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From oxylipins to retrograde signaling

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Katayoon Dehesh/ Plant Biology Department, UC Davis,USA

When 10 Jan, 2012 from
02:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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ITQB Seminar


Title: From oxylipins to retrograde signaling

Speaker: Katayoon Dehesh

Affiliation: Plant Biology Department, UC Davis,USA

Host: Nelson Saibo-Genomics of Plant Stress Laboratory


The hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) is one of the of main branches of the oxylipin-pathway, responsible for the production of stress-inducible compounds, predominantly C6 aldehydes and their derivatives, implicated as intra- and inter-plant stress-responsive signaling molecules. In an effort to gain insight to the nature of components coordinating expression of this stress-responsive nuclear-encoded plastid-localized protein, we generated transgenic plants (Col-0 background) verified to contain the promoter region upstream of the coding sequence of the HPL gene fused to LUC (PHPL::LUC) in conjunction with the 35S-deriven Basata as the selectable marker. Exposure of these transgenic plants to wide range of stresses determined that stress induces the HPL expression via the dynamic alteration of the levels of a plastidial metabolite.
The details of stress-mediated alteration of the metabolic flux of the plastidial pathway and its mode of function resulting to activation of HPL will be discussed.


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