ITQB NOVA researchers go back to schools
Oeiras, 26.10.2016
For Science and Tecnology week 2016 we will continue our successful program and take ITQB NOVA researchers back to schools. All we need is an invitation.
Between 17 and 25 November, ITQB NOVA researchers are available to visit schools in Oeiras and greater Lisbon and talk with a group of students about their research and what it takes to be a researcher. Our program is directed at portuguese and international students.
If you want to host a visit, send us an invitation to, stating:
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Your invitation will be forwarded to one of our researchers that will visit the school on the scheduled date.
Before the visit, we will try to make sure all the details are addressed to make it the most pleasurable experience for everyone: students, researchers, teachers and the school.
2.125 students and 33 schools visited by 24 ITQB NOVA researchers
- José Artur Brito went to Escola secundária Luis de Freitas Branco, Paço de Arcos, Escola Cardoso Lopes, Amadora and Colégio Moderno, Lisboa
- Ana Matias went to Escola Secundária Daniel Sampaio, Almada
- Margarida Archer went to Escola Básica 2,3 Conde de Oeiras
- Nazua Costa went to Escola Gil Vicente, Lisboa
- Luís Gafeira went to Colégio Valssassina, Lisboa
- Célia Romão went to Escola Básica 2,3 Pedro Eanes de Lobato, Seixal
- Vanessa Correia e Carlos Moreira went to Agrupamento de Escolas de São Bruno, Caxias, and CED da Conceição da Casa Pia de Lisboa
- Federico Herrera went to Instituto Español de Lisboa "Giner de los Ríos", Algés
- Pedro Fevereiro went to Clube de Ciência da Escola Básica e Secundária Passos Manuel, Lisboa
- Mónica Serrano, Carolina Cassona e Ana Fortunato went to EB 2.3 Conde de Oeiras
- Diana Lousa went to Escola Básica D. Domingos Jardo, Mira Sintra and Escola Secundária Fernando Lopes Graça, Parede
- Sandra Viegas went to Externato Frei Luís de Sousa, Almada
- Carla Jorge went to Escola Básica Alto do Moinho, Corroios, Seixal
Ricardo Vilela went to Agrupamento de Escolas de Azambuja
- Ana Silva e Cátia Bárria went to Externato do Parque, Lisboa
- Joana Lobo Antunes went to Cooperativa A Torre, Lisboa
- Ana Sofia Oliveira went to Escola Básica 2, 3 de Aranguez, Setúbal
- Sónia Neto went to Escola EB 2,3 D Pedro IV, Queluz
- Helena Santos went to Escola Profissional EPED, Almada