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Meeting Dinner

The "10th ITQB Nova PhD Student's Meeting" Dinner will be held at Caravela D'Ouro, in Algés, in the last day of the meeting, 24th of January at 20h00. During dinner, best oral and poster presentations will be awarded. The dinner is sponsored by Câmara Municipal de Oeiras.

A symbolic value of 3€ will be charged and this will be donated to Associação Família Solidária de Oeiras (AFSO).


       Why AFSO?

The mission of AFSO is to engage the community, in order to help the families which are facing sudden economic needs, and are not the target of any other social support system. The AFSO is focused in the “New Poverty” – people who always worked, but currently, are living with economic difficulties due to several reasons, including unemployment, disease, accident, divorce or bankruptcy.

The AFSO has 50 volunteers and 250 solidary families, giving food support to about 20 disadvantaged families per month.

For more information please visit their website:

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