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Membrane proteins involved in extracellular electron transfer


When 29 Sep, 2022 from
02:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Where Online
Contact Name Américo Duarte and Catarina M. Paquete
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Scope: This online meeting aims to highlight current advances in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated with energy metabolism and electron transfer processes from microorganisms that are suited for biotechnological applications, focusing particularly on membrane associated proteins. Detailed knowledge of these mechanisms is essential to rationally use and improve these organisms is order to address current energy problems. 
This meeting will also offer the opportunity to discuss current state-of-the-art in the electromicrobiology field with experienced and young scientists, exploring options for novel collaborations and identify future directions of research within the field.


  • Tom Clarke, University of East Anglia - United Kingdom 
  • Marcus Edwards, University of Essex - United Kingdom
  • Catarina M. Paquete, ITQB-NOVA – Portugal
  • Andreas Schramm, Aarhus University – Denmark
  • Américo G. Duarte, ITQB-NOVA – Portugal
  • Lucian Staicu, University of Warsaw - Poland

Registration: The symposium has no attendance fee, but registration is required. 

“Membrane proteins involved in extracellular electron transfer” is a mini-symposium organized by researchers from ITQB-NOVA (Lisbon-Portugal) within the scope of the project GeobactEnergy (PTDC/BIA-BQM/29118/207) funded by FCT.

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