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Felipe Conzuelo





Felipe Conzuelo

ORCID: 0000-0002-3316-2642

Group Leader

ResearcherID: AFH-6614-2022

Scopus Identifier: 35770534100

Phone: (+351) 2144 69314

CiênciaVitae: B61A-04A8-C67C


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Felipe Conzuelo studied Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, where he continued to obtain his MSc (2011, Chemical Science and Technology) and PhD (2014, Advanced Chemistry). During his doctoral work, he conducted research mainly dedicated to the design and fabrication of electrochemical biosensors. After completing his PhD, he moved to the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, where he performed postdoctoral research in the field of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. He later became Senior Research Scientist and leader of the Local (Photo)Bioelectrochemistry Group at the same University, performing research primarily devoted to the investigation of semi-artificial photosynthetic devices. At the end of 2021, he moved to the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology (ITQB) of NOVA University Lisbon, where he is currently the head of the Bioelectrochemistry and Electrobiotechnology Lab. His research focuses on the development of new strategies for investigating the electrochemical communication between biological entities and electrodes, including enzymes, photosynthetic protein complexes, and microorganisms, providing new insights into the fundamental understanding of bioelectrochemical processes. In addition, his interests are also focused on the implementation of practical biotechnological devices, ranging from biosensors for health care and quality control to the development of bioelectrochemical devices for energy conversion.

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