António M. Baptista
PhD, Principal Researcher (Investigador Principal)
Head of the Molecular
Simulation Laboratory at ITQB.
António M. Baptista
Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
Av. da República, EAN
2780-157 Oeiras
Phone : +351-21-4469619
Fax : +351-21-4411277
E-mail : 
Research interests
- Molecular simulation of proteins using computational methods,
with emphasis on the study of electrostatic processes.
- Development of theoretical methods for molecular simulation.
- Application of statistical mechanics to the study of chemical
and biochemical systems.
Current research
- Inclusion of pH and electrostatic potential effects in molecular
dynamics simulations.
- Simulation of peptide- and protein-membrane interactions.
- Simulation of pH-induced protein misfolding.
- Simulation of peptide dendrimers.
- Simulation of redox and protonation equilibria by Monte Carlo methods.
- Characterization of low-dimensional energy landscapes.
- Simulation of proteins in non-aqueous media.
- Biochemistry
- Biophysical Journal
- BMC Structural Biology
- Chemical Physics
- Extremophiles
- FEBS Letters
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
- Journal of Biophysics
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
- Journal of Computational Chemistry
- Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
- Molecular Simulation
- Polymers
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A.
- Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics
- Scientific Reports
- Science
- Structure
- Pires, M. J., Martel, P., Baptista, A., Petersen, S. B., Willson,
R., Cabral, J. M. S. (1994) Improving protein extraction yield in
reversed micellar systems through surface charge engineering.
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 44:773-780.
- Anthonsen, H. W., Baptista, A., Drabløs, F., Martel,
P., Petersen, S. B. (1994) The blind watchmaker and rational protein
engineering. J. Biotechnol. 36:185-220.
- Anthonsen, H. W., Baptista, A., Drabløs, F., Martel, P.,
Petersen, S. B., Sebastião, M., Vaz, L. (1995) Lipases and
esterases - a review of their sequences, structure and
evolution. In Biotechnology Annual Review, vol. 1; El-Gewely,
M. R. (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 315-371.
- Baptista, A., Brautaseth, T., Drabløs, F., Martel, P.,
Valla, S., Petersen, S. B. (1995) Electrostatic studies of
carbohydrate active enzymes. In Progress in Biotechnology,
vol. 10, "Carbohydrate Bioengineering". Petersen, S. B., Svensson, B.,
Pedersen, S. (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 181-204.
- Jones, R. A., Müller, T. B., Haraldseth, O., Baptista, A. M.,
Øksendal, A. N. (1996) Cerebrovascular changes in rats during
ischemia and reperfusion: a comparison of BOLD and first pass bolus
tracking techniques. Magn. Reson. Med. 35:489-496.
- Jones, R. A., Haraldseth, O., Baptista, A. M., Müller, T. B.,
Øksendal, A. N. (1997) A study of the contribution of changes
in the cerebral blood volume to the haemodynamic response to anoxia in
rat brain. NMR Biomed. 9:233-240.
- Martel, P. J., Baptista, A., Petersen, S. B. (1996) Protein
electrostatics. In Biotechnology Annual Review, vol. 2; El-Gewely,
M. R. (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 315-372.
- Sebastião, M. J., Martel, P., Baptista, A., Petersen,
S. B., Cabral, J. M. S., Aires-Barros, M. R. (1997) Predicting the
partition coefficients of a recombinant cutinase in polyethylene
glycol/phosphate aqueous two-phase systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng.
- Baptista, A.M., Martel, P.J., Petersen, S.B. (1997) Simulation of
protein conformational freedom as a function of pH: constant-pH molecular
dynamics using implicit titration. Proteins, 27:523-544.
- Jones, R. A., Haraldseth, O., Baptista, A. M., Müller, T. B.,
Øksendal, A. N. (1997) A study of the contribution of changes
in the cerebral blood volume to the haemodynamic response to anoxia in
rat brain. NMR Biomed. 10:59-66.
- Baptista, A.M., Jonson, P.H., Hough, E., Petersen, S.B. (1998) The
origin of trypsin: evidence for multiple gene duplications in
trypsins. J. Mol. Evol. 47:353-362.
- Martel, P.J., Soares, C.M., Baptista, A.M., Fuxreiter, M.,
Náray-Szabó;, G., Louro, R.O., Carrondo, M.A. (1999)
Comparative redox and pKa calculations on
cytochrome c3 from several
Desulfovibrio species using continuum electrostatic
methods. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 4:73-86.
- Baptista, A.M., Martel, P.J., Soares, C.M. (1999) Simulation of
electron-proton coupling with a Monte Carlo method: application to
cytochrome c3 using continuum electrostatics.
Biophys. J. 76:2978-2998.
- Mendes, J., Baptista, A.M., Carrondo, M.A., Soares, C.M. (1999)
Improved modelling of side-chains in proteins with rotamer-based methods: a
flexible rotamer model. Proteins, 37:530-543.
- Baptista, A.M., Soares, C.M. (2001) Some theoretical and computational
aspects of the inclusion of proton isomerism in the protonation equilibrium
of proteins. J. Phys. Chem. B, 105:293-309.
- Mendes, J., Baptista, A.M., Carrondo, M.A., Soares, C.M. (2001)
Incorporating implicit solvation in the self-consistent mean field theory
method: application to sidechain modelling and prediction of folding free
energies of protein mutants. J. Comp.-Aided Mol. Design, 15:721-740.
- Louro, R.O., Bento, I., Matias, P.M., Catarino, T., Baptista, A.M.,
Soares, C.M., Carrondo, M.A., Turner, D.L., Xavier, A.V. (2001)
Conformational component in the coupled transfer of multiple electrons and
protons in a monomeric tetrahaem cytochrome. J. Biol. Chem.
- Teixeira, V.H., Soares, C.M., Baptista, A.M. (2002) Studies of the
reduction and protonation behavior of tetraheme cytochromes using atomic
detail. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 7:200-216.
- Baptista, A. M. (2002) Comment on "Explicit-solvent molecular dynamics
simulation at constant pH: methodology and application to small
amines". J. Chem. Phys. 116:7766-7768.
- Baptista, A. M., Teixeira, V. H., Soares, C. M. (2002) Constant-pH
molecular dynamics using stochastic titration. J. Chem. Phys.
- Soares, C. M., Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M. (2003) Protein
structure and dynamics in nonaqueous solvents. Insights from molecular
dynamics simulation studies. Biophys. J. 84:1628-1641.
- Bento, I., Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M., Matias,
P. M., Carrondo, M. A. (2003) Redox-Bohr and other cooperativity effects in
the nine-heme cytochrome c from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
ATCC 27774: crystallographic and modeling studies. J. Biol. Chem.
- Bento, I., Matias, P. M., Baptista, A. M., da Costa, P. N., van Dongen,
W. M. A. M., Saraiva, L. M., Schneider, T. R., Soares, C. M., Carrondo,
M. A. (2004) Molecular basis for redox-Bohr and cooperative effects in
cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
ATCC 27774: crystallographic and modelling studies of oxidised and reduced
high-resolution structures at pH 7.6. Proteins, 54:135-152.
- Eberini, I., Baptista, A. M., Gianazza, E., Fraternali, F.,
Beringhelli, T. (2004) Reorganization in apo- and
holo-β-lactoglobulin upon protonation of Glu89: molecular
dynamics and pKa calculations.
Proteins, 54:744-758.
- Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M., Pereira, M. M., Teixeira, M. (2004)
Investigation of protonatable residues in Rhodothermus marinus
caa3 haem-copper oxygen reductase. Comparison with
Paracoccus denitrificans aa3 haem-copper oxygen
reductase. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 9:124-134.
- Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2004) Modelling
electron transfer thermodynamics in protein complexes: Interaction between
two cytochromes c3. Biophys. J. 86:2773-2785.
- Victor, B. L., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2004)
Theoretical identification of of proton channels in the quinol oxidase
aa3 of Acidianus ambivalens. Biophys. J.
- Rivas, L., Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M., Simaan, J., Di Paolo,
R. E., Murgida, D. H., Hildebrandt, P. (2005) Electric-field induced
redox potential shifts of tetraheme cytochromes c3
immobilised on self-assembled monolayers. Surface enhanced resonance
Raman spectroscopy and simulation studies. Biophys. J.
- Micaelo, N. M., Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M., Soares,
C. M. (2005) Water dependent properties of cutinase in nonaqueous
solvents. A computational study of enantioselectivity.
Biophys. J. 89:999-1008.
- Teixeira, V. H., Cunha, C. A., Machuqueiro, M., Oliveira,
A. S. F., Victor, B. L., Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M. (2005) On the
use of different dielectric constants for computing individual and
pairwise terms in Poisson-Boltzmann studies of protein ionization
equilibrium. J. Phys. Chem. B, 109:14691-14706.
- Oliveira, A. S. F., Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M., Soares,
C. M. (2005) Reorganization and conformational changes in the
reduction of tetraheme cytochromes. Biophys. J. 89:3919-3930.
- Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2006) Constant-pH molecular
dynamics with ionic strength effects: the protonation-conformation
coupling in decalysine. J. Phys. Chem. B, 110:2927-2933.
- Lopes, S. C. D. N., Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M., Goormaghtigh,
E., Costa Cabral, B. J., Castanho, M. A. R. B. (2006) Conformational
and orientational guidance of the analgesic dipeptide kyotorphin
induced by lipidic membranes. Putative correlation towards receptor
docking. J. Phys. Chem. B, 110:3385-3394.
- Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2006) Pathways
of H2 towards the active site of [NiFe]-hydrogenase.
Biophys. J. 91:2035-2045.
- Micaelo, N. M., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2006)
Parameterization of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium
hexafluorophosphate/nitrate ionic liquid for the GROMOS force field.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 110:14444-14451.
- Rocha, R., Leal, S. S., Teixeira, V. H., Regalla, M., Huber, H.,
Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M., Gomes, C. M. (2006) Natural
domain design: enhanced thermal stability of zinc lacking ferredoxin
isoforms shows that a hydrophobic core efficiently replaces the
structural metal site. Biochemistry, 45:10376-10384.
- Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2007) The pH-dependent
conformational states of kyotorphin: a constant-pH molecular dynamics
study. Biophys. J. 92:1836-1845.
- Gaspar, P., Neves, A. R., Shearman, C. A., Gasson, M. J.,
Baptista, A. M., Turner, D. L., Soares, C. M., Santos, H. (2007) The
lactate dehydrogenases encoded by the ldh and ldhB genes
in Lactococcus lactis exhibit distinct regulation and catalytic
properties: comparative modelling to probe the molecular
basis. FEBS J. 274:5924-5936.
- Veríssimo, A. F., Sousa, F. L., Baptista, A. M., Teixeira, M.,
Pereira. M. M. (2007) Thermodynamic redox behavior of the heme centers
of cbb3 heme-copper oxygen reductase from
Bradyrhizobium japonicum? Biochemistry, 46:13245-13253.
- Teixeira, V. H., Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M. (2008) Proton
pathways in a [NiFe]-hydrogenase: A Theoretical
Study. Proteins, 70:1010-1022.
- Sousa, F. L., Veríssimo, A. F., Baptista, A. M., Soulimane, T.,
Teixeira, M., Pereira, M. M. (2008) Redox properties of Thermus
thermophilus ba3: different electron-proton
coupling in oxygen reductases? Biophys. J. 94:2434-2441.
- Rocco, A. G., Mollica, L., Ricchiuto, P., Baptista, A. M.,
Gianazza, E., Eberini, I. (2008) Characterization of the protein
unfolding process induced by urea and temperature. Biophys. J.
- Eberini, I., Rocco, A. G., Ientile, A. R., Baptista, A. M.,
Gianazza, E., Tomaselli, S., Molinari, H., Ragona, L. (2008)
Conformational and dynamics changes induced by bile acids binding to
chicken liver bile acid binding protein. Proteins,
- Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2008) Acidic range titration of
HEWL using a constant-pH molecular dynamics method. Proteins,
- Veríssimo, A. F., Sousa, F. L., Baptista, A. M., Teixeira, M.,
Pereira. M. M. (2008) Thermodynamic redox behavior of the heme centers
in A-type heme-copper oxygen reductases: comparison between the two
subfamilies. Biophys. J. 95:4448-4455.
- Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2009) Molecular Dynamics at
Constant pH and Reduction Potential: Application to
Cytochrome c3. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
- Victor, B. L., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2009) Dioxygen and
nitric oxide pathways and affinity to the catalytic site of
rubredoxin:oxygen oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio gigas.
J. Biol. Inorg. Chem.
- Campos, S. R. R., Baptista, A. M. (2009) Conformational analysis
in a multidimensional energy landscape: study of an arginylglutamate
repeat. J. Phys. Chem. B,
- Oliveira, A. S. F., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2010)
Insights into the molecular mechanism of an ABC transporter:
conformational changes in the NBD dimer of MJ0796.
J. Phys. Chem. B,
- Machuqueiro, M., Campos, S. R. R., Soares, C. M., Baptista,
A. M. (2010) Membrane-induced conformational changes of kyotorphin
revealed by molecular dynamics simulations. J. Phys. Chem. B,
- Campos, S. R. R., Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2010)
Constant-pH molecular dynamics simulations reveal a β-rich form
of the human prion protein. J. Phys. Chem. B,
- Oliveira, A. S. F., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2011)
Conformational changes induced by ATP-hydrolysis in an ABC
transporter: A molecular dynamics study of the Sav1866 exporter.
- Lousa, D., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2011) Structural
determinants of ligand imprinting: A molecular dynamics simulation
study of subtilisin in aqueous and apolar solvents. Prot. Sci,
- Filipe, L. C. S., Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2011)
Unfolding the Conformational Behavior of Peptide Dendrimers: Insights
from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
- Damas, J. M., Oliveira, A. S. F., Baptista, A. M., Soares,
C. M. (2011) Structural consequences of ATP hydrolysis on the ABC
transporter NBD dimer: Molecular dynamics studies of
HlyB. Prot. Sci.
- Oliveira, A. S. F., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2011)
Exploring the inter-domain communication mechanisms in an ABC
importer: A molecular dynamics study of the MBP-MalFGK2
complex. PLoS Comput. Biol.,
- Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2011) Is the prediction of
pKa values by constant-pH molecular dynamics being
hindered by inherited problems? Proteins,
- Alexov, E., Mehler, E. L., Baker, N., Baptista, A. M., Huang, Y.,
Milletti, F., Nielsen, J. E., Farrell, D., Carstensen, T., Olsson,
M. H. M., Shen, J. K., Warwicker, J., Williams, S., Word, J. M. (2011)
Progress in the prediction of pKa values in
proteins. Proteins,
- Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M. (2012) Simulation of multihaem
cytochromes. FEBS Lett.
- Lousa, D., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2011) Analyzing the
molecular basis of enzyme stability in ethanol/water mixtures using
molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Inf. Model.
- Vila-Viçosa, D., Campos, S. R. R., Baptista, A. M.,
Machuqueiro, M. (2012) Reversibility of prion misfolding: insights
from constant-pH molecular dynamics
Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. B,
- Mateus, P., Delgado, R., Groves, P., Campos, S. R. R., Baptista,
A. M., Brandão, P., Felix, V. (2012) Water encapsulation in a
polyoxapolyaza macrobicyclic compound. J. Org. Chem. B,
- Victor, B. L., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2012) Structural
determinants for the membrane insertion of the transmembrane peptide
of hemagglutinin from influenza virus. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 52:
- Lousa, D., Cianci, M., Helliwell, J. R., Halling, P. J.,
Baptista, A. M., Soares C. M. (2012) Interaction of counterions with
subtilisin in acetonitrile: insights from molecular dynamics
simulations, J. Phys. Chem. B,
- Lousa, D., Cianci, M., Helliwel, Baptista, A. M., Soares
C. M. (2013) A molecular perspective on nonaqueous biocatalysis:
contributions from simulation studies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
- Damas, J. M., Filipe, L. C. S., Campos, S. R. R., Lousa, D.,
Victor, B. L., Baptista, A. M., Soares (2013) Predicting the
thermodynamics and kinetics of helix formation in a cyclic peptide
model. J. Chem. Theory Comput.
- Carvalheda, C. A., Campos, S. R. R., Machuqueiro, M., Baptista,
A. M. (2013) Structural effects of pH and deacylation on surfactant
protein C in an organic solvent mixture: a constant-pH MD
study. J. Chem. Inf. Model.
- Filipe, L. C. S., Machuqueiro, M., Darbre, T., Baptista,
A. M. (2013) Unraveling the conformational determinants of peptide
dendrimers using molecular dynamics
simulations. Macromolecules,
- Barros, D. P. C., Campos, S. R. R., Madeira, P. P., Azevedo,
A. M., Baptista, A. M., Aires-Barros, M. R. (2014) Modelling the
partitioning of amino acids in aqueous two phase
systems. J. Chromatogr. A, 1329:
- Teixeira, V. H., Vila-Viçosa, D., Baptista, A. M.,
Machuqueiro, M. (2014) Protonation of DMPC in a bilayer environment
using a linear response approximation. J. Chem. Theory Comput.
- Damas, J. M., Baptista, A. M., Soares, C. M. (2014) The pathway
for O2 diffusion inside CotA laccase and possible
implications on the multicopper oxidases family. J. Chem. Theory
- Oliveira, A. S. F., Damas, J. M., Baptista, A. M., Soares,
C. M. (2014) Exploring O2 diffusion in A-type
cytochrome c oxidases: molecular dynamics simulations uncover
two alternative channels towards the binuclear site. PLoS
Comput. Biol. 10:
- Vila-Viçosa, D., Teixeira, V. H., Santos, H. A. F.,
Baptista, A. M., Machuqueiro, M. (2014) Treatment of ionic strength in
biomolecular simulations of charged lipid bilayers. J. Chem. Theory
Comput. 10:
- Correia, M., Snabe, T., Thiagarajan, V., Petersen, S. B., Campos,
S. R. R., Baptista, A. M., Neves-Petersen, M. T. (2015) Photonic
Activation of Plasminogen induced by low dose UVB. PLOS ONE,
- Magalhães, P. R., Machuqueiro, M., Baptista, A. M. (2015)
Constant-pH molecular dynamics study of kyotorphin in an explicit
bilayer. Biophys. J. 108: 2282.
- Vila-Viçosa, D., Teixeira, V. H., Baptista, A. M.,
Machuqueiro, M. (2015) Constant-pH MD simulations of an oleic acid
bilayer. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11:
- Carvalheda, C. A., Campos, S. R. R., Baptista, A. M. (2015)
Structural effects of pH and deacylation on surfactant protein C in an
organic solvent mixture: a constant-pH MD study. J. Chem. Inf.
Model. 55:
- Santos, H. A. F., Vila-Viçosa, D., Teixeira, V. H.,
Baptista, A. M., Machuqueiro, M. (2015) Constant-pH MD simulations of
DMPA/DMPC bilayers. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11: 5973.
- Campos, S. R. R., Iranzo, O., Baptista, A. M. (2016) Constant-pH
MD simulations portray the protonation and structural behavior of four
decapeptides designed to coordinate Cu2+. J. Phys.
Chem. 120: 1080.
- Conceição, K., Magalhães, P. R., Campos,
S. R. R., Domingues, M. M., Ramu, V. G., Michalek, M., Bertani, P.,
Baptista, A. M., Heras, M., Bardaji, E. R., Bechinger, B., Lopes
Ferreira, M., Castanho, M. A. R. B. (2015) The anti-inflammatory
action of the analgesic kyotorphin neuropeptide derivatives: insights
of a lipid-mediated mechanism. Amino Acids, 48:
- Oliveira, A. S. F., Campos, S. R. R., Baptista, A. M., Soares,
C. M. (2016) Coupling between protonation and conformation in
cytochrome c oxidase: insights from constant-pH MD simulations.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Bioenerg. 1857: 759.
- Filipe, L. C. S., Campos, S. R. R., Machuqueiro, M., Darbre, T.,
Baptista, A. M. (2016) Structuring peptide dendrimers through pH
modulation and substrate binding. J. Phys. Chem. B, 120:
- Barros, D. P. C., Campos, S. R. R., Azevedo, A. M., Baptista,
A. M., Aires-Barros, M. R. (2016) Predicting protein partition
coefficients in aqueous two phase system. J. Chromatogr. A,
1470: 50.
- Filipe, L. C. S., Machuqueiro, M., Darbre, T., Baptista,
A. M. (2016) Exploring the structural properties of positively charged
peptide dendrimers. J. Phys. Chem. B, 120: 10138.
- Magalhães, P. R., Oliveira, A. S. F., Campos, S. R. R.,
Soares, C. M., Baptista, A. M. (2017) Effect of a pH gradient on the
protonation states of cytochrome oxidase: A continuum electrostatics
study. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 57: 256.