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[PhD Thesis in Plant Sciences] Ana Margarida Novais de Sampaio

Unravelling the genetic control of Fusarium oxysporum resistance in Lathyrus sativus
When Feb 25, 2021
from 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM
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Provas de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas

PhD Thesis Discussion in Plant Sciences


Mestre / MSc.: Ana Margarida Novais de Sampaio


Título / Title: "Unravelling the genetic control of Fusarium oxysporum resistance in Lathyrus sativus"


Presidente do Júri ( President of the Jury ):

- Doutora Rita Sobral Moutinho Abranches, Investigadora Principal do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, por delegação;


Vogais ( Members of the Jury ):

- Doutor Moustafa Bani, Assistant Professor - National Higher School of Biotechnology - Constantine University - Argélia;

- Doutor Miguel Angel Dita Rodríguez, Senior Scientist on Plant Health - International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) - Colômbia;

- Doutora Clarice J. Coyne, Research Geneticist - Plant Germplasm Introduction and Testing Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service - USDA-ARS - EUA;

- Doutor Seid-Ahmet Kemal, Legume Pathologist Researcher - International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas – ICARDA - Marrocos;

- Doutora Maria Carlota M.C. Vaz Patto, Investigadora Principal do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Supervisor).