7-9th July, 2006
Local Organising Committee
Phil A. Jackson (Oeiras, PT)
Scientific Organising Committee
Phil A. Jackson (Oeiras, PT)
Andrew Smith (Sussex, UK)
Roger N.F. Thorneley (Norwich, UK)
Karen Welinder (Aalborg, DK)
Christian Obinger (Vienna, AT)
Manuel Acosta (Murcia, Spain)
Alfonso Ros Barceló (Murcia, Spain)
Stephen G. Sligar (Illinois, USA)
Paul Ortiz de Montellano (UCSF, USA)
This satellite meeting aims to provide a platform for the exploration
and dissemination of current aspects of research into peroxidases. The
programme topics include protein structure, enzymology, genetics and expression,
as well as functional aspects of peroxidases in development and stress.