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[Seminar] From enzymes to materials: Insights into electrocatalytic reactions by in-situ vibrational-spectroelectrochemistry

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Inez Weidinger

When 26 Mar, 2025 from
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Where Room 3.19
Contact Name Smilja Todorovic
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Title: From enzymes to materials: Insights into electrocatalytic reactions by in-situ vibrational-spectroelectrochemistry

Speaker: Inez Weidinger

From: Institute of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Abstract: The unrivaled complex and selective functionality of biological systems is based on a precisely defined sequence of electron transfer, proton movement, conformational changes and chemical transformation. Molecularly defined synthetic materials have also the potential to enable such complex chemical reactions with high selectivity. In contrast to their biological counterparts, however, synthetic systems can be produced in many different ways using different molecular units and coupling reactions. In order to design such materials efficiently, it is crucial to understand their reaction pathways and processes under working conditions. Such insight can be gained through in-situ vibrational spectroscopy, which provides information about chemical bonds at the atomic level. In combination with electrochemistry, this technique enables the investigation of redox-driven chemical reactions [1]. Obtaining vibrational spectra is easy to accomplish in many cases, but interpreting the data is a major challenge. In my talk, I will therefore show how the application of electrochemical data in combination with Raman scattering, ATR-IR absorption and DFT calculations can shed light on the reaction pathways of molecular defined systems. Examples include electron-driven proton pumping of the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase [2], biomimetic porphyrin complexes [3] and selective photoelectrocatalytic acetylenic polymers [4].

 [1] H. K. Ly, I. M. Weidinger Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 2328-2342.

[2] F. Kruse, A. D. Nguyen, J. Dragelj, J. Heberle, P. Hildebrandt, M. Mroginski, I. M. Weidinger J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2021, 143, 2769-2776.

[3] M. Göbel, A. R. Ramuglia, E. Zhartovska, V. Budhija, K. H. Ly, M. A. Mroginski, M. Schwalbe, I. M. Weidinger J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 7624-7634

[4] M. Borrelli, Y. An, C. J. Querebillo, A. Morag, C. Neumann, A. Turchanin, H. Sun, A. Kuc, I. M. Weidinger, X. Feng ChemSusChem 2024, e202301170

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