Prémio Câmara Pestana distinguishes ITQB research
Oeiras, 14/02/08
The Prémio Câmara Pestana 2007 was attributed to the research work "Biosynthetic pathways of inositol and glycerol phosphodiesters used by the hyperthermophile Archaeoglobus fulgidus in stress adaptation" published in the Journal of Bacteriology (2006) by ITQB researchers Nuno Borges, Luís G. Gonçalves, Marta V. Rodrigues, Filipa Siopa, Rita Ventura, Christopher Maycock, Pedro Lamosa and Helena Santos.
This research project elucidated the biosynthetic pathways of three new solutes found in hyperthermophilic microbes, which are organisms effectively able to grow in extremely hot environments with temperatures close to 100oC. The described compounds contribute to the stability of biological molecules at high temperatures and are therefore particularly important for biotechnological applications.
The Prémio Câmara Pestana is one of the most prestigious scientific research awards in Portugal. Since 1939, this annual award acknowledges the best scientific work in microbiology developed by Portuguese scientists, teams or institutions. The award, attribute jointly by Instituto Câmara Pestana and GlaxoSmithkline, consists of 2,500 euros in prize money and aims to stimulate both creativity and accuracy in scientific research in this area.
Luís Câmara Pestana was a famous XIXth century Portuguese microbiologist considered a pioneer in the fight against disease causing microbes. He founded a microbiology institute that today holds his name.
The award ceremony will take place at the Biblioteca do Instituto Câmara Pestana on February 18th at 15h00.
The award will be presented by Prof. José Melo-Cristino (Director do Instituto Bacteriológico Câmara Pestana), Prof. António Sampaio da Nóvoa (Reitor da Universidade de Lisboa), Prof. José Miguel Caldas de Almeida (Director da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Dr. Manuel Gonçalves (Director da GlaxoSmithKline), Prof. João Pedro Simas (Presidente do Conselho Científico do Instituto Bacteriológico Câmara Pestana).
Recortes de imprensa:
Dois compostos químicos dão prémio a instituto de Oeiras (in Publico 18/02/08)