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Three days full of plant science

Three days full of plant science

Encontro Ciência 2022 and Fascination of Plants Day occurred last week, bringing days filled with plant science

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GREEN-IT Principal Investigator Rita Abranches wins InnOValley PoC project

GREEN-IT Principal Investigator Rita Abranches wins InnOValley PoC project

Project focused on the production of carotenoids in plant cell cultures, led by ITQB NOVA Principal Investigator and GREEN-IT member Rita Abranches, will now be further developed and translated

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The power of difference

The power of difference

Diversity is essential for strengthening food and agricultural systems. On this International Day for Biological Diversity, we highlight its importance and how GREEN-IT researchers work to preserve it.

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Earthly hardships & atonements

Earthly hardships & atonements

As a cog of the big apparatus that is Earth, each of us has an impact and can make a change. On Earth Day, discover how GREEN-IT contributes towards sustainable solutions through science.

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Combination of field-phenotyping and metabolomics highlighted in The Plant Journal Features

Combination of field-phenotyping and metabolomics highlighted in The Plant Journal Features

In an interview for The Plant Journal Features, GREEN-IT member Rubén Vicente highlights the work of the PEM lab and how their use of combined field-phenotyping and metabolomics techniques is contributing to breeders and farmers, as well as the scientific community

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The fight-or-dry-out response

The fight-or-dry-out response

2022 began with a meteorological drought. These prolonged dry periods can have severe consequences on crops and river flow, and are predicted to become more frequent due to climate change. On World Water Day, we shine a light on why GREEN-IT researchers look into plant-water relations and how they strengthen the agricultural sector

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Forests: to preserve and to hold

Forests: to preserve and to hold

The relationship between humans and forests has been a prosperous one, but it is currently under threat as climate change rages on. On this International Day of Forests, learn more on this relationship between humans and forests, and how GREEN-IT members of INIAV Nematology lab work towards its protection

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Reviving Pulses

Reviving Pulses

Between its health properties and agricultural benefits, the power of pulses is undeniable. Yet, production and consumption have been in a downward trend, in the EU. On World Pulses Day 2022, learn more about the research of PlantX lab and the importance of reviving pulses

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Below the surface

Below the surface

The soil is undoubtedly a key player in the fight against the climate crisis that must not be disregarded. On this World Soil Day go below the surface with GREEN-IT.

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The GREEN-IT continuum

The GREEN-IT continuum

What makes a Research Unit? On the National Day of Scientific Culture, we shine a light on all that embodies GREEN-IT

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World Science Day for Peace and Development 2021

World Science Day for Peace and Development 2021

World Science Day for Peace and Development celebrates the significant role of science in society. Focused on studying and improving plants, the GREEN-IT Research Unit uses a farm-to-lab-to-farm approach to find solutions or alternatives that are both sustainable and able to respond to societal needs

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World Food Day 2021

World Food Day 2021

With the current climate crisis and the expected increase of the human population, the future calls upon a transition towards more sustainable agri-food systems. On World Food Day, GREEN-IT members PlantX lab, from ITQB NOVA, explain how their work promotes a more sustainable production of nutritious foods

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A look into the formation of centrioles in the first land plants

A look into the formation of centrioles in the first land plants

New study looks into the 3D architecture of centrioles in moss, revealing that these structures are more diverse than previously thought

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6M euros for Neglected Crops

6M euros for Neglected Crops

ITQB NOVA PI and GREEN-IT member Carlota Vaz Patto is part of DIVINFOOD, an international collaboration to promote sustainability in food systems.

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Earth Overshoot Day 2021

Earth Overshoot Day 2021

On 29 July we start to consume beyond our planet’s resource budget for 2021. Earth Overshoot Day shows the necessity of a global response that encompasses the best of cooperation between government bodies and science. The GREEN-IT Research Unit is committed to assist in the search for the best answers

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New insight on the reproductive evolution of land plants

New insight on the reproductive evolution of land plants

International consortium, including former IGC, current ITQB NOVA PI and GREEN-IT member Jörg Becker, offers novel insight into the reproductive evolution of land plants, in new study published in Nature Plants.

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InnovPlantProtect distinguished with “Investimento que Marca” Award

InnovPlantProtect distinguished with “Investimento que Marca” Award

Elvas Collaborative Laboratory distinguished by Vida Rural as “the most relevant investment of the past year in the agricultural and agro-industrial sector”

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ITQB NOVA scientists distinguished with Medal of Scientific Merit

ITQB NOVA scientists distinguished with Medal of Scientific Merit

Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education recognized the contributions of Maria Arménia Carrondo and Cândido Pinto Ricardo to Portuguese science.

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World Environment Day 2021

World Environment Day 2021

World Environment Day 2021 calls for urgent action to revive our damaged ecosystems and kicks off the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). At GREEN-IT we look to address key societal challenges and contribute to achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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International Day for Biological Diversity 2021

International Day for Biological Diversity 2021

The loss of biodiversity is not only an environmental issue, but also a developmental, economic, security and social issue as well. On the International Day for Biological Biodiversity ITQB NOVA Plant X Lab and INIAV researcher Benvindo Maçãs explain their work and how they look to support biodiversity.

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Taking science beyond borders

Taking science beyond borders

Fredilson Melo, ITQB NOVA PhD student and GREEN-IT member, talks about his experience as part of the science communication project Cartas com Ciência, in the RTP África’s TV show “Bem vindos”

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Fascination of Plants Day 2021

Fascination of Plants Day 2021

An online workshop, a webinar about plants, a virtual exhibition, and a walk are some of the activities to celebrate the fascinating world of plants, from Oeiras to the globe.

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Promising steps for New Genomic Techniques in Europe

Promising steps for New Genomic Techniques in Europe

A new study by the European Commission identifies limitations to the capacity of the legislation to keep up with scientific developments, presenting strong indications that the applicable legislation is not suitable for some New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) and their products. The study also confirms that NGTs products have the potential to contribute to sustainable agri-food systems, in line with the objective of the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy

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Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021

With the current global crisis, it is important to understand how did we get here and where do we go from now on. On the Earth Day, we raise awareness for the necessity to create a more sustainable future and how GREEN-IT is focused on being a part of the solution

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World Water Day 2021

World Water Day 2021

Water is essential to life and, in the GREEN-IT Research Unit, several researchers focus on contributing to solve the water-related global challenges that have risen.

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International Day of Forests 2021

International Day of Forests 2021

On the International Day of Forests, GREEN-IT member Edmundo Sousa explains how his research contributes towards a better and more sustainable forest management

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Bárbara Rebelo awarded Best Poster Award

Bárbara Rebelo awarded Best Poster Award

PhD student Bábara Rebelo received the Best Poster Award at the 11th ITQB NOVA PhD Students' Meeting

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World Pulses Day 2021

World Pulses Day 2021

On World Pulses Day, get to know more about GREEN-IT members PlantX Lab, Corinca Carranca and Isabel Videira e Castro and their research on beans and legumes.

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CRISPR: tweaking genes to improve plants

CRISPR: tweaking genes to improve plants

In an interview with CiB, GREEN-IT member Paula Duque addresses genetic editing, CRISPR and the advantages of plant breeding

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Plant health and the fight against chestnut blight

Plant health and the fight against chestnut blight

GREEN-IT member Helena Bragança talks about her research on chestnut blight and the importance of planth health on Público

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