Scientific Events
Scientific Collaborations
Visit of the Delegation from Istituto di Scienze della Vita della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (ISV SSSA), Pisa, Italy, to ITQB NOVA, 3-4 May 2017
A delegation of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (ISV SSSA) was visiting the ITQB NOVA to establish a memorandum of understanding (MoU) aiming to strengthen cultural, educational and scientific cooperation between both institutions.
Cooperation will have a strong focus on several of the GREEN-IT areas (e.g. Agroecology and Agrobiodiversity; Biomass and Bioenergy; Molecular Plant Physiology; Sustainable Agricultural Systems).
Nelson Saibo, member of the GREEN-IT Research Unit and head of the Plants for Life Ph.D. Program, is the contact person from ITQB NOVA that together with Paolo Bàrberi from ISV SSSA is responsible for catalyzing the established MoU.
Organization of International Events
. Barros PM, coordinator and host of the Session “Plant Orthology bundle”. Resources for Plant Sciences - online seminar, ELIXIR Europe, Plant Sciences Community, France|Slovenia|UK|Germany|Belgium|Portugal, 5-6 October 2023
. Belda-Palazón B, member of the organization committee. 3rd IBMCP Young Researchers Symposium. IBMCP, Valencia, Spain, 19 May 2023
. Bonifácio L, co-organizer and coordinator IUFRO WP. 2023 IUFRO International Symposium on Pine Wilt Disease. Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China, 25-28 October 2023
. Bragança H. Pinea Spot Congress. Lisbon, Portugal, 21 – 23 November 2023
. Brites C, president of the Organizing Committee. New Advances from PRIMA Projects Aimed at Enhancing Mediterranean Agro-Food Value Chains, INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 18 -19 May 2023
. De Andrade E, co-organization. 5th EPPO Workshop for Heads of Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratories. INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 19-20 April 2023
. De Andrade E, co-organization. EPPO Panel on Diagnostic and Quality Assurance. INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 17-18 April 2023
. Duque P, Oliveira MM, member of the Scientific Committee. Plant Biology 2023. Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 9-12 July 2023
. Inácio ML, member of the organization committee. Mini-Rhizotron Seminar for the study of root dynamics. Oeiras, October 2023
. Naves P, member of the Organization Committee. EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’. EU CAP Network Innovation & Knowledge Exchange EIP-AGRI. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 - 21 April 2023
. Vasco E. International Conference on Food Contaminants - Challenges on Exposure Assessment, Health Impact and Sustainability of Food Systems (ICFC2023). IAC, Campinas, Brazil, 4 - 6 September 2023
. Vaz Patto MC, scientific committee. 4th International Legume Society Conference (ILS4). Granada, Spain, September 2023
. Vaz Patto MC. Divinfood European Project Annual Meeting & Stakeholders day 2023. Alvaiázere, Portugal, 22-23 May 2023
. Vilchez JI, organization. Mass spectrometry: From small molecules to proteome analysis - online seminar. Bio-Protocol, Sunnyvale, CA, USA. 29 June 2023
. Vilchez JI, organization. Plant Growth-Promoting Microorganisms. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 6 July 2023
. Vilchez JI, organization. Workshop “The forgotten element: Microbiota to boost the soil recovery after fire” with ‘Semillistas’ association to incorporate microbes in wildfire recovery strategies. Los Guájares, Granada, Spain, 27 October 2023
. Castro IV, President of the Organizing Committee; Fareleira P, Castro Silva M, Vílchez JI, Members of the Organizing Committee; Oliveira MM, Member of the Scientific Committee, management of scientific sessions, selection of abstracts, short oral presentations, and Best Posters. XVIII National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Nitrogen Fixation (XVIII SEFIN) and I Spanish-Portuguese Congress on Beneficial Plant-Microbe Interactions (BeMiPlant), INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 17-19 October 2022
. Vaz Patto MC, Member of the Scientific Committee. XVIIIth Eucarpia Biometrics in Plant Breeding Conference. Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 21 - 23 September 2022
. Castro Silva M, Castro IV, members of Organization Team. IV CONGRESO IBÉRICO #DehesaMontado. Badajoz, Spain, 15 – 16 June 2022
. Bonifácio L, Member of Local Organizing Committee. IUFRO Conference Division 7 – Forest Health Pathology and Entomology. ISA, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 6-9 September 2022
. Castanheira N, Organizing Comitee. IX Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2022). Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Oeiras, Portugal, 22-24 June 2022
. Cunha J, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. XIII International Symposium on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, Landau in der Pfalz, Germany, 10 – 17 July 2022
. Carranca C, Organization of Field Visits &Facilitator. EU CAP Network Seminar ‘Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertilizer prices’ European Commission. Porto, Portugal, 6- 7 December 2022
. Coelho P, President of the organizing committee. Seminar of SmartProtect project. Pólo de Inovação de Alcobaça do INIAV, Alcobaça, Portugal, 24 November 2022
. Naves P, Brites C, Members of Organization Team. 2nd meeting Steering Committee/ Team Week of CAP Europe Innovation Consortium, Support Facility for the Innovation & Knowledge Exchange - EIP/AGRI (EIP-AGRI SF). INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 2-5 May 2022
. Andrade E, Organization Committee. COST action 18111 Plant Ed. 1st WG2 training school "Genome edited plants – Impact and beyond. Oeiras, Portugal, 24 – 25 May 2022
. Baena-González E, Main Organizer: EMBO workshop “Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling in photosynthetic organisms”, Online conference, 21-24 October 2021
. Vasco E, Member of the Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee: ICFC 2021 – 4th International Conference on Food Contaminants – online conference, National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 and 28 September 2021.
. Vaz Patto MC, Member of the Scientific Committee: Intercropping for Sustainability Conference 2021, Online International Conference, Association of Applied Biologists. 18-20 January 2021
. Silvestre J, Member of the Scientific Committee: “II Simpósio Ibérico de Engenharia Hortícola 2020, International conference, Instituto Politécnico De Viana Do Castelo, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, 4-6 Mar 2020
. Abreu I, Member of the Scientific Committee: 1st Iberic Meeting for Mass Spectrometry and Separation Sciences, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 8 to 11 October 2019
. Duque P, Co-Organizer: Impact and Functions of Alternative Splicing in Plants session, Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 2-5 Jul 2019
. Vaz Patto MC; Member of the Scientific Committee: Impact and Functions of Alternative Splicing in Plants session, Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 2-5 Jul 2019
. Vaz Patto MC, Araújo SS, Duque P, Members of the Scientific Committee: XVI Portuguese-Spanish Plant Physiology Congress, Pamplona, Spain, 26-28 Jun 2019
. Martins LO, Member of the Organizing Committee “5th International Iberian Biophysical Congress” Porto, 15-17th June 2016
. Martins LO, Member of the Scientific Committee: Oxizymes in Wageningen – 7th European Meeting of OXIZYMES Wageningen, The Netherlands, July 3-6, 2016
. Baena-González E, Co-Organizer: EYSF 2016 (EMBO Young Investigators Science Forum); September 1-2; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal
. Martins LO, CHAIR of the Joint WG1 + WG3 Meeting of COST Action FP1306, Lisbon, 26-27 Sep 2016
. Oliveira MM, Member of the Honorous Committee; XVI Simposio Hispano-Luso de Nutrición Mineral de las Plantas – NUTRIPLANTA 2016, Murcia, Spain, 25-28 Sept. 2016
. Fevereiro P, Vaz Patto MS, Araújo SS, Co-Organizers: Second International Legume Society Conference. Tróia, Portugal, 11-14 October 2016
Organization National Events
. Abranches R, member of the organization committee. COVID Symposium “Lessons from the Pandemic, Science moves us forward”. ITQB NOVA and Parque dos Poetas, Oeiras, 25 January 2023.
. Bragança H, Reis P. Supporting food and nutrition security in development and humanitarian action programmes. ITQB NOVA auditorium, Oeiras, 29 June 2023
. Carranca C. Estratégias para a redução da pegada do plástico de cobertura do solo na produção hortícola, PRR: Agri-Plast. INIAV, Oeiras, 8 September 2023
. Castanheira N, member of the organization committee. Workshop Dinâmicas, condicionantes e potencialidades dos territórios rurais de baixa densidade demográfica e elevado risco de desertificação, INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 18 January 2023
. Dias MG. 10º Simpósio Nacional “Promoção de uma Alimentação Saudável e Segura – SPASS 2023- Auditório INSA and online (ZOOM and Youtube), 01 June 2023
. Inácio ML, member of the organization committee. Seminar Strategy for reducing the footprint of soil cover plastics in horticultural production. Oeiras, September 2023
. Lourenço TF, Confraria A, Godinho DP. Plant Interaction Meetings, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 5 seminars organized throughout 2023
. Lucas D, member of the organization committee. ITQB-NOVA PhD Student’s retreat 2023, Vimeiro, Portugal. 9-10 November 2023
. Oliveira MM, Vilchez JI, organization. Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy - Open Workshop. ITQB NOVA, 26 May 2023
. Reis P, co-organization. Workshop Desertificação e Desenvolvimento Local. INIAV, Oeiras, 18 January 2023
. Reis P. A integração das DRAP nas CCDR: o território e os efeitos sobre os agricultores. Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Escola Superior Agrária, 24 May 2023
. Reis P. O Sequeiro e a Água. Um debate sobre o futuro dos sistemas extensivos do Sul. Cine-Teatro Marques Duque, Mértola, 17 October 2023
. Reis P. Podemos viver sem pesticidas?, Uma Só Saúde: Agricultura, Alimentos e Ambiente Conference. Região Norte da Ordem dos Engenheiros, 11 April 2023
. Silva MC. Oak Regeneration - Boas Práticas e Casos de Estudo, GO OAK REGENERATION, INIAV, Oeiras, 30 June 2023
. Videira e Castro I, Fareleira P. Closing Seminar of Ecoseed project. INIAV, Oeiras, 4 July 2023
. Videira e Castro I, Fareleira P. Lotus spp. - A European Mediterranean genus with high environment and economic impact in the Salado River Basin. INIAV, ITQB-Nova, Oeiras, Portugal, 16 October 2023
. Vilchez JI, member of organization committee; Oliveira MM, member of scientific committee. 2nd Microbiome PT Summit. Lisbon School of Medicine, Lisboa, Portugal, 26 October 2023
. Ramalho R; Saibo N, Abreu I, Vaz Patto C, Marques R, Alves H, Rebelo B, Katamadze A; Support: Neves R, Morgado L, Castanheira M, Organizing Committee. Plants for Life PhD 2022 Retreat. Hotel Golf Mar, Torres Vedras, Portugal, 19-21 October 2022
. Marques J, Member of the Organizing committee; Ramalho R, Communication Advisor. 12th ITQB PhD Meeting. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal. 14 - 16 April
. Serra O, Barata AM, Organizing comittee. A transformação digital na valorização e gestão dos recursos genéticos vegetais - Tradição, Ciência, Inovação. Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 25 November 2022
. Ramalho R, Castanheira M, Members of the Organizing Committee. 2nd COLife Community Meeting. Oeiras, Portugal, 19 September 2022
. Silvestre J, Organization. WineClimAdapt Seleção e caracterização das castas mais bem adaptadas a cenários de alterações climáticas. INIAV – Polo Dois Portos, Portugal, 29 November 2022
. Carranca C, Member of the Organizing Committeé; Coelho P, President of the Organizing Committee. Final Seminar of REMIRucula project. Universidade do Algarve (UALg), Faro, Portugal, 4 November 2022
. Dias MG, organization member. 13ª Edição do Seminário Comunicação para uma Alimentação Saudável e Segura | A comunicação da ciência e a ciência da comunicação. Hibrid event, Instituto Nacional de Saúde doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP, Lisboa, Portugal, 24 November 2022
. Vasco E, Dias MG, Organization and scientific committee members. 14.ª Reunião Anual PortFIR - Promoção de ambientes alimentares saudáveis e sustentáveis | Resiliência, inovação e desenvolvimento na indústria e distribuição alimentares. Hibrid event, Instituto Nacional de Saúde doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal, 17 October 2022
. Batista R, Organization. 9º Simpósio Nacional “Promoção de uma Alimentação Saudável e Segura - SPASS 2022”: “Microrganismos e Alimentos: Amigos ou Rivais?”. Instituto nacional de Saúde doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal, 5 May 2022
. Inácio ML, Scientific Committee. III Simpósio Nacional de Frutos Secos. SCAP-CNCFS, Faro, Portugal, 14-16 November 2022
. Inácio ML, Organizing Committee. VitiVino 2022 - II Simpósio Nacional de Viticultura & IV Colóquio Vitivinícola. INIAV-SCAPAPH, Palmela, Portugal, 23-24 November 2022
. Oliveira MM, Member of the Scientific Committee: 1st Microbiome PT (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, online meeting). Oeiras, Portugal, 4 February 2021
. Rebelo B, Member of the Organizing Committee: 10th ITQB NOVA PhD Students' Meeting, held at ITQB NOVA. 22-24 Jan 2020
. Sanchez A, Member of the Scientific Committee: SciComPt 2020 - online conference. Portugal, 7 May - 8 June 2020
. Oliveira MM, Maçãs B, Organizers: Open Workshop – “Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy”, 13 Apr 2018
. Oliveira MM, Organizer: Session “Biotechnology for a Sustainable Bio-economy”, Ciência 2016 - Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal. Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 4-6 July 2016
. Fevereiro P, Organizer: 6th National Meeting on Agrobiotechnology, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, 13 July 2016
Annual Meetings of the GREEN-IT Research Unit
The 8th Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit Green-it took place November 16th and 17th 2023, at ITQB NOVA, Oeiras. The first day was dedicated to analyzing the passing year and discussing future plans for the Research Unit, and counted with several presentations from members, as well as pitches by the 1st year Green-it PhD students. The second day was entirely dedicated to discussion between the members of the SAB and of the Green-it management board. The meeting gathered members from all institutions of GREEN-IT, as well as the Scientific Advisory Board
The 7th Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit GREEN-IT occurred October 10th and 11th 2022, at ITQB NOVA and InnovPlantProtect, respectively. The annual meeting included presentations by two recent members and a visit to the CoLab facilities, among several discussions regarding the Unit. The meeting counted with the participation of the Scientific Advisory Board
The 6th Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit GREEN-IT took place 24 Feb 2021, via ZOOM. The meeting counted with the presence of the Scientific Advisory Board and included several presentations, including the introduction of the most recent members, as well as discussions and debates.
The 5th Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit GREEN-IT took place 12 Nov 2019, at ITQB NOVA. The annual meeting of GREEN-IT included presentations of all research groups, discussions and debates. This year also included a workshop on Plant Phenotyping-Genotyping Data Management and a hands on workshop on bioinformatics.
The 4th Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit GREEN-IT took place 13 and 14 November 2018, at ITQB NOVA and INIAV. The annual meeting of GREEN-IT included presentations of all Research Groups, discussions and debates, and Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. This year also included an open mini workshop with GREEN-IT alumni.
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit (GREEN-IT) took place at ITQB NOVA on the 20-22 September 2017. The annual meeting included presentations of GREEN-IT Research Topics, discussions and debates, meetings with the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), invited lectures and and feedback on GREEN-IT progress from the SAB.
Invited Lectures
Prof. Rodomiro Ortiz Faculty [Chair] Professor, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sundsvagen, Sweden, and renown expert on plant breeding, genetic characterization and precise phenotyping |
Prof. Diethard Mattanovich Professor at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, and renown expert on metabolic engineering, microbial biotechnology, and systems biology and industrial biotechnology |
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Sketches by Cirenia Baldrich |
The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit (GREEN-IT) took place at ITQB NOVA on the 7-8 July 2016. The annual meeting included presentations of all Research Groups, discussions and debates, poster presentations and Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board.
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Bioresources for Sustainability Unit (GREEN-IT) took place at ITQB NOVA and Hotel Aldeia dos Capuchos on the 13 November 2015. The annual meeting included presentations of all Research Groups, discussions and debates and team building activities.
Invited Speakers hosted by GREEN-IT Researchers
. Anabela Carvalho, Sílvia Vieira, Patentree - IP Training and Clinic - InnovPlantProtect, Elvas, Portugal, 29 June 2023
. Cátia Nunes, INIAV, Portugal - Portuguese rice breeding program - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 2 June 2023
. David Honys, Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic - Plant love, an -omics tale - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 3 March 2023
. Diego Rubiales, IAS-CSIC, Spain - Spanish pea breeding program - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 2 June 2023
. Fred van Eeuwijk, Jonathan Kunst, and Killian Melsen, WUR, The Netherlands - Course of Biostatistics for Plant Sciences - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 4-8 September 2023
. Isabel Mendoza, Global Plant Council - Building your scientific presence on social media - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 18 September 2023
. Jana Mittelstrass, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL - Using new HTS methodology for the early detection of pathogens - INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, April 2023
. Óscar Ruiz, Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús (INTECh) CONICET-UNSAM, Argentina - Lotus spp. - A European Mediterranean genus with high environment and economic impact in the Salado River Basin (Argentina) - ITQB-Nova, Oeiras, Portugal, 16 October 2023
. Rüdiger Simon, Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences, Heinrich-Heine University - Regulation of plant stem cell niches - IGC, Oeiras, Portugal, 15 December 2023
. Vitor Serrano - Supporting food and nutrition security in development and humanitarian action programmes - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 29 June 2023
. Yasin Dagdas, Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna - Leveraging evolutionary diversity to discover new autophagy mechanisms in plants and humans - IBMCP, Valencia, Spain, 24 March 2023
. Matthew Goddard, University of Lincoln, UK - How to manage and protect soils to sustainably feed the world - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 14 September 2022
. Sara Farrona, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland - Novel components of the Polycomb Group (PcG) pathway and their role in plant development - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 23 November 2022
. Maarten Koornneef, Wageningen University - The history of Arabidopsis Research - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 19 October 2022
. Jae Choi, New York University - From chromosomes to ecology: Genomics of crop diversity - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 27 September 2022
. Daniel Szymanski, Purdue University - New functional looks into the proteome using LC/MS and protein correlation profiling- ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 1 July 2022
. Petra Schrumpfová, Masaryk University /CEITEC, Brno - Composition and Regulatory Function of Terminal and Interstitial Telomeric Repeats- ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 26 September 2022
. Alexander Jones, Sainsbury Laboratory University Cambridge - Bringing into focus the cellular dynamics of plant hormones using fluorescent biosensors- Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal, 3 May 2022
. Nelson Lage, ADENE - Portuguese Energy Agency - The Energy Crisis: what can we do about it? - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 7 December 2022
. Fabricio Martins Lopes, UTFPR, Brazil - Feature extraction and classification of biological sequences - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 11 November 2022
. Matteo Bracalini, University of Florence, Italy - Biotech tools for the phytosanitary management of chestnut groves: recent trials in Tuscany, Italy - INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 2 December 2022
. André Almeida, Instituto Superior de Agronomia - Using Omics to tackle seasonal weight loss in small ruminants: retrospective and future perspectives – online seminar. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal. 13 Jan 2021
. Felipe Klein Ricachenevsky, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Who controls the ionome? Multiple approaches to identify genes regulating elemental variation in plants - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 27 January 2021
. Francesco Licausi, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford - Similar and yet different: a functional comparison of oxygen sensing systems in eukaryotes - online seminar, April 9 2021
. Francisco Nascimento, iBET - Harnessing the power of the phyto and phyco microbiome – online seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 3 March 2021
. Manuel Irimia, CRG, Barcelona - Parallel evolution of neural microexons in insects and vertebrates - online seminar, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal, 5 March 2021
. José Cerca, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - A tour in (genome) evolution: Evolution in the Galápagos' daisies microbiome – online seminar. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal 14 April 2021
. Juan Jesus Narváez, Semillas Fitó - Biotech Tools for Seed improvement. Workshop – Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal. 16 April 2021
. Lino Dias, Bayer Crop Science - Smalholder Farming. Workshop – Plant Biotechnology for Sustainability and Global Economy. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal. 16 April 2021
. Simon Gilroy, University of Wisconsin, USA - Gardeners of the Galaxy: Plant biology on the International Space Station - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 28 April 2021
. Manuela Costa, Universidade do Minho - The whens and hows of flower making microbiome – online seminar. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal. 23 June 2021
. Rémi Peyraud, CEO & Co-founder of iMEAN, France - Systems biology of plant-microbe interactions: modelling biotic stresses - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 23 June 2021
. Thiago Moraes, The Crop Science Centre, UK - Circadian regulation of starch mobilization in Arabidopsis thaliana -ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 15 July 2021
. Cristina Azevedo - InnovPlant Protect - Developing bio-based solutions to combat Rice Blast - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 10 November 2021
. Bart Thomma, Max Planck, Cologne - A fungal pathogen causes plant host dysbiosis - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal, 17 Dec 2021
. Ryouichi Tanaka, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University - Photosynthesis of evergreen trees in wintertime - ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 20 Feb 2020
. Maria Regina Menino, INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal - The role of insect larvae in the decomposition of organic products derived from agriculture and industry - INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal, 30 Oct 2020
. Ralph Bock, Director Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology – “Taming plastids for biotechnology and synthetic biology” - Frontier Leaders Seminar, Oeiras, 01 Apr 2019
. Yrjo Helariutta, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK – “ Understanding the Morphogenesis and Functionality of Phloem” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 04 Apr 2019
. James Locke, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK – “Coordination of the plant circadian clock at the single cell level” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 05 Apr 2019
. Arun Sampathkumar, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm, Germany – “Mechano-chemical basis of cellular and tissue level architecture in plants” – ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 10 Apr 2019
. Elizabete Carmo-Silva, University of Lancaster, UK – “The complex regulation of the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco” – Seminar, Oeiras, 29 Apr 2019
. Maria Lois, Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics-CRAG. Edifici CRAG-Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallés) – “SUMO conjugation in plants: mechanistic insights and biological implications” – Seminar, Oeiras, 3 May 2019
. Susana Araújo, Plant Cell Biotechnology, ITQB NOVA – “Plant phenotyping stories: a quest to understand plant development and adaptation to a changing climate” – Seminar, Oeiras, 29 Jul 2019
. Rubén Vicente Pérez, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology – “Carbon/nitrogen balance: coordination at plant level and response to environmental changes” – Seminar, Oeiras, 30 Jul 2019
. Nuno Morais, Unit Director, IMM, University of Lisbon, Portugal – “What transcriptomes tell us about disease” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 06 Feb 2018
. Dirk Inzé, VIB-UGent, Center for Plant Systems Biology – “Growth of Plant Organs: From Molecular Networks to Higher Crop Yield” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 05 Mar 2018
. Philip A. Wigge, Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University – “Temperature sensing in plants” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 08 Mar 2018
. John Lunn, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm, Germany – “Trehalose-6-phosphate – a sugar signal linking plant development to metabolism” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 13 Mar 2018
. Frank Van Breusegem, VIB - Plant Systems Biology - Ghent University, Begium – “Oxidative Stress Signaling in Plants. Towards the proteome and beyond” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 21 Mar 2018
. Frank L.H. Menke, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, United Kingdom – “Targeting Post Translational Modifications in Plant Immunity Signaling” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 23 Mar 2018
. Richard Finkers, Wageningen UR Plant Breeding – “Latest developments in the FAIR data ecosystem” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 17 Apr 2018
. Arun Sampathkumar, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology – “Mechano-chemical basis of cellular and tissue level architecture in plants” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 20 Apr 2018
. Hendrik Poorter, Plant Sciences (IBG2), Research Centre Jülich, Germany – “Pampered inside, pestered outside? Ways to bridge the gap between lab and field experiments” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 23 Apr 2018
. Olivier Panaud, Plant Genome and Development Laboratory, University of Perpignan, France – “Transpositional landscape of a plant genome over 15 My of evolution” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 17 Sep 2018
. Michael Purugganan, Faculty of Arts and Science, at the New York University, USA – “Environmental Gene Regulatory Influence Networks in Rice” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 17 Sep 2018
. Alison Van Eenennaam, Genomics and Biotechnology, Dep of Animal Science, Univ of California, USA – “The Potential impact of the new breeding techniques to global agriculture” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 17 Oct 2018
. Ottoline Leyser, Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University - “Dual mode strigolactone signaling and the bud activation switch” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 06 Mar 2017
. Tom Beeckman, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium | VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Technologiepark, Belgium –“Cell communication determines root architecture” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 10 Mar 2017
. John Lunn, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm, Germany - “Trehalose-6-phosphate and sucrose – A tale of two sugars” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 14 Mar 2017
. Sara Magalhães, cE3c: Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa – “Spider mites aid to unravel the interaction between carbon-based and metal-based plant defences” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 20 Mar 2017
. Cyril Zipfel, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK – “Regulation of receptor kinase-mediated immune signaling”- Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 23 Mar 2017
. Zlatko Šatović, Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding, Zagreb, Croatia – “Genetic Demography of Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.): A Journey to the Past” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 29 Mar 2017
. Ioan Negrutiu, ENS Lyon – “From low-cost to slow / sober Anthropocene - rethinking agriculture first” - Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 06 Apr 2017
. Elena Monte, Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), Barcelona – “New Insights into Light-Regulated Development” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 19 Sep 2017
. Rodomiro Ortiz, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sundsvagen, Sweden – “Agro-biodiversity for improving crops and addressing development goals” – GREEN-IT 3rd General Meeting, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 22 Sep 2017
. Diethard Mattanovich, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria – “Yeast biotechnology for biorefinery: new and reengineered production platforms for biochemicals and proteins” – GREEN-IT 3rd General Meeting, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 22 Sep 2017
. László Szabados, Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary – “Gene mining in model and halophytic plants: functional identification of stress regulatory genes by random gene transfer and large-scale genetic screens” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 12 Dec 2017
. Sónia Negrão, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division (BESE), Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – “Dissecting the genetic architecture of salinity tolerance using high-throughput phenotyping” – Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 18 Dec 2017
. Joyce Boye, Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – “On the digestibility of pulse protein ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 28 Jan 2016
. Marc Van Montagu, Ghent University, Belgium – “Plant Sciences: Discover, Innovate, communicate with Society ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 07 Mar, 2016
. Ana Campilho, CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Portugal – “ Plant vascular formation – a model for functional characterization of conserved genes ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 08 Mar, 2016
. Phil Wigge, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK – “Making a thermosensor- temperature perception mechanisms in plants ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 10 Mar 2016
. Sonia Osorio-Algar, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Department, University of Malaga, Spain – “The uncovering of new transcription factors involved in ripening and post-harvest life of tomato and strawberry fruits” , Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 14 Mar 2016
. Andreas Weber, Universität Düsseldorf – “C3-C4 intermediate photosynthesis - a prerequisite for C4 photosynthesis ” 16 Mar 2016, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras
. Julian Hibberd, University of Cambridge – “The evolution of C4 photosynthesis ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 18 Mar 2016
. Christine H. Foyer, Centre for Plant Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK – “The functions of WHIRLY1 functions in stress and senescence ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 30 Mar 2016
. Dierk Scheel, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Germany - “Signaling in PAMP-triggered immunity ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 01 Apr 2016
. Wout Boerjan, VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University - “Genetic engineering of wood quality to improve biomass processing ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 13 Apr 2016
. Paul Christou, Applied Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, University of Lleida - “Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for the creation of novel plant chemodiversity ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 14 Apr 2016
. Hannele Tuominen, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University, Sweden - “Molecular control of xylem cell death and impact on plant performance ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 21 Apr 2016
. Hendrik Poorter, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH - “General patterns in biomass allocation and allometry among higher plants ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 26 Apr 2016 Host: Nelson Saibo.
. Bradley Lusk, Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology, Arizona State University – “Thermophilic Anode Respiring Bacteria ”, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 04 Jul 2016
. Jose M. Pardo, Instituto de Bioquimica Vegetal y Fotosintesis (IBVF-CSIC), Spain - “Regulation of potassium uptake and storage ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 12 Jul 2016
. Elspeth Mac Rae, Scion, New Zealand – “Forests, biorefineries and the bioeconomy in New Zealand ”, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 18 Nov 2016 - Seminar with the participation of several public and private entities - The New Breeding Techniques: Scientific, Technical, Social and Legal Aspects, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 12 Dec 2016
. Elizabete Carmo-Silva, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK - “Optimising CO2 assimilation and crop yields in fluctuating environments ”, Plants4Life Doctoral Program Invited Speaker, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, 19 Dec 2016
GREEN-IT Researchers Institutional Seminars
. Helena Sapeta - Assessing the effect of water deficit and heat stress in cork development and suberin deposition. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 18 May 2022
. Margarida Sampaio - Grass pea natural variation: an unexplored source of resistance to fusarium wilt disease. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 16 March 2022
. Ander Yoldi - Response of Barley to climate change conditions: harnessing the plant water relations and memory stress. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 11 May 2022
. Omar Vergara - Harnessing plant inflorescence potential for crop improvement. A case study in Quinoa under salt stress. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 30 March 2022
. Maria Flores - HeatProtecTom: effect of heat stress on sexual plant reproduction of tomato. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 26 January 2022
. Isabel Rocha - Synthetic Biology for the sustainable production of added-value compounds. SCAN Seminar. ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 23 November 2022
. Rita Abranches - Plant biofactories for the production of high value molecules. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA, Oeiras, Portugal, 14 December 2022
. Jörg Becker - Sexual plant reproduction from evolutionary to cellular scale. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 20 January 2021
. Susana Leitão - Shared and tailored common bean transcriptomic responses to combined fusarium wilt and water deficit. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 03 February 2021
. Pedro Fevereiro - InnovPlantProtect (InPP) - A CoLab for Innovation in Crop Protection. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 24 March 2021
. Pedro Lamosa - Exopolysaccharide structure by NMR - from structure to genes to structure. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 07 April 2021
. Juan Ignacio Vilchez - Beneficial plant-bacteria interactions: a chemical call. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 05 May 2021
. André Cordeiro - The power of light: how PIFs regulate plant development. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 12 May 2021
. Niño-González M, Duque P - Toxic relationships and how to get rid of them: The role of a plant transporter in metal homeostasis. Postdoc Seminar Series, IGC, Oeiras, Portugal, 21 July 2021
. Díez AR, Duque P - Transcriptomic study of two Arabidopsis thaliana natural variants with different abscisic acid sensitivity. Tuesday Internal Seminar Series, IGC, Oeiras, Portugal, 12 October 2021
. Estefanía Uberegui - Impact of rootstock on Vitis response to drought. SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, Portugal, 17 November 2021
. Szakonyi D, Albuquerque-Martins R, Martín G, Duque P - The Arabidopsis SR45 protein modulates ABA-mediated early plant development and stress responses. Postdoc Seminar Series, IGC, Oeiras, Portugal, 15 December 2021
. Cleverson Matiolli - The metabolic gears of plant circadian rhythms - SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA Virtual Auditorium, Oeiras, Portugal, 29 July 2020
. Ruben Vicente - New avenues for increasing yield and stability in C3 cereals. The case of wheat. SCAN Seminar, ITQB NOVA Virtual Auditorium, Oeiras, Portugal, 24 June 2020
. Pedro Barros, Plant funcional Genomics Lab, ITQB NOVA – “Decoding the barriers from the cork oak genome: the role of stress in peridermis development” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 09 Jan 2019
. Carmen Santos, Genetics and Genomics of Plant Complex Traits Lab, ITQB NOVA – “Unlocking the potential of chickling pea as source of powdery mildew disease resistance for grain legumes: a genomic approach” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 23 Oct 2019
. Ana Milhinhos, Forest Biotech Lab – “SOBIR1/EVR prevents precocious initiation of fiber differentiation during wood development” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oerias, 13 Nov 2019
. Olfa Zarrouk, Plant Molecular Ecophysiology Lab – “Impact of deficit irrigation on grape berry metabolism” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 18 Apr 2018
. Margarida Oliveira, Plant Functional Genomics Lab – “Plants and environment: from developmental regulation to stress memories” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 6 Jun 2018
. Rita Abranches, Plant Cell Biology Lab, ITQB NOVA – “Plant cell cultures for the production of recombinant proteins” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 26 Sep 2018
. Isabel Abreu, Proteome Regulation in Plants Lab, GREEN-IT UNIT – “From signal perception to the regulation of metabolism, the story of a Ca2+-dependent protein kinase”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 05 Apr 2017
. Carlota Vaz Patto, Genetics and Genomics of Plant Complex Traits, GREEN-IT UNIT – “Healthier Crops: the genomic approach to answer public concerns” – ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 31 May 2017
. Rita Abranches, Plant Cell Biology Lab, GREEN-IT Unit – “ Plant biofactories for the production of recombinant proteins ”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 20 Jan 2016
. Inês Cardoso Pereira, Bacterial Energy Metabolism Lab, GREEN-IT Unit – “ A protein trisulfide couples dissimilatory sulfate reduction to energy conservation ”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Highlight Seminar, Oeiras, 27 Jan 2016
. Isabel Abreu, UNIMS ITQB/IBET - UniMS: Mass Spectrometry for ITQB, iBET, and beyond, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 02 Mar 2016
. Liliana C. Tomé, Isabel Marrucho Lab - “Ionic Liquid-based Materials for Advanced CO2 Separation Membranes ”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 06 Apr 2016
. Célia Miguel, Forest Biotech Lab – “Searching for molecular regulators of cork cambium in a cork non-producing model tree ”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 20 Apr 2016
. Carla António, Plant Metabolomics Lab, GREEN-IT Unit – “Plant Metabolomics Laboratory: a three-year journey at ITQB NOVA ”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 21 Sep 2016
. Pedro Fevereiro, Plant Cell Biotechnology Lab, GREEN-IT Unit – “Gene expression regulation in Eukaryotes: E pur si muove! ”, ITQB NOVA SCAN Seminar, Oeiras, 16 Nov 2016