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MPS NOVA Kick-off Meeting

European Hub of Excellence in Microphysiological Systems

When 07 Nov, 2024 09:00 AM to
08 Nov, 2024 05:00 PM
Where ITQB NOVA Auditorium
Contact Name Sarela Santamarina
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MPS NOVA is a TWINNING proposal led by the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB NOVA) in collaboration with NOVA Medical School (NMS). MPS NOVA aims to establish a European Hub of Excellence in Microphysiological Systems (MPS) fuelled by pluripotent stem cell technologies to strengthen UNL´s Research and Innovation capacity.

MPS NOVA is centered on two key pillars:

I. the study of mechanisms of chronic diseases

II. the study of mechanisms of host-microbe interactions.

MPS NOVA brings together (i) in-house strong expertise in diverse biomedical research models at UNL; (ii) pioneering research in MPS systems at Universitätsklinikum Jena (UKJ, Germany); (iii) cutting-edge pluripotent stem cell technologies at Fondazione Human Technopole (FHT, Italy), and (iv) advanced integrative metabolomics and proteomics adapted to MPS at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC, Germany).


download MPS_NOVA Program.pdf



Day 1 - Nov 7th – ITQB NOVA

09:00 Management Check-In – Welcome Meet and Greet (8th floor)
09:30 Management meeting of MPS_NOVA Consortium (8th floor) (includes Coffee break)
12:30 Management Lunch (8th floor)
13:00 Participants Check-In (ITQB NOVA front desk)
14:00 MPS_NOVA Twinning Opening
       Raquel Sá Leão (ITQB Vice-Dean)
14:10 MPS_NOVA general introduction
       Sarela Santamarina, Cláudia Santos

Session: Partners’ expertise in Microphysiological Systems

  Chairs: Sarela Santamarina, Cláudia Santos
14:30 Organ-on-Chip for Dissecting Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interaction
       Alexander Mosig, UKJ
15:15 Organoids to Model Human Brain Development and Brain Diseases
       Agnieszka Rybak-Wolf, MDC
16:00 The First Italian Platform for Disease Modelling
       Giovanni Faga, Jacopo Zasso, FHT
16:45 Coffee break & Poster Session
17:15 State-of-art knowledge in Organ-on-Chip for Chronic Diseases, Host-Microbe Interactions Research, and the Translational Potential of MPS and Stem Cells in Therapeutic Developments.
       Leads: Alexander Mosig, UKJ
       Participants: Elena Martínez, Martin Raasch, Inês Figueira, Paul Wilmes
18:30 Cocktail & Poster Session
20:00 Dinner at Casa da Dizima, Paço de Arcos

Day 2 – Nov 8th – ITQB NOVA


Session: Brains in a Dish: Organoids & Chips


Chair: Miguel Seabra, NOVA Medical School

09:00 Participants Check-In
09:30 Twinning on MPS to determine how Alzheimer’s-linked Endosomal Trafficking Defects cause Synapse Dysfunction
     Claudia Almeida, NOVA Medical School
09:45 MPS for disclosing Molecular Nutrition Benefits toward Brain Health
     Inês Figueira, NOVA Medical School
10:00 Exploring Carotid Body Connections using MPS
       Fatima Martins, NOVA Medical School
10:15 Advancing Chronic Disease Research through MPS_NOVA: Bridging Drosophila and Human Models
       Catarina Homem, NOVA Medical School
10:30 Innate Immune Microenvironments in Disease and Therapeutic Response
       Catarina Brito, ITQB NOVA
10:45 Advancing Retinal Disease Models Through Retinal Organoids
       Sandra Tenreiro, NOVA Medical School
11:00 Coffee break & Poster Session

Session: Advances in Skin Microphysiological Systems

  Chair: Cristina Silva Pereira, ITQB NOVA
11:30 Staphylococci and Skin Interactions during Health and Disease
       Maria Miragaia, ITQB NOVA
11:45 Reconstructed Skin Models in Pigmentation and Cutaneous Melanoma Research
       Duarte Barral, NOVA Medical School
12:00 3D-Reconstructed Human Epidermis Models: towards more Realistic Environments for developing Antimicrobials that preserve a Balanced Skin Microbiome
       Ana Coelho, ITQB NOVA
12:15 Controlling Aspergillus Fumigatus Core Endohyphal Bacteria to Hinder the Fungal Host Pathogenicity
       Cristina Silva Pereira, ITQB NOVA
12:30 Lunch, room 2.13

Session: Advances in Microphysiological Systems for Other Organs


Chair: Duarte Barral, NOVA Medical School

14:00 Potential application of the organ-on-chip platform for testing new therapeutic strategies in Breast Cancer by targeting immunosuppressive neutrophils
       Guadalupe Cabral, NOVA Medical School
14:15 Novel model systems to study the interaction between Bilophila wadsworthia and the host
       Andreia Pimenta, ITQB NOVA
14:30 Clostridioides difficile spores are toxin delivery vehicles
       Adriano Henriques, ITQB NOVA
14:45 Exploring host-microbe interactions with Listeria monocytogenes using microphysiological systems
       José Andrade, ITQB NOVA
15:00 Human Liver Organoids for Investigating Inflammation in Chronic Metabolic Liver Disease
       Michel Kranendonk, NOVA Medical School
15:15 Using Nasopharyngeal Organoids to Study Streptococcus pneumoniae Colonization, Viral Interactions, and Biofilm Formation
       Raquel Sá-Leão, ITQB NOVA
15:30 Coffee Break

Advisory Board Round Table

  Chairs: Cláudia Santos, Sarela Santamarina
16:00        Bruno Pereira, i3S Porto, Portugal
       Elena Martínez, IBEC, Spain
       Martin Raasch, Dynamic 42, Germany
       Paula Alves, IBET, Portugal
       Paul Wilmes, University of Luxembourg
17:00 Closing Remarks
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