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Ongoing Projects at Forest Biotech Lab (national coordination)
2018 to 2021 "PINASTER-PWN - Development of molecular markers for resistance to pine wilt disease in Pinus pinaster". POR Lisboa, FCT, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028379. Cordinator: Célia Miguel, Fac. Ciências, ULisboa, Portugal).  
2015 to 2019 "ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences." H2020, grant agreement no. 676559. Partner, Coordinator: Niklas Blomberg, EMBL-ELIXIR, UK 
2012 to 2015 "ProCoGen - Promoting a functional and comparative understanding of the conifer genome- implementing applied aspects for more productive and adapted forests". Portuguese Partner in the Collaborative Project KBBE.2011.1.1-01 (Grant agreement no: 289841, Coordinators: Carmen Díaz-Sala, UAH and María-Teresa Cervera, INIA-CIFOR, Spain). 
2010 to 2013 “SUSTAINPINE - Genomic tools in maritime PINE for enhanced biomass production and SUSTAINable forest management”. Portuguese Partner in the Plant-KBBE project (Coordinator: Francisco Cánovas, UMA, Spain)
2010 to 2013 “Gene Regulatory Networks Underlying Phellogen Activity”. FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/098369/2008
2010 to 2013 “Transcriptomics of maritime pine embryogenesis”. FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/102877/2008 



Other ongoing Projects (participation)
2017 to 2020 " – Portuguese Biological Data Network" P2020. Partner, Coordinator: IGC, Portugal
2013 to 2016 "DataStorm - Large scale data management in cloud environments". EXCL/EEI-ESS/0257/2012 (coordinated by INESC-ID/INESC/IST) 

2012 to 2016 "Genosuber - cor oak genome sequencing project". QREN - INALENTEJO (coordinated by CEBAL)

2012 to 2016 "Population genomics of virulence adaptation in coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix)". PTDC/AGR-GPL/119943/2010 (coordinated by IICT)

2010 to 2013 “Conservation and valorization of endangered endemic Portuguese plant species ”. EDP awarded (coordinated by Disease and Stress Biology Lab, ITQB/IBET)

2010 to 2013 “Assessment of genetic and genomic resources of Cork Oak: the basis towards a prospective management”. PTDC/AGR-GPL/104966/2008 (coordinated by FCUL)

2010 to 2013 “Identification of genes responsible for drought tolerance in Jatropha curcas, an emerging biodiesel plant”. PTDC/AGR-GPL/101435/2008 (coordinated by Genomics of Plant Stress Lab, ITQB/IBET) 


Previous Projects (last 5 years)
2009 to 2010 “Resposta Biotecnológica ao Problema do Nemátodo da Madeira do Pinheiro” (Partner in the project coordinated by ESBUC). Autoridade Florestal Nacional, Ministério da Agricultura
2009 to 2010 “Cork oak ESTs Consortium – fruit and embryo development”. FCT awarded SOBREIRO/0029/2009
2005 to 2009 “Molecular and Functional Characterization of Genes Involved in the Embryogenesis of Maritime Pine”. FCT awarded POCI/AGR/57902/2004
2005 to 2008 “Functional Characterization of Genes Related to Nitrogen Metabolism in Genetically Modified Maritime Pine”. FCT awarded POCI/AGR/57157/2004
2005 to 2007 “Scientific exchange program for pine embryogenesis” FLAD awarded (519/05)



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