Research Training II
Cristina Pereira
Other Lectures
Margarida Archer, Paula Gonçalves, Anjos Macedo and all the other professors of the “Molecular Biosciences” PhD programme
- To write a well-structured and scientifically sound PhD Research Plan, stating clearly the objectives, the tasks involved and the timeline.
- To defend the content and the research strategy and associated methodologies described in the research plan in a public discussion session
In this Curricular Unit the students will study relevant bibliography, reflect on and examine the proposed research subject, considering the relative merits and possible drawbacks of the various approaches, in light of present knowledge on the subject area. As a result, the students will be prepared to 1) write a well-structured and scientifically sound PhD research plan, stating clearly the objectives, the state of the art, the tasks involved and the timeline, 2) make a comprehensive oral presentation of the PhD research plan and 3) defend the content and strategy therein described in a public discussion.
The CU coordinators will evaluate the performance of the student on the final oral presentation and discussion according to the following criteria:
- -Consistency and feasibility of the plan
- -Overall quality of the presentation (structure, accuracy, clarity)
- Proficiency demonstrated during the discussion
- Comprehension of the working plan and know-how about the methodologies/techniques involved
- Knowledge about related literature and other research studies
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