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Financed projects

Financed Projects

European Union funded projects:

  1. Improvement of current and development of new vaccines for theileriosis and babesiosis of small ruminants” (PiroVac). European Commission FP7 [2010-2013]
  2. Evaluation and improvement of integrated livestock disease control measures through distribution of molecular diagnostic tools, evaluation of disease situation, training and capacity building in Asia” (INCOME) [EU Proposal / Contract: PL 515915 - 2006-2009]
  3. "Molecular characterization of Latin American and Mediterranean Babesia bovis and B. bigemina strains and its application for the development of improved control strategies" (MEDLABAB) [Contract no.: 003691 INCO-DEV - 2005-2007]
  4. "Cell Programming by Nanoscaled Devices" (CellPROM) IP [NMP4-CT-2004-500039] - (2004-2009)
  5. "Molecular and immunological characterization of merozoite antigens and their encoding genes of a Theileria species highly pathogenic for small ruminants in China: application for the development of diagnostic tools and a vaccine" (ADDAV) [ICA4-2000-30028] (2000-2004)
  6. "Nitrogen Oxy-Anions: Optical BioSensing in the environment" (NOASE). EU Project ENV4-CT97-0481 (1998-2000)
  7. "Development of a flow-cell arrangement for an optical immunosensor using LIGA techniques", with the IMM/Germany (under EU contract CHGE-CT93-0052) (1997)
  8. "Development of a rapid, on-site detection device for African Swine Fever" (AIR3 - CT92 - 0665 of the DGVI and DGXII. (1992-1996)


National financed projects:

  1. “Developing novel modulators of skin pigmentation”. iNOVA4Health - Programa de Medicina Translacional – MULTI/04462 (ITQB and CEDOC). [2018-2020]

  2. "Bridging Nature-Inspired Ionic Fluids and Microfluidic Aqueous Biphasic Systems for the Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies" PTDC/QEQ-FTT/3289/2014. Coordinator ITQB [2016-2019]

  3. "Non-invasive method to determine blood glucose through the skin with improved accuracy" (GluSkin). iNOVA4Health (ITQB and CEDOC). [2015-2017]

  4. "Development of microfluidic platform for single cell studies" (Desenvolvimento de plataforma microfluídica para estudo individual de células) PTDC/BBB-IMG/1225/2012. Coordinator ITQB-UNL. Participant CENIMAT.[ 2013-2015]

  5. Optical fiber tweezers for single cell manipulation and analysis” (Instrumentação em fibra óptica para manipulação e análise celular) PL/BBB-IMG/0500/2012. Coordinator INESC-Porto, Participant ITQB-UNL. [2013-2014]

  6. Hybrid electro-optical microfluidic device for single cell analysis” FCT : PTDC/SAU-BEB/102247/2008 PI: Abel González Oliva (Biomolecular Diagnostics Lab), Pedro Jorge, Optoelectronic group INESC-Porto, Hugo Aguas, CENIMAT – UNL. (2010-2012)
  7. Development of ultra-sensitive detection methods and plant nano-vaccines for the fungi Fusarium spp. using nanotechnological devices” Iberian Capacitation Program in Nanotechnologies: Call 2006/2007”. ITQB-UNL, 2780-901 Oeiras, PI: Abel González Oliva (Biomolecular Diagnostics Lab) & Carlota Vaz Patto (Plant Cell Biotechnology) & Alejandro Perez Luque, Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible del CSIC, Córdoba (2009-2011)
  8. Descoberta e desenvolvimento de compostos para terapia de cancro de cólon” (ONCOTERA) ECBio, IBET, UNL, ICAT, GlycoThera, INETI. QREN 2010-2012
  9. "Aplicação de quantum dots conjugados para investigar expressão e função de proteínas antigénicas de superfície em Babesia bovis, um microrganismo patogénico de importância económica". Projecto de Cooperação Científica Portugal-Argentina (Ref. FCT 411), Lab. Diagnóstico Biomolecular (Abel Oliva) ITQB e CICVyA (Monica Jacobsen), INTA-Castelar/Argentina. (2010-2011)
  10. "Desenvolvimento de um biossensor óptico para detecção de aminas biogénicas com recurso a método inovativo de nano-estruturação com laser" Acção Integrada Portugal-Espanha. Biomolecular Diagnostics Laboratory (Abel Oliva) & Physiology of Environmentally Conditioned Microbiota (Vitoria San Romão) ITQB/UNL and "Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona" (ICMAB) Spain (2008-2009)
  11. "Development of detection methods for the fungi Fusarium spp. and smart delivery systems in plants using nanotechnological devices".Acção Integrada Portugal-Espanha. Abel González Oliva (Biomolecular Diagnostics Laboratory), Carlota Vaz Patto (Plant Cell Biotechnology) ITQB/UNL Alejandro Perez Luque, Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible del CSIC, Córdoba (2008-2009)
  12. Optical Fibre Sensors for Distributed Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature” [AMB/56132/2004 FCT - 2006-2007]
  13. Use of piezoelectric/impedance spectroscopy immunosensor for veterinary diagnostic of Babesia” [GRICES Tunisia-Portugal 2006-2007]
  14. Culture of Babesia bovis parasite, production of antigenic protein and development of immunosensor”. [GRICES Mexico-Portugal 2006-2007]
  15. "Production of antigen proteins for the development of immunosensor development for the diagnosis of brucellosis and anaplasmosis" International collaboration Argentina-Portugal (GRICES) - (2002-2003)
  16. "Desenvolvimento de micro células de fluxo e métodos de imobilização baseados em guias de ondas ópticas" Acções integradas Luso- Espanholas - AI-E/00 Acção Nº E-52/00 (2000-2001)
  17. "Optimização de um imunossensor óptico” (2/2.1/BIO/1141/95), em colaboração com grupos de investigação do Departamento de Química e do Departamento de Engenheira de Materiais, da Universidade de Coimbra - FCT (1997-1999).
  18. "Nitrogen oxy-anions: Optical biosensing in the environment" (Acção Nº: B-63/96), Treaty of Windsor (British Council / Concelho de Reitores), School of Chemical Science / UEA and Laboratório de Biossensores / ITQB (1996-1997).
  19. "Development of an optical biosensors based on the Klebsiella aerogenes luminescent bacteria” (LIS/882/13 [94/95] Proj.72) em colaboração com a School of Chemical Science, University of East Anglia/UK, JNICT / British Council (1994-1995)



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