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[SCAN] Fungi and Plants – How they perceive each other!

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Carlos Moreira

When 02 Oct, 2024 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where ITQB NOVA Auditorium
Contact Name Sandra Viegas
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Title: Fungi and Plants – How they perceive each other!

Speaker: Carlos Moreira

Affiliation: Applied and Environmental Mycology, ITQB NOVA

Abstract: Fungi and Plants have for long been involved in a plethora of established relationships, either beneficial or harmful, with direct impact in their development. Evolution led them to acquire mechanisms to perceive each other and respond/adapt accordingly. My work is focused on how plants perceive attack by fungal pathogens, specifically how plant defensive barriers mediate host-pathogen interactions, using damage associated molecules to activate immune responses. Moreover, from the perspective of the fungus, how the same source of signals is perceived as a trigger for developmental changes impacting host invasion and fungal growth.


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