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[Plants for Life Seminar] Towards Understanding the Morphogenesis and Functionality of Phloem

When 04 Apr, 2019 from
02:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Where Auditorium
Contact Name Célia Miguel
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Title: Understanding the Morphogenesis and Functionality of Phloem

Speaker: Yrjo Helariutta

Affiliation: Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK

Abstract: During the recent years my laboratory has focused more and more on phloem development in the context of the morphogenesis of vascular tissues in plants. I am discussing this analysis from three different perspectives. Firstly, we have made progress in understanding the molecular control of patterning and differentiation of phloem. Secondly, as phloem is a tissue specialized in long-distance transport, we have characterizing the genetic basis of specific morphological features related to this cell-communication aspect. Finally, as phloem connects the source tissues to the sink tissues, I am describing our recent progress in understanding the role of phloem originating signals in controlling the sink identity.

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