Students Presentations
Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy
Within their PhD studies, and integrated in the Curricular Unit "Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy", ten students were challenged to prepare Power Point presentations that could illustrate topics of interest for highschool teachers and students.
The topics were prepared having in mind the public to be addressed.
The presentations made in 2016 are available as PPT, including some notes for the presentation and a few references for further reading. The seven presentations from 2017 are identical, but still only available in English and without auxiliary notes. However they will be soon updated with notes and Portuguese versions.
All presentations can be downloaded and further improved or detailed:
1. Carlos Moreira
[ENGLISH] Biotech Plants Two Different Visions and their Implications in Global Trading - 2. Davide Martins
[ENGLISH] Intellectual Property in Plant Biotechnology
- 3. Filipa Lara
[ENGLISH] Genome editing to breed better plants
- 4. Pedro Carvalho
[ENGLISH] Plant Biotechnology and Plant Breeder’s Rights: - What is fair and needed?
- 5. Rui Martins
[ENGLISH] Plant Biotechnology in Africa - an emerging trend?
- 6. Sara Tedesco
[ENGLISH] Micropropagation Using micro techniques for large scale plant propagation
- 7. Stefano Nones
[ENGLISH] Genetically Modified Trees for Industrial Purposes: How can we best use them?
- 1. Susana Lopes
[ENGLISH] Plant Breeding across times – Challenges and achievements
[PORTUGUÊS] Melhoramento de plantas através dos tempos - 2. Hélia Sales
[ENGLISH] Plant Biotechnology – Why and how, in simple words
[PORTUGUÊS] Biotecnologia vegetal como e porquê
- 3. André Folgado
[ENGLISH] Molecular Farming – Basics of green living factories
[PORTUGUÊS] Agricultura molecular - O essencial das fábricas vivas - 4. Chandra Misra
[ENGLISH] GM plants and health issues – A subject of concern?
[PORTUGUÊS] Plantas transgénicas e saúde - 5. Ana Rodrigues
[ENGLISH] Biofortification – Fighting the hidden hunger
[PORTUGUÊS] Biofortificacao - a luta contra a fome oculta - 7. Inês Luís
[ENGLISH] Biotech plants for environmental sustainability – Making a better world
[PORTUGUÊS] Plantas biotecnológicas para ambiente sustentavel - 8. Luis Andrade
[ENGLISH] Bt-plants – Fighting insects with bacterial weapons
[PORTUGUÊS] Planta Bt - 9. Margarida Sampaio
[ENGLISH] Engineering virus-resistance – Can we vaccinate a plant?
[PORTUGUÊS] Vacinar plantas para resistir a virus - 10. Inês Modesto
[ENGLISH] Empowering the "thirsty" plants – Ways for drought-tolerance...
[PORTUGUÊS] Plantas com sede - tolerância a seca - 11. Bruno Peixoto
[ENGLISH] Plant biotechnology for the XXIst Century – The socio-economic must
[PORTUGUÊS] Biotecnologia vegetal para século XXI - dever sócio económico
This Curricular Unit is offered to the ITQB NOVA PhD Programs funded by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology):
- International PhD Program "Plants for Life"
And the students were funded through these programs, or directly through FCT, or still in a mix manner (through FCT and a private company).
"Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy" curricular unit aims to give students the training and information necessary to understand modern plant biotechnology in the context of current and future global needs and challenges. It aims to provide information on different strategies available to obtain products and services more quickly, more accurately, and overcoming the difficulties posed by plant biological systems. The students should acquire/deepen a critical view about the problems of the worldwide implementation of plant biotechnology strategies, to address the needs of the growing population while ensuring sustainability. The discipline covers various areas of plant research for food, feed, energy, pharmaceuticals and raw materials/industrial products.
Acknowledgements are due to several colleagues due to their mentorship in some subjects [Carlota Vaz Patto (ITQB NOVA); Rita Abranches (ITQB NOVA); Rita Batista (INSA); Marta Vasconcelos (ESB-UCP); Célia Miguel (iBET), Nelson Saibo (ITQB NOVA), Pedro Fevereiro (FCUL, ITQB NOVA), Marta Ribeiro (ITQB NOVA), Eugénia Almeida (INIAV); Ana Sofia Almeida (INIAV)], and to invited colleagues for their valuable inputs during the students public presentations (Teresa Capell, Paul Christou, Piet van der Linde and Joana Lobo Antunes).
The coordinator: M. Margarida Oliveira