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Post transcriptional regulation mediated by RNAs in Plants: how does it work under water deficit?

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Pedro Fevereiro, Plant Cell Biotechnology Lab

When 31 Mar, 2010 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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SCAN Seminar

Title: Post transcriptional regulation mediated by RNAs in Plants: how does it work under water deficit?

Speaker: Manuel Pedro Salema Fevereiro

Afilliation: Laboratory of Plant Cell Biotechnology


The first perception that RNA could have an important role in controlling protein accumulation was depicted in plants. Now a day it is a fancy area of research to analyze the post transcriptional regulation of different aspects of plant development and responses to environmental changes. I will briefly describe the known post transcriptional pathways mediated by small RNAs and describe what we have been founding about these mechanisms in a model legume (Medicago truncatula) subjected to water deficit.

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