotic Stress Responses and Breeding; Legume Genetic Resources; and New “Omics” Resources for Legumes. The health and environment benefits as well as the marketing of legumes will be transversal topics throughout the conference. Special attention will be given to foster the interaction of researchers and research programs with different stakeholders including farmers and farmer associations, seed/feed and food industries, and consumers. For this, the conference will also be the site of the Final Meeting of ABSTRESS EU-FP7 project, the Annual Meeting of LEGATO and EUROLEGUME EU-FP7 projects; and the final dissemination events of MEDILEG, REFORMA FP7-ERANets. Finally the 4th International Ascochyta Workshop will take place the two days prior to the ILS2 conference.
Join us in beautiful Tróia, Portugal from 11-14th October, 2016! Plan now to include the ILS2 Conference in your busy agenda. Kindly share this information with any colleagues dealing with legumes.
Diego Rubiales, on behalf of the Scientific Committee
Pedro Fevereiro, Carlota Vaz Patto and Susana Araújo, on behalf of the Organizing Committee
