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[PhD Thesis in Neurosciences] Elena Maria Daniela Collins

The neural control of gait switching in larval zebrafish

When 21 Feb, 2025 from
02:30 pm to 05:30 pm
Where Fundação Champalimaud
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Provas de Doutoramento em Neurociências

PhD Thesis Discussion in Neuroscience


Mestre / MSc.: Elena Maria Daniela Collins


Título / Title: "The neural control of gait switching in larval zebrafish"


Presidente do Júri ( President of the Jury ):

- Doutora Carlota Vaz Patto, Investigadora Principal do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica  António Xavier da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, por delegação;


Vogais ( Members of the Jury ):

- Doutora Kristen Severi, Assistant Professor & Principal Investigator da New Jersey Institute of Technology, Estados Unidos da América;

− Doutor Boris Chagnaud, Principal Investigator na University of Graz, Áustria;

− Doutor Michael B Orger, Principal Investigator na Champalimaud Foundation (supervisor);

− Doutora Corinna Gebehart, Post-doctoral Research Fellow na Champalimaud Foundation;

− Doutor Jorge Ramirez, Post-doctoral Research Fellow na Champalimaud Foundation.

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