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SCAN: Bioavailability: Studying pharmaceutical products

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Ana Luísa Simplício Head of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory

When 24 Nov, 2010 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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Title: Bioavailability: Studying pharmaceutical products

Speaker: Ana Luísa Simplício

Affiliation: Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutical Analysis



Before reaching its target, an army of therapeutic molecules endures an
unfair trip where many soldiers fall along the way due to a set of
obstacles masterly designed to keep or to kick them out of our body.

Drug developers resort to in vitro methods for studying those
phenomenons and finding ways to overcome them. In this presentation, we will
illustrate,with some projects running in our laboratory, how those methods can help
solving specific problems.


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