Cryo-EM Seminar @ ITQB NOVA - Tiago Costa

IMpaCT project is happy to announce our 7th Cryo-EM seminar with our expert guest, Tiago Dias da Costa.


Date: 23rd June 2022

Time: 10am Lisbon time // 11am CET

Location: ITQB NOVA Auditorium & Zoom session


Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 850 7193 9393
Passcode: 932309


Architecture of an antimicrobial resistance propagator


Tiago Dias da Costa

Principal Investigator, MRC Center for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection

Imperial College London (UK)


Conjugation is one of the most important processes for the proliferation of antibiotic resistance among bacteria. Central to conjugation is the membrane-embedded type IV secretion system (T4SS) found in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This fascinating multi-task secretion nanomachine is critical for transferring multi-drug resistance plasmids between bacteria and to transport virulence factors to eukaryotic cell targets. I will discuss the exciting recent structural advances in the T4SS field, that are providing novel insights to long-standing questions concerning the dissemination of mobile genetic elements and their cargoes of antibiotic resistance.