Dissertation Submission
Number of copies:
1 PDF of the thesis.
Dissertations' submission deadline (students enrolled on 2023/2024) - 30.09.2024
Documents for Master Thesis defense:
- Request form for public defense of Master thesis (Template)
- Dissertation title (Template)
- Proposal for Main Opponent (Template)
- CV
- Copy of ID card or passport
- Declaration from supervisor and co-supervisor, or supervisor link supporting the Master Defense of the student (if there is one).
- Authorization for deposit in the NOVA University Repository (Template)
- Student Declaration about the dissertation (Template)
- Supervisor and Cosupervisor declaration about the dissertation (Template)
The date for Master thesis defense will be set after thesis approval by the jury.
Note: The Master thesis should be written according to ITQB NOVA rules for Master Dissertations including covers and cover spine.
Teresa Catarino (teresa.catarino@fct.unl.pt)
Scientific Commission
ITQB NOVA: Pedro Matias (matias@itqb.unl.pt)
FCT NOVA: Teresa Catarino (teresa.catarino@fct.unl.pt)
NMS | FCM: António Sebastião Rodrigues (sebastiao.rodrigues@fcm.unl.pt)
Pedagogical Comission
Maria Teresa Nunes Mangas Catarino (coordenadora do MBpS)
Maria Alice Santos Pereira (Professora Auxiliar da FCT)
Ana Maria de Jesus Bispo Varela Coelho (Investigadora do ITQB)
Rita Isabel Carvalho Teixeira (matriculada no 1º ano do MBpS)
Cláudia Margarida Malta Luís (matriculada no 2º ano do MBpS)