“Diversity of career paths in science”
September 19th, 14-15'30h
ITQB NOVA, Auditorium
During this afternoon we will approach the different career paths in science that postdocs can follow as alternatives to academia.
We will start with a hybrid session entitled “Diversity of career paths in science” organized by Ana Gomes (LS4FUTURE) in which three invited speaker will show their career paths in a 10 min. talk followed by a Round Table discussion opened to everybody.
- Miguel Leal, CEO and Co-founder of Science Crunchers
- Inês Tenente, consultant at BETA-i
- Andreas Klaus, Data Engineer at Rancho BioSciences
To finish this section we will count on the talk of Marta Ribeiro (Innovation and Technology Transfer Consultant) about her own career path and current projects.