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Science and Society

GREEN-IT researchers are actively involved in bringing their research closer to society.
GREEN-IT Science and Society initiatives include Outreach, Highlights and Media



Visits from high schools and universities, summer training, science displays, talks at schools and universities, Science fairs and other events.

GREEN-IT researchers have been involved in the following outreach events and initiatives in 2023


  1. ITQB NOVA Open Day 2023
  2. Summer Science @ ITQB NOVA 2023
  3. Farmers’ Day 2023
  4. Dia de Campo InovMilho
  5. European Researchers Night 2023




GREEN-IT research highlighted at ITQB NOVA webpage. The information was further distributed through Social Media and Media.

GREEN-IT research and researchers highlighted at ITQB NOVA and GREEN-IT webpage in 2023


  1. Green-it Annual Meeting 2023
  2. New coordinators of the PhD Program in Plant Biology
  3. GREEN-IT researchers distinguished at the 4th International Legume Society Conference
  4. Climate, host, and geography responsible for molding forest communities
  5. Genetic Engineering: a tool to fight climate change
  6. Meet the GREENs | Romana Yáñez
  7. Farmers’ Day gathers researchers and stakeholders in Elvas
  8. Researchers find gene that allows for seed germination under high salinity
  9. Grapevine Evolution in SCIENCE
  10. LS4FUTURE 1st PI Retreat
  11. Seed conservation for life preservation
  12. Full-house and vibrant community exchange in the LS4FUTURE 1st General Meeting
  13. Forest health highlighted at National Geographic
  14. Non-photochemical quenching of photosystem I protects photosynthetic machinery during drought stress in J. curcas



Media coverage of GREEN-IT researchers

GREEN-IT research and researchers highlighted in the media in 2023


  1. A Produção Alimentar, in Podcast Campus Sul – TSF, 28.12.2023
  2. Agricultura mostrou resiliência aos choques, in Jornal de Negócios, 24.10.2023
  3. Un estudio de un granadino sobre el incendio de Los Guájares ayudaría a la regeneración de la tierra quemada, in Granada Digital, 31.08.2023
  4. Engenharia Genética: é assim que a agricultura tem uma hipótese contra as alterações climáticas?, in Visão, 17.07.2023
  5. O Futuro do Futuro. A produção de vegetais transgénicos, in Podcast Sic Expresso, 4.07.2023
  6. Agricultura improvável, in Rádio Portalegre, 18.06.2023
  7. Antena 2 Ciência, in Antena 2, 19.06.2023
  8. Projeto europeu DIVINFOOD promove em Alvaiázere os Stakeholder Days, in Rede Rural Nacional, 28.04.2023
  9. Projecto europeu DIVINFOOD realiza evento em Alvaiázere a 22 e 23 de Maio, in Frutas Legumes e Flores, 26.04.2023
  10. Descoberto gene que pode “convencer” sementes a germinar em solos inóspitos, in Público. 25.04.2023
  11. Sementes portuguesas na “Arca de Nóe” na Noruega: “estamos a conservar a vida”, in Público, 2.04.2023
  12. A crise do nematode no pinhal Português, in National Geographic Portugal, 14.02.2023
  13. Os Rostos da Ciência Revista do Município de Oeiras, in Oeiras Valley, 9.02.2023
  14. Hambúrgueres e iogurtes de base vegetal têm sal e açúcares a mais, in Jornal de Notícias. 01.01.2023


Complete list of Outreach, Highlights and Media organized or made by GREEN-IT researchers:

202220212020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015