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[iNOVA4Health Seminar] A Patient Immune Journey: from Immune Memory to Target Identification and Biotherapeutic Design

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Elisabetta Traggiai

When 11 Feb, 2025 from
02:30 pm to 03:30 pm
Where ITQB NOVA Auditorium
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Title: A Patient Immune Journey: from Immune Memory to Target Identification and Biotherapeutic Design

Speaker: Elisabetta Traggiai

From: Executive Director Immunogenicity & Mechanistic Immunology Unit, Biologics Research Center (BRC) Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland

Abstract: Human B lymphocytes play a central role in many autoimmune disorders due to their multiple functionalities such as antigen presentation, cytokines an antibodies secretion and immunological memory. Pathogenic B cells identification in autoimmune diseases, is becoming key to understand how current B cell modulation therapies are working and to design tailored therapy aimed at better targeting root causes of the disease. We have been investigating the humoral and cellular memory autoreactive repertoire in idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN) to identify pathogenic B cell and their possible role in the disease course.

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