Modern Strategies in Plant Breeding
Maria Carlota Vaz Patto
Manuel Pedro Fevereiro
- Understanding the importance (current challenges) and multidisciplinary (most relevant areas of knowledge) of plant breeding.
- Basic concepts in plant breeding and evolution factors.
- Knowledge of modern methods of plant breeding and the various tools currently available.
- Basic knowledge necessary to investigate and solve current problems whose solution depends on plant breeding.
- It is intended that the student understands the potential of plant breeding to address global pressures (current and expected at short-medium term), and is able to identify the most appropriate tools to address the improvement goals.
- The concept of plant breeding, the growing need for improved plants and the interdisciplinary bases of breeding.
- Plant breeding along time – the most important milestones.
- Development of variability and breeding materials.
- Objectives of improvement (for short, medium and long term).
- Conventional breeding methods (autogamous species vs. allogamous, selection indexes, hybrid seeds and mutagenesis)
- Modern breeding techniques (general aspects of molecular tools, somaclonal variation, haplodization, somatic hybridization, genetic engineering)
- Molecular markers in genetic studies (diversity, genetic maps and linkage analyses, mapping QTLs, location of genes and genomics-genetics)
- Marker assisted selection (pedigree analysis, selection of major genes, QTLs selection, selection of the complete genome)
- Genomic Analysis (synteny and collinearity, mapping by association or linkage disequilibrium)
The evaluation will be based on an oral and written presentation of a topic chosen by the student from among those proposed for research. The performance during the tutorials, in a trend of continuous assessment by the tutor, will also be considered.
Main Bibliography
Bradshaw J.E. (2016) “Plant Breeding: Past, Present and Future”. Springer (693).
Acquaah G. (2012) “Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding”. Wiley-Blackwell (740 pp.).
Brown J., Caligari P.D.S., Campos H.A. (2014) “Plant Breeding”. Wiley Blakwell Publishing (278 pp.).
Henry R.J. (2012) “Molecular Markers in Plants”. Wiley-Blackwell (210 pp.)
Xu Y. (2010) Molecular Plant Breeding”. Cabi International (734 pp.).