Group Members
Abel González OlivaPI - Head of Laboratory PhD Agricultural Technology (Universität Hohenheim/Germany) Agricultural Engineering (UBA/Argentina) (CV) Microfluidic chips for biological appliations, 3D full human skin model |
Dragana BarrosResearcher PhD Biotechnology (IST) BSc Nanoparticles for drug delivery |
Patrícia ZoioPhD Student, MSc Biomedical and Biophysiscal Engineering (FCUL) Full humanized skin in a chip |
Sara VenturaMSc Biomedical Science (IHMT/UNL) BSc Molecular and Cellular Biology (FCUL) Development of full humanized skin model |
Mafalda LeiteMSc student Biochemistry for Health (ITQB-UNL) BSc in Biochemistry Developments of melanoma in vitro model |
Madalena ReiMSc student (Human Biology and Environment-FCUL) BSc in Biology (FCUL) 3D reconstructed human skin-on-a-chip model for anti-inflammatory drug evaluation.
Sara Precatado MSc student (Engenharia de Materiais - FCT-NOVA) Optimization of the human iPS‐derived endothelial chip for development of a 3D microphysiological vascular cells system |
Rafaela SantosMSc student (Human Biology and Environment-FCUL) BSc in Biology (FCUL) Topical delivery of bioflavonoids to in vitro human reconstructed epidermis using lipid nanocarriers