The international Interbio Symposium ‘Frontiers in Protein Research' will take place at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB) from 5-7 May 2011. In the unique setting of the town of Oeiras, located at the Tagus river mouth and the Estoril beach coast, just outside Lisbon, this meeting will cover recent progresses in different areas of protein research. Gathering mainly experts working within one of the nodes of the Interbio network, this 3-days symposium is organised in five thematic sections whose broad coverage will highlight the unique challenges of the protein world in biological sciences, biomedicine and technological applications. The main goals for this meeting are the promotion of scientific excellence within Interbio, strengthening collaborations and interactions and the increase of visibility of Interbio and capacity to attract students. For the purpose we have up to 10 free slots for Interbio speakers selected from participants, poster sessions with awards, and plenty of interaction time for interchanges. The five invited speakers outside the Interbio network will contribute to increase the visibility of the Interbio collaborative network, and the meeting is open to participants outside Interbio. Please visit the symposium web site for the full scientific and social program. Remember that the success of Interbio is in your hands, so please bring this event to the attention of colleagues within your node. We look forward to seeing you in Oeiras Cláudio M. Gomes & Miguel Teixeira, Chairs Organising committee: C. Gomes, M. Teixeira, A. Sanchez, A. Veiga, L. Conceição Images from the symposium: 