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High-Resolution 1H Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy to Study Materials: Techniques and Applications

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Luís Mafra, CICECO / Aveiro University

When 19 Jun, 2008 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Room 2.13
Speaker(s) Luís Mafra
Associate Laboratory CICECO
Chemistry Department of Aveiro University
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Title: High-Resolution 1H Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy to Study Materials: Techniques and Applications

Speaker: Luís Mafra

Affiliation: Associate laboratory CICECO / Chemistry Department of Aveiro University


Probing the local environment of 1H nuclei is an important issue in materials science. The use of high-resolution 1H MAS techniques in solids is not a straightforward task, because specialised methodologies are needed. 1H MAS spectra suffer from low resolution due to the homogeneous broadening involving the strong 1H-1H homonuclear dipolar couplings, precluding relevant 1H chemical information from being obtained.
Here, I wish to present a comparison between different state of the art 1H-1H homonuclear decoupling sequences based on CRAMPS Spectroscopy methods, showing their efficiency in different materials (e.g., hybrid materias, small biomolecules, etc..)
Dr. Luís Mafra is one of the European leading scientists in the development of techniques for the acquisition of high-resolution 1H Solid-State NMR spectra. Having done its PhD thesis under the orientation of  Profs. João Rocha, Aveiro University and Christian Fernandez, Caen University (which was awarded with the Jean Perrin Prize), he is now a researcher of the associate laboratory CICECO and of the Chemistry Department of Aveiro University.




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