Dia Aberto do ITQB NOVA 2025: Visite-nos!

How dangerous foodborne bacteria resist common disinfectants

Júlia Costa among women scientists honored by Ciência Viva

€2.7 million grant to support science-based research journalism

Apply for the StartUp Research NOVA 2025 until April 4

Application process for the position of Rector of NOVA

Sweet science: new approach to synthesize rare health-packed sugars

AI-powered image analysis to transform microscopy & biomedical imaging

In Memory of Professor Joan Guinovart (1947–2024)

Latest FCT Exploratory Projects at ITQB NOVA

Ana Paula Santos distinguished by Crédito Agrícola

ITQB NOVA research in the spotlight at NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2024

ITQB NOVA at the NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2024

"90 Segundos de Ciência": eight years and almost 2000 scientists

Andreia Pimenta wins two grants to study the link between human gut microbiota and disease

Ricardo Henriques elected as EMBO Member

Over 40 new ITQB NOVA PhDs Honored on NOVA Day

ITQB NOVA researcher wins €1M CaixaResearch Health Grant

2nd LS4FUTURE PI Retreat

ITQB NOVA welcomes two researchers with Marie Curie Fellowships

ITQB NOVA Walking Challenge

Turning waste from the paper industry into beneficial compounds

How gut microbiome communities build resilience to drugs

Catarina M. Paquete wins INOVA+ Award in Scientific Innovation

The solution to achieve climate neutrality might lie within cells

One more Nobel for research on RNA

ITQB NOVA contributes to new research on COVID-19 origins

ITQB NOVA researchers join European project to advance antiviral strategies

ITQB NOVA leads research in chronic diseases & host-microbe interactions

Noite Europeia dos Investigadores (NEI) regressa a Oeiras

Short courses at ITQB NOVA

Microrganismos na Praia de Santo Amaro

ITQB NOVA is the local coordinator of a new Center for Infectious Disease Detection

ITQB NOVA leads project for more sustainable industrial ecosystems

Three ITQB NOVA researchers awarded 50,000€ by the InnOValley Proof of Concept Fund

Inês Cardoso Pereira awarded "Prémio Alberto Romão Dias"

(Des)Conversas – Knowledge and Freedom

Nuno Maulide receives ERC Advanced Grant

Cracking bacterial tactics for infection

Hermínia de Lencastre elected for Academia das Ciências

Step into your future: Open Day

Applications for the StartUp Research NOVA 2024 are open

New ITQB NOVA Welcome Guide

Applications for ITQB NOVA masters are open

ITQB NOVA launches Micromundo@Oeiras

8M€ to prepare for the next pandemics

ERC PoC Grant for Cristina Silva Pereira

Who are the microbes that hide in the back of our noses?

Advancing towards a sustainable and cleaner environment

ITQB NOVA researcher wins €1M CaixaResearch Health Grant

7 Years of the Award-Winning "90 Segundos de Ciência" programme

Scholarships for Master Students

Felipe Conzuelo will represent NOVA in the EUTOPIA YLA

Applications for 3 MOSTMICRO-ITQB NOVA PhD Fellowships are open

FCT supports “90 Segundos de Ciência”

Two CaixaImpulse Innovation Projects to bring Science to Industry

Applications open for the 3rd edition of InnOValley PoC

New coordinators of the PhD Program in Plant Biology

To split or not to split: how do bacteria decide?

Postdoc Appreciation Week at ITQB NOVA

Applications Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

What if plants took over telecommunications?

Cecília Arraiano honoured with FEBS Diplôme d’Honneur

ITQB NOVA Day Celebrations

Share your ideas on the TEDxNOVA stage

Short Internships at ITQB NOVA

Flies fight Parkinson's with Camarinha leaves

Cláudio M. Soares is the new Pro-rector for NOVA Health

Dia Aberto do ITQB NOVA - De volta ao Futuro!

5 researchers awarded in the 2023 InnOvalley Proof of Concept

NOVA receives ERC award to organize residencies for journalists

Mariana Pinho receives ERC Advanced Grant

Five projects awarded within MOSTMICRO-ITQB Call

Full-house at the LS4FUTURE 1st General Meeting

Lessons from the pandemic - Science Moves us Forward

Love and betrayal among SARS-CoV-2 proteins wins ECRA prize

MOSTMICRO-ITQB opens call for Exploratory projects

"Ao Ataque!" receives Honourable Mention from Casa das Ciências

Applications for 8 MOSTMICRO-ITQB NOVA PhD Fellowships are open

To keep them out, we must learn how they got in

Evolving towards a greener and better tomorrow

There is a time for protection and a time for letting go

Disinformation and polarization debated on conference cycle

Inês Cardoso Pereira elected for the EAM

A boost to sulfur metabolism

New Associate Professors at ITQB NOVA

ITQB NOVA researchers distinguished with ESCMID grants

Oeiras Municipality and ITQB NOVA promote a monitoring study to COVID-19 with saliva tests in schools

Application for 1 MOSTMICRO-ITQB NOVA PhD Fellowship are open

Unfolding the blindness proteins through fly eyes

TIMB3 Workshop Imaging in Biosciences

Breastmilk of vaccinated women is key to infant’s immunity against COVID-19

ITQB NOVA to host “laCaixa” Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships

Five new PI’s join ITQB NOVA’s team

Ministers applaud ITQB NOVA’s work with Oeiras Clubes Ciência Viva

Asymptomatic adults may be reservoirs of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Inês Cardoso Pereira elected EMBO Member

From meat-production to urinary tract infections

Nanopores on the back cover of Chemical Society Reviews

Shining light to make hydrogen

In your gut: how bacteria survive low oxygen environments

Proteins partner for crucial cellular quality control system

MOSTMICRO-ITQB Research Unit is hiring

Biopolymers: unravelling the next generation materials

Who prefers a sulfur diet?

The Golden Axis

Mariana Pinho elected as EMBO member

Dynamic loops towards an efficient biocatalysis

3D structure of anti-tuberculosis target makes cover of Molecular Cell

ITQB NOVA’s Pedro Matos Pereira awarded a "la Caixa" Foundation Junior Leadership

A bacterial protein for carbon neutrality

Mariana Pinho elected for the European Academy of Microbiology

Helena Santos receives the Nicolau Van Uden Prize

ITQB NOVA and IGC carry out simulation of a hospital outbreak

New approaches to disordered proteins

Lost in transition

Molecular insights on bioelectrochemical technologies

Dia Aberto ITQB NOVA 2019

Improving a biological hydrogen machine

ITQB NOVA celebrates the International Microorganism Day

International Microorganism Day 2019

Twinning project will train researchers in advanced electron microscopy

Origin and evolution of a bacterial developmental programme

90 segundos de Ciência awarded with the 2019 Gulbenkian Knowledge prize

ITQB NOVA scientist distinguished with Medal of Scientific Merit

Catalysis for a sustainable world

Round and round we go

Finding the trigger to apoptosis

Proteins always find a way

Hidrogenases research discussed in Lisbon

Regulating the terminator

One world, one health

Best ITQB NOVA PhD Thesis 2017

António Xavier Prize 2018 announced today

Nuno Maulide elected Scientist of the year in Austria

Bacteria do it differently

Synthetic biology for a sustainable industry

What's in store for RNA and species communication?

Training course on the Chemistry of Metals in Biological Systems

PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program

Miguel Teixeira nominated as F1000 Faculty Member

Biorefineries for the XXI century

In Nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed

ITQB NOVA celebrates science and technology week

Scientists meaning business

Catarina Veríssimo Esteves recipient of the Metrohm Young Chemist Award 2018

Let there be light

Mariana Gomes de Pinho and team recipients of 2018 Pfizer Award

Taking drugs where they are needed

Understanding the enemy

Celebrating International Microorganism Day

Inês Trindade awarded Best Oral Presentation

Unique and environmental friendly catalysis

2019 Edition PhD Program - Biology at the Host Microbe Interface

Surviving on air

How do bacteria know they have had enough?

Going to Mars without leaving the Earth

1 million euros to study Metals in Biology and Biocatalysis through Biospectroscopy

António Xavier Prize 2018 - call for applications

Summer Science @ ITQB NOVA 23-27th July

Chemistry for a sustainable planet

Welcome INTERFACE 2018 Students

Advanced Integrated Microsystems PhD Programme 2018

How bacteria divide

Put the blame on BolA

Saúl Silva awarded with Best PhD Thesis in Organic Chemistry 2017

ITQB NOVA opens the labs

Call open for Sustainable Chemistry PhD Program 2018

Reducing “noise” in gene expression

PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program

MolBioS PhD Program 2018: day 1

New tools for drug design

Summer Science @ITQB NOVA project selected for Microbiotech17

Last lesson of Professor Hermínia de Lencastre

Mariana Gomes de Pinho is new ERC Awardee

New PhD Program - Biology at the Host Microbe Interface

One year of Portuguese science on the radio

ITQB NOVA celebrates science and technology week

Job fair brings together researchers, companies and science minister

Last lesson of Professor Hermínia de Lencastre

8th ITQB-NOVA PhD Students' Meeting

André Santos was awarded SPB Young Investigator Award

MolBioS PhD Program 2018

ITQB NOVA research on the spotlight

A night to celebrate Science around the country

Crosstalking molecules

Best ITQB NOVA PhD Thesis 2016

António Xavier Prize 2017

ITQB NOVA Day 2017

Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences

Master in Medical Microbiology 2017/19

10th CERMAX practical course on NMR spectroscopy

Master in Science Communication

The emergence of antibiotic resistance

27th May ITQB NOVA opens the doors

Prémio António Xavier 2017

Evolution in a test tube

Master in Biochemistry for Health

Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture debated at ITQB NOVA

How selenium does the trick

2nd Summer Science @ ITQB NOVA

40 years of science career in a book

Calling all PhD candidates

PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program

10 years of the highest field NMR spectrometer in Portugal

Regulating the regulators

Annual meeting MOSTMICRO research unit

MolBioS PhD Program 2017: day 1