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[Course] Exploit the power of the European computer grid infrastructure for Structural Biology

Tutorial session

When 31 Mar, 2014 from
11:00 am to 06:00 pm
Where Room 2.13
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Exploit the power of the European computer grid infrastructure for Structural Biology

Tutorial session

What are e-infrastructures?

E-infrastructures allow scientists to transparently use computing resources around the globe, share information securely, analyze data efficiently and collaborate with colleagues worldwide. They are an essential part of modern scientific research and a driver for economic growth.
Portugal is an active partner of European Grid Initiative through the Portuguese National Grid Initiate. Together with Spain, Portugal is one of the top-5 resource providers for EGI. The Portuguese National Grid Initiative has as main objective the establishment of a scientific network for sharing of computing resources and expertise towards the support of flagship communities with strategic importance to the country.

What is this tutorial added value?

This tutorial provides a basic introduction to EGI grid technologies focused on specific Structural Biology and Biophysics applications.
The tutorial will consist of a introduction public seminar followed by two hands-on sessions:



 "Computing E-infrastructures in Life Sciences"
(open to all session).


 Hands-on session with WeNMR web portal (GROMACS/HADDOCK/AMBAR job submissions)


 Hands-on session with linux command line interface (User customized GROMACS job submissions via a linux command client tool).


  • Participants should bring their own laptops with a valid ssh client tool installed (PUTTY or similar).
  • For further details, please consult the tutorial Programme or contact us.
  • The hands-on sessions are limited to the capacity of the available rooms.
    Therefore, we require participants to register in advance.
  • Registration will be opened until 24th March 2014. However, please note that Hands-on sessions are limited to 20 participants.


After this tutorial, users will be prepared to launch and execute generic applications on EGI infrastructure and take profit from the wide variety of resources and platforms available from the EGI ecosystem.


  • Gonçalo Borges: is a researcher in advanced computing at LIP. He is the Portuguese NGI Liasion with EGI, the technical support contact for the Portuguese researchers and the EGI operations coordinator for Portuguese and Spanish resource centres.
  • Afonso Duarte: is a Biophysicist at ITQB, working on Structural Biology of proteins. He is a European Grid Initiative Champion for the fields of Structural Biology and Biophysics.

Who can attend?

Anyone. However, please note that participants should have basic knowledge of reference dynamic model applications (e.g. GROMACS, AMBER, HADDOCK) as well as basic knowledge of linux bash environments. For further details, please consult the tutorial Programme

How much will it cost?

The tutorial is free. However, the hands-on sessions are limited to the capacity of the rooms (20 people).

For any question or doubt regarding the tutorial, please contact us via the following email:

Course Website


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