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[Seminar] Mycobacterial GroEL's: Moonlighting in Non-specific Binding

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Shekhar Mande, National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, INDIA

When 20 Dec, 2016 from
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where Auditorium
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Title: Mycobacterial GroEL's: Moonlighting in Non-specific Binding

Speaker: Shekhar Mande

Affiliation: Director, National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, INDIA



GroEL belongs to a class of molecular chaperones, often referred to as the Chaperonins.  Its primary role has been defined as that protein which binds non-specifically to unfolded substrate proteins, and mediates their folding/ assembly/ transport via ATP-mediated cycles of binding and release.  The defining characteristics for this function is the oligomeric status of GroEL, which is required to sequestrate the substrates.  We discovered a few years ago that in some species, the paralogous copies of GroEL either fail to form oligomers, or are able to form oligomers only by regulated manner.  These GroEL's are likely to possess Moonlighting functions.  I will highlight these during my presentation.

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