SCAN:The translational applications of an Evolutionary Cell Biology
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José Pereira Leal Computational Genomics Laboratory, IGC
When |
06 Feb, 2013
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm |
Where | Auditorium |
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ITQB Scan Seminar
Title: The translational applications of an Evolutionary Cell Biology
Speaker: José Pereira Leal
Affiliation: Computational Genomics Laboratory &
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
At the Computational Genomics Laboratory@IGC we work at the intersection
between evolutionary and cell biology. We study the origins and mechanisms of
intracellular compartmentalisation, a feature of all cells, Eukaryotic and
Prokarotic. Our work so far has dealt with the origins of Eukaryotic
intracellular compartments and I will give a (very short) overview about our
activities on the origins of the endomembrane system, protein based organelles
and of bacterial-derived organelles. I will use this later type of compartments
to discuss some of the translational dimension of our work, specifically on the
use of evolutionary reasoning (adaptation!) to find new uses for old drugs. If
the audience is still awake, I will discuss where we want to head next, and in
particular the studying of bacterial intracellular compartmentalisation.