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[Workshop] Advanced organ-on-chip methods coupled to advanced microscopy training

MPS_NOVA Training Workshop

When 05 Nov, 2024 09:30 AM to
15 Nov, 2024 05:30 PM
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Advanced organ-on-chip methods coupled to advanced microscopy training

This MPS_NOVA Twinning training workshop will provide participants with an overview and hands-on training in best practices to assemble organ-on-chip (such as cell seeding, maintenance and viability monitoring, fluid handling, and compound testing). Chips generated will be prepared for microscopy analysis, performed jointly with ‘Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Image Processing’ . The synergy between organ-on-chip, and state-of-the-art microscopy allows for multi-parametric analysis of the spatiotemporal organization of specific molecular events at the single-cell level in near-native conditions.

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