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Protein Data Bank roadshow

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All you ever wanted to know about the PDB but didn’t know who to ask

When 05 May, 2011 from
09:00 am to 05:30 pm
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The European Bioinformatics Institute is presenting a roadshow on the Protein Data Bank right here at ITQB in Oeiras on 5 May, 2011.

The roadshow will be presented by Sameer Velankar, who has extensive experience in PDB annotation, and is currently a scientific officer with responsibility for data content and integration for the PDBe. The presentation is suitable for students, post-docs and scientists who work with structural information in biology.

This workshop will be a combination of presentations and handson tutorials.

The topics to be covered are:

  1. Introduction to the PDB
  2. Data validation
  3. PISA - assembly determination for crystal structures
  4. PDBeFold - Searching and aligning protein structures by secondary structure matching
  5. Hands-on Tutorials

If you have anything in particular you want to hear about, that can be covered too, particularly if you let us know in advance.

A wireless internet connection will be provided. Please bring your laptop/notebook for the tutorial session.

Please RSVP before May 2, 2011 to Pedro Matias ( – places are limited.

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