Proteome Regulation in Plants Lab
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Isabel Abreu |
Principal Investigator | || | ||
Proteome Regulation in Plants Laboratory
Current members |
Cleverson Matiolli | Post-Doc Researcher |
Ana Sofia Fortunato | Post-Doc Researcher |
Inês Luís | PhD student |
Telma Fernandes | PhD student |
Hugo Alves | PhD student |
Joana Marques | PhD student |
Rafael Soares | PhD student |
Ana Gonçalves | PhD student |
Marta Vintém Cunha | MSc |
Current Projects |
2023 - 2026 | Modelling vitamins B1 and B2 biosynthesis and biofortification in rice; 2022.02916.PTDC. Project Coordinator: Margarida Oliveira | |
2023 - 2024 | Characterization of a putative gibberellin exporter in arabidopsis and rice; 2022.03584.PTDC. Project Coordinator: Maria Fernanda Nino González | |
2022-2025 | FilliGRAIN-PROTECT – Using the power of plant signal-integration to protect grain filling from stress (PTDC/ASP-PLA/1920/202) Principal Investigator: Isabel Abreu |
2022 – 2025 | The BioPlaTTAR Platform for the Tailored and Rapid Development of Antiviral Biopharmaceuticals (HR22-00722/2022). Coordinator: Cláudio Soares (ITQB NOVA) | |
2021-2024 | Heat stress during the progamic phase: Impact on male gametophytes of angiosperms at transcriptome and proteome level (PTDC/ASP-PLA/2007/2020) Principal Investigator: Jörg Becker |
2021-2024 | Impact of ABA signalling on plant growth regulatory pathways and root architecture (PTDC/BIA-FBT/4942/2020) Principal Investigator: Elena Baena | |
2021-2023 | Genomics and Metabolomics in a Host-Microbe Symbiosis Network - SymbNET (WIDESPREAD-05-2020 – Twinning no. 952537) | |
2020-2023 | PhotoBoost. A holistic approach to improve the photosynthetic performance and productivity of C3 crops under diverse environmental conditions (H2020-NMBP-BIO-2019) Grant agreement ID: 862127 |
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2020-2024 | "TRACE RICE” - Tracing rice and valorizing side streams along mediterranean blockchain" (H2020 - PRIMA Programme - Partnership for research and innovation in the Mediterranean Area) (Grant nº 1934). Project Coordinator: Carla Brites (INIAV) |
Past Projects |
2018-2022 | Growth-Stress NET: Building new regulatory networks governing plant growth under stress (PTDC/BIA-FBT/31211/2017 ) Principal Investigator: Isabel Abreu |
2018-2022 | Metals in the radiation resistance bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, its role in protection up to future applications (PTDC/BIA-BQM/31317/2017) |
2014-2017 | Control of abiotic stress responses by the plant DELLAs and chemicals stabilizing these repressors. Plant-KBBE DELLA-STRESS (P-KBBE/0001/2012) |
2012-2016 | (3to4): Converting C3 to C4 photosynthesis for sustainable agriculture. EU FP7 (KBBE.2011.3.1‐01) |
2012-2015 | SuberStress - An integrated approach to identify stress-related regulatory genes in cork oak (PTDC/AGR-GPL/118505/2010) |
2013-2015 | SUMOdulator - Researching SUMO modulation of plant abiotic stress responses”. PTDC/BIA-PLA/3850/2012 |
2013-2014 | GENOSUBER: Sequencing the Cork Oak genome |
2010-2013 | Oxidative stress response mechanisms in Deinococcus radiodurans” (PTDC/QUI-BIQ/100007/2008) |
Main selected publications |
2023 |
USIÉ A, Serra O, Barros PM , Barbosa P, Leão C, Capote T, Almeida T, Rodrigues L, Carrasquinho I, Guimarães JB, Mendoça D, Nóbrega F, Egas C, Chaves I, Abreu IA, Saibo NJM, Marum L, Varela MC, Matos J, Simões F, Miguel CM, Oliveira MM, Ricardo CP, Gonçalves S, Ramos AM (2023). An improved reference genome and first organelle genomes of Quercus suber. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 19:54. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-023-01624-8 |
2022 |
MARQUES J; Matiolli CC, Abreu IA. (2022), Visualization of a curated Oryza sativa L. CDPKs Protein-Protein Interaction Network (CDPK-OsPPIN). microPublication Biology. DOI: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000513. |
2021 |
MATIOLLI CC, Soares RC, Alves HL, Abreu IA (2021) Turning the knobs: The impact of post-translational modifications on carbon metabolism. Front. Plant Sci. 12:781508. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.781508 |
LOBATO M, Huang X, Alvarez D, He W, Baysal C, Zhu C, Armario-Najera V,Blanco Perera A, Cerda P, Saba A, Sobrino GM, Abranches R, Abreu IA, Balamurugan S, Bock R, Buyel JF, da Cunha NB, Daniel H, Faller R, Folgado A, Gowtham I, Häkkinen ST, Khan I, Kumar RS, Lacorte C, Lomonossoff GP, Luís IM, Ma JKC, McDonald KA, Murad A, Nandi S, O’Keef B, Oksman-Caldentey K-M, Parthiban S, Paul MJ, Ponndorf D, Rech E, Rodrigues JCM, Ruf S, Schillberg S, Schwestka J, Shah PS, Singh R, Stoger E, Twyman RM, Varghese IP. Vianna GR, Webster G, Wilbers RHP, Capell T, Christou P (2021) Contributions of the international plant science community to the fight against infectious diseases in humans – part 1: epidemic and pandemic diseases, including HIV/AIDS and coronaviruses. Accepted at Plant Biotechnology Journal. |
LOBATO M, Huang X, Alvarez D, He W, Baysal C, Zhu C, Armario-Najera V,Blanco Perera A, Cerda P, Saba A, Sobrino GM, Abranches R, Abreu IA, Balamurugan S, Bock R, Buyel JF, da Cunha NB, Daniel H, Faller R, Folgado A, Gowtham I, Häkkinen ST, Khan I, Kumar RS, Lacorte C, Lomonossoff GP, Luís IM, Ma JKC, McDonald KA, Murad A, Nandi S, O’Keef B, Oksman-Caldentey K-M, Parthiban S, Paul MJ, Ponndorf D, Rech E, Rodrigues JCM, Ruf S, Schillberg S, Schwestka J, Shah PS, Singh R, Stoger E, Twyman RM, Varghese IP. Vianna GR, Webster G, Wilbers RHP, Capell T, Christou P (2021) Contributions of the international plant science community to the fight against infectious diseases in humans –part 2: endemic and re-emerging diseases. Accepted at Plant Biotechnology Journal |
ALVES HLS, Matiolli CC, Soares RC, Almadanim MC, Oliveira MM, Abreu IA (2021) Carbon metabolism and stress response networks – CDPKs as the missing link? Accepted at Journal of Experimental Botany as a Darwin Review. |
Other Selected Publications |
GONÇALVES NG, Fernandes T, Nunes C, Rosa MTG, Matiolli CC, Rodrigues MAA, Barros PM, Oliveira MM, Abreu IA (2020) SUMOylation of rice DELLA SLR1 modulates transcriptional responses and improves yield under salt stress. Submitted to Plant Physiol, at BioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2020.03.10.986224. |
SANTOS SP, Yang Y, Rosa MTG, Rodrigues MAA, De La Tour CB, Sommer S, Teixeira M, Carrondo MA, Cloetens P, Abreu IA*, Romão CM (2019) The interplay between Mn and Fe in Deinococcus radiodurans triggers cellular protection during paraquat-induced oxidative stress. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 17217. |
BOVDILOVA A, Alexandre BM, Höppner A, Matias Luís I, Alvarez CE, Bickel D, Gohlke H, Decker C, Nagel-Steger L, Alseekh S, Fernie AR, Drincovich MF, Abreu IA, Maurino VG. (2019) Posttranslational modification of the NADP-malic enzyme involved in C4 photosynthesis fine-tunes the enzymatic activity during the day. The Plant Cell. 31:2525-2539. doi: 10.1105/tpc.19.00406. |
GOMES RA, Almeida C, Correia C, Guerreiro A, Simplício AL, Abreu IA, Alves PG (2019) Exploring the analytical power of the QTOF MS platform to assess monoclonal antibodies quality attributes. PLoS One. 2019 Jul 10;14:e0219156. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219156. eCollection 2019. |
ROSA MTG and Abreu IA (2019) Exploring the regulatory levels of SUMOylation to increase crop productivity. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 49:43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2019.04.009. |
ESCANDELL JM, Carvalho ESM, Gallo-Fernandez M, Reis C, Matmati S, Luis IM, Abreu IA, Coulon S, Ferreira MG (2019) SSU72 phosphatase is a telomere replication terminator. EMBO J. 38(7),e100476. doi: 10.15252/embj.2018100476 |
TEIXEIRA S, Luís IM, Oliveira MM, Abreu IA, Batista R (2019) Goji berries superfood – contributions for the characterization of proteome and IgE-binding proteins. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 30:262-280. |
ROSA MTG, Almeida DM, Pires IS, Farias DR, Martins AG, Maia LC, Costa de Oliveira A, Saibo NJM, Oliveira MM and Abreu IA (2018) Insights into the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of the rice SUMOylation machinery and into the role of two rice SUMO proteases. BMC Plant Biology. 18:349. doi:10.1186/s12870-018-1547-3. |
RAMOS AM, Usié A, Barbosa P, Barros PM, Capote T, Chaves I, Simões F, Abreu IA, Carrasquinho I, Faro C, Guimarães JB, Mendonça D, Nóbrega F, Rodrigues L, Saibo NJM, Varela MC, Egas C, Matos J, Miguel CM, Oliveira MM, Ricardo CP, Gonçalves S. (2018) The draft genome sequence of cork oak. Sci Data. May 22;5:180069. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.69 |
BORBA AR, Serra TS, Górska A, Gouveia P, Cordeiro AM, Reyna-Llorens I, Knerová J, Barros PM, Abreu IA, Oliveira MM, Hibberd JM, Saibo NJM. (2018) Synergistic binding of bHLH transcription factors to the promoter of the maize NADP-ME gene used in C4 photosynthesis is based on an ancient code found in the ancestral C3 state. Mol Biol Evol. 35:1690-1705. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy060 |
ALMADANIM MC, Gonçalves NM, Rosa MT, Alexandre BM, Cordeiro AM, Rodrigues M, Saibo NJM, Soares CM, Romão CV, Oliveira MM, Abreu IA (2018) The rice cold-responsive calcium-dependent protein kinase OsCPK17 is regulated by alternative splicing and post-translational modifications. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1865:231-246. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2017.10.010 |
ALMADANIM MC, Alexandre BM, Rosa MT, Sapeta H, Leitão AE, Ramalho JC, Lam TT, Negrão S, Abreu IA*, Oliveira MM (2017) Rice calcium-dependent protein kinase OsCPK17 targets plasma membrane intrinsic protein and sucrose phosphate synthase and is required for a proper cold stress response. Plant Cell Environ. 40:1197-1213. doi: 10.1111/pce.12916 |
LUÍS IM, Alexandre BM, Oliveira MM, Abreu IA (2016) Selection of an appropriate protein extraction method to study the phosphoproteome of maize photosynthetic tissue. PLOS ONE. 11: e0164387. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164387 |
ALMEIDA D.*, Abreu IA*, Matos CA, Fraga J, Fernandes S, Macedo MA, Gutiérrez-Gallego R, Pereira PJ, Carvalho AL, Macedo Ribeiro S (2015) SUMOylation of the brain-predominant Ataxin-3 isoform modulates its interaction with p97. BBA - Mol. Basis of Disease 1852:1950-1959 |