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[SCAN] How can Instruct-ERIC infrastructure boost my work?

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Margarida Archer

When 22 Jan, 2025 from
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm
Contact Name Sandra Viegas
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Title: How can Instruct-ERIC infrastructure boost my work?

Speaker: Margarida Archer

From: Membrane Protein Crystallography Laboratory, ITQB NOVA

Abstract: Instruct-ERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium that offers researchers access to advanced structural biology technologies and services. These range from sample preparation (such as protein production and nanobody discovery) to biomolecular analysis (like imaging, mass spectrometry, and molecular biophysics) and 3D analysis techniques (X-ray, NMR, and electron microscopy).

In this seminar I will provide an overview of the Instruct Consortium and its technology catalogue, guiding you through the Instruct platform to show how you can apply for access to cutting-edge technologies, whether through short research visits or remote access. I will also highlight opportunities for internships (3 to 6 months at an Instruct Centre in Europe), training (participation in specialized courses), and R&D calls (small-scale pilot research projects). The platform is also open to industry applications.

SCANs are weekly seminars that happen every Wednesday at noon by in-house researchers and invited speakers at ITQB NOVA.

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