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Lab Members

Lígia O Martins, she/her, Principal Investigator, Head of Lab

tel: +351 214 469 534, e-mail:

Girls should never be afraid to be smart

Google Scholar 
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0082-9591
Researcher ID: C-2513-2009 
Ciência ID: 731B-B843-C1DF
Loop profile: 319225 
Scopus Author ID: 7102109314

Research Gate 


Vânia Brissos, Invited Assistant Researcher,


Patrícia Borges, Junior Researcher (CEEC, collaboration Structural Biology Lab),


Elena K. Potocká, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow, Collaboration with Rita Ventura,

Catarina Coelho, Postdoctoral fellow (collaboration Igor Tiago, Univ Coimbra),


André Taborda, Ph.D. student,


Carolina Ferro Rodrigues, Ph.D. student,


Tomás Frazão, Ph.D. student (co-supervisor Patrícia Borges (Structural Biology Lab at ITQB) and Ferran Sancho (Zymvol Biomodeling, SP),


Tiago Lopes, PhD student,


André Amador, Project Fellow,


Pedro Almeida, Project Fellow,


Margarida Monteiro, FCT-NOVA undergraduate student,  



Paulo Durão, Assistant Researcher (CEEC),

Zenjhia Chen, Invited Scientist





Catarina Coelho Dec 2024. Characterization of a bacterial LDH.

Diogo Silva Jul23-May24. One step towards improved thermostabilization  of DyP-Peroxidases using computational engineering

Sónia Mendes May15-Nov17. Structure-function studies in bacterial Dye-decolourising peroxidases and Pyranose 2-oxidase. Sónia is currently a Senior Research Associate at the Bioprocess Development and Analytics division at iBET.

Bruno Reynolds Jan 10-Oct 13. Setting up a Technology Transfer Office in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Co-supervision with Nuno Arantes de Oliveira, Alfama. Bruno is now a staff member of ISIS Innovation: Technology Transfer at Oxford University, UK.

Zhenjhia Chen Nov 06-Feb 2013. Spectroscopic and kinetic characterization of site-directed mutants of CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis. Chen is presently the Deputy Director of China's Coffee Engineering Research Center, Padi Industrial Park, Mangshi City, Dehong Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, China.

Luciana Pereira April 05- Dec08. Evaluation of CotA-laccase towards degradation and synthesis of industrial dyes. Luciana is presently a Senior Researcher at Dep. Engenharia Biológica, Univ Minho.

Isabel Bento June 04-06. Structure-function relationships of prokaryotic laccases. Co-supervision with Prof Peter Lindley. Isabel is currently at European Biology Lab, EMBL, Heidelberg


Ph.D. students

Mario De Simone 2021-2025. Improvement of Isoeugenol Monooxygenases for Sustainable Production of Lignin-Derived Vanillin. FCT Grant 2020.08246.BD.

Catarina Coelho 2019 - 2024. Mining for novel plant-cellulosic-biomass degrading enzymes from Porcellio Crustacea Isopoda hindguts – Biotechnology contribution for efficient use of forest resources. FCT grant SFRH/BD/148270/2019. Co-supervision with Igor Tiago, Univ Coimbra

Magalí Franca Scocozza 2019-2023. Operación Electroquímica de Peroxidasas DyPs: Nuevas Rutas catalíticas propician un desempeno Catalítico Superior. Co-Supervision with Daniel Murgida, INQUIMAE, Univ Buenos Aires, Argentina. Magalí is currently a Post-doc at the GRoisman Lab at the Yale University, USA.

Diogo Silva 2018-2023. Closer Look at a Potential Biocatalyst: Unravelling the Catalytic, Stability and Structural Features of PpDyP. ITQB-NOVA.

Ana Fernandes 2015- 2019. Cooperative organometallic and enzymatic catalysis to develop new value chains from organic wastes. PhD in Sustainable Chemistry (ITQB-NOVA, Univ Aveiro, Univ Porto). Co-supervision with Beatriz Royo, ITQB.

Ana Catarina Sousa PhD May 2015. Biotransformation of aromatic amines by laccases, IST-UL. Co-supervision with Maria Paula Robalo, ISEL/IST. Catarina is presently an Assistant Professor at ISEL

Sónia Mendes PhD April 2015. Multi-enzymatic systems for cleaning-up synthetic dyes from the environment. ITQB-NOVA. Sónia is currently a Senior Research Associate at the Bioprocess Development and Analytics division at iBET.

André T. Fernandes PhD February 2011. Insight into Multicopper Oxidases Stability. ITQB-NOVA. André is currently the Business Development Manager at “Bioline”; previously was the Head of Sales Division of NZYtech Genes & enzymes company. 

Paulo Durão PhD March 2010. CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis: Structure-Function Studies of Catalytic Copper Centers. ITQB-NOVA. Paulo is currently at our lab as an Auxiliary independent researcher; before was a  Postdoc at Isabel Gordo Lab at IGC and was previously in Franz-Ulrich Hartl’s lab at Max-Planck Inst of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Munich, Germany.


Master students

Pedro Jesus, Sep 23-Nov 24. Engineering galactose oxidases for enlarged biotechnological applications. Co-supervision: André Taborda. MSc in Biotechnology FCT-NOVA

Riccardo Tomao, Mar-Sep 23. Engineering PpDyP based in site-directed saturation mutagenesis for efficient synthetic dye decolourisation. Co-supervision: Carolina Rodrigues. MSc Universitá di Modena Reggio-Emilia, Italia

Carolina Dias, Sep 21- Feb23. Laboratory evolution of new bacterial galactose oxidases for green biotech applications. Co-supervision: André Taborda. MSc in BioTechnology for Sustainability. ITQB-NOVA.

Maria Ana Martins, Oct 20-Oct 22. NMR studies of Transient Enzyme-Substrate Interactions. Supervision: Tiago N. Cordeiro. MSc in BioTechnology for Sustainability. ITQB-NOVA.

Tomás Frazão, Sep 20-Jan 22. Insight into biophysical properties of AsP2Ox, a candidate enzyme for health diagnosis biosensors. Supervision: Patrícia Borges. MSc in Biochemistry for Health. ITQB & FCT-NOVA.

João Costa, Feb 21-Nov 21. Novel Oxidases: Exploring substrate scope and enzyme engineering possibilities. Co-supervision: Nikola Loncar (GECCO BIOTECH, Groningen). MSc in Biotechnology, IST-UL

Carolina Ferro Rodrigues, Sep 19-Jun 21. Tailor BsDyP for Biorefinery Applications using a Laboratory Evolution Approach. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos & André Taborda. MSc in Biotechnology for Sustainability, ITQB-NOVA

Ricardo Estevinho, Sep 19- Feb 21. Insight into Catalytic Features of Native and Engineered Laccases and Synthesis of Added-Value Compounds. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. MSc in Biotechnology, FCT-NOVA.

Carolina Godinho, Sep 19-Nov 20. Reduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds by Pseudomonas putida MET94 PpAzoR Azoreductase. Co-supervision: Beatriz Royo. MSc in Biotechnology for Sustainability, ITQB-NOVA.

Francisco Nunes, Sep18-Sep19. Isoeugenol monooxygenase characterization and whole-cell bioconversion systems towards vanillin production from plant-derived precursor isoeugenol. MSc in Applied Microbiology, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa.

André Taborda, Set18-Sep19. Development of novel bacterial enzymes for medical diagnosis through directed evolution. MSc in Applied Microbiology, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa.

André Faria, Jan-Nov18. Droplet microfluidic systems for directed evolution: aiming at integration. Supervisor: João Pedro Conde, IST and INESC, Lisboa. MSc in Bioengineering and Nanosystems, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ Lisboa.

Diana Santos, Sep16-Oct17. Improving a bacterial pyranose 2-oxidase from Arthrobacter siccitolerans through directed evolution. MSc in Biochemistry for Health, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa.

Guillherme Andrade, Apr16-Dec17. Droplet microfluidic systems for directed evolution. Supervisor: João Pedro Conde, IST and INESC, Lisboa. MsC in Bioengineering and Nanosystems, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ Lisboa.

Lorenzo Benardo, March-Dec17. Development of multienzymatic systems towards the valorization of colored textile effluents. Co-supervision: Giovanna Cristina Varese. MSc in Plant Biotecnology, Universitá degli Studi di Torino, Italy.

Joaquim Madeira, Feb14–Jul15. Bacterial Hydrogen Peroxide Forming Enzymes. MSc in Biological Engineering, Universidade do Algarve.

Bruna Pinto, Feb14 – Feb15. Biotransformation of toxic aromatic amines. Co-supervision: Maria Paula Robalo, ISEL and IST, Lisboa. MSc in Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa.

Diogo Tavares, Sep13-Nov14. Engineering new bacterial dye-decolourising peroxidases for lignin degradation. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. MSc in Applied Microbiology, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa.

Ana Filipa Santos  Feb 12-Dec12. Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of a DyP-type peroxidase from Bacillus subtilis. MSc in Biological Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ Lisboa.

Nádia Gonçalves Sep11-Sep12. Evolving the thermostability of PpAzoR, an azoredutase from Pseudomonas putida MET94, by directed evolution. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. MSc in Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra


Postgraduate students

Constança Lorena (FCUL) Apr 22- Dec 24. X-ray crystal structures of DyP-type peroxidases. Supervisor: Patrícia T. Borges

Tomás Frazão (FCT-NOVA) Dec 21-Sep22. Molecular dynamics studies of AsP2Ox. Supervisors: Patrícia T. Borges & Laura Masgrau (ZYMVOL Biomodeling, Barcelona, SP)

Andreia Oliveira (FCT-NOVA, U. Coimbra) Mar-Sep22. Engineering ligninolytic enzymes for improved features

Ricardo Estevinho (U Evora, FCT-NOVA) Mar-Dec 21. Design and set-up of enzymatic processes for lignin-derived chemicals.Co-supervision: M. Paula Robalo ISEL/IST

Margarida Ruivo (FCT-NOVA, FCUL) Nov 19- Jul 21. Engineering and biochemical characterization of hyperthermophilic multicopper oxidases

André Taborda (FCUL) Jan 20-Sep 20. Novel biosensors for medical diagnosis

Mario De Simone (Univ Federico II, Napoli, IT), Aug 19-Sep 20. Engineering and biochemical characterization of isoeugenol monooxygenases

Magdalena Lejmer, (Poland), Jul 18- Sep19. Directed evolution of hyperthermophilic McoA towards improved efficiency for lignin-related phenolics. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos

Joana Pedroso (FF-UP), Jul 18-Sep19. Crystallographic studies of bacterial DyPs and Pyranose 2-oxidase. Co-supervision: Carlos Frazão

Diana Santos (FCUL), Jan 18 – Dec 18. Directed evolution of AsP2Ox a bacterial pyranose 2-oxidase

Zuleica Duarte (FCT NOVA & IST), Nov 17 – May18. Engineering the hyperthermophilic McoA laccase for improved oxidation of phenolics. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos

Diogo Silva (Minho U), Jul 16 – Dec 17. Engineering of Arthrobacter siccitolerans galactose oxidase for improved solubility

Cláudio Piedade (FCUL), Feb-Jun 17.Directed evolution studies of Aquifex aeolicus McoA metalloxidase. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos

Patrícia Reis (FCT-NOVA), Oct 16 – Jan 17.Degradation of lignin-model compounds using laccases and DyP peroxidases

Mara Lisa Marques (FCT-NOVA) May 15-Dec 16.Directed evolution studies of Aquifex aeolicus McoA. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos

Lúcia Sabala (Aveiro U), June 14- May 15. Discovery of new lignin-degrading bacterial strains

Susana Proença (FCT-NOVA), Feb 13-Feb14. Directed evolution of McoP, a metaloxidase from Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos

Pedro Bernardo (FCT-NOVA) July 11-Nov12. Enzymatic transformation of lignin

Tânia Rosado (Évora U) July09-Dec 011. CotA-laccase mediator systems

Pedro Barrulas (Évora U) July-Dec 07. Enzymatic biotransformation of synthetic dyes. Co-supervision: Luciana Pereira

Mauro Conde (FC-UL), Mar-Sept 07. Expression of CuoB de Myxococcus xanthus em E.coli

Sara Seixas (Lusófona U) Mar-Nov 07.Studies on PpoA from Marinomomas mediterranea an interesting enzyme for biotech applications

Carlos Pinheiro (FCT-NOVA) Oct 04-Mar 05. Microbial and enzymatic dye decolourisation



Sofia Assis, Jan-May 23. Directed evolution of NOV1 for improved catalytic efficiency. Bachelor in Cellular and Molecular Biology, FCT NOVA. Co-supervision: Mario De Simone.

Catarina Calaça, Jan-May 23. Random recombination engineering towards a robust sugar oxidase. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT NOVA.Co-supervision: André Taborda.

Carlos Vital, Jan - May 22. Exploring the hotspot residues introduced during directed evolution of AsP2Ox using rational and semi-rational approaches. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT NOVA.Co-supervision: André Taborda.

Eva Ferreira, Jan-May 22. Exploring the hotspot residues introduced during the directed evolution of AsP2Ox using rational and semi-rational approaches. Co-supervision: André Taborda. Bachelor in Biochemistry FCT-NOVA.

Catarina Batista, Jan-May 22. Estudos bioquímicos e estruturais da DyP-peroxidase de Pseudomonas putida. Co-supervision: Diogo Silva & Teresa Catarino. Bachelor in Biochemistry FCT-NOVA.

Francisco Sobral, Jan20-Jun20. Directed evolution of pyranose 2-oxidase from Arthrobacter siccitolerans. Co-supervision: André Taborda. Bachelor in Biology, ISA-UL.

Patrícia Lopes, Jan-Mar 20. Investigation of the catalytic mechanism of BsDyP a DyP peroxidase from Bacillus subtilis. Co-supervision: Teresa Catarino. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT NOVA.

Mariana Lima, Jan-Mar 19. Investigation of the catalytic mechanism of pyranose 2-oxidase from Arthrobacter siccitolerans. Co-supervision: Teresa Catarino. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT NOVA

Catalina Cepeleaga, Jan-May19. Directed evolution of the hyperthermophilic McoP metaloxidase from Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Cellular and Molecular Biology, FCT NOVA

Joana Calvário, Jan-Mar 18. Investigation of the catalytic mechanism of AsP2Ox, a bacterial pyranose 2-oxidase. Co-supervision: Teresa Catarino. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT NOVA

Adriana Inácio, Jan-May 18. Directed evolution of enzymes. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Cellular and Molecular Biology, FCT NOVA

Guilherme Gouveia, Jan-Mar 18. Improving a bacterial pyranose 2-oxidase from Arthrobacter siccitolerans through directed evolution. Bachelor in Biology, FCUL

Manuel Carvalho, Feb-Jun17. Evolution of PpDyP from Pseudomonas putida MET94 for increased thermostability. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Biothecnology, Universidade de Évora

Bernardo Rodrigues, Feb-May17. X-ray studies of Pseudomonas putida MET94 PpDyP. Co-supervision: Carlos Frazão. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT, NOVA

Catarina Banha, Feb-Jul 16. Optimization of the heterologous expression of AsP2Ox from Arthrobacter siccitolerans in Escherichia coli. Co-supervision: Sónia Mendes. Bachelor in Biotechnology, Escola Superior Agrária. Politécnico de Coimbra

Rita Delgado, Jan-May 16. Optimization of a new fluorescent assay to detect hydrogen peroxide. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT, NOVA

Luís Vicente, Sept-Dec 15. Engineering of Arthrobacter siccitolerans galactose oxidase for improved solublity. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT, NOVA

Antonieta Gabriel, May-Sep14. Structure-function studies in DyP peroxidases. Co-supervision: Sónia Mendes. Bachelor in Biotechnology, Escola Superior Agrária. Politécnico de Coimbra

Marcelo Ferreira, Jan-May14. Improving whole cell systems for Dye-type peroxidases production and immobilization. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT, NOVA

Catarina Rodrigues, Set12-Dec 12. Directed evolution of McoA, a metaloxidase from Aquifex aeolicus. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT, Bachelor in Biochemistry, FCT, NOVA

Maura Ferreira, Feb-Set12. Directed evolution of McoA, a metaloxidase from Aquifex aeolicus. Co-supervision: Vânia Brissos. Bachelor in Biochemistry, Universidade de Évora

Ana Filipa Santos, Feb11-July11. Expression, purification, and biochemical characterization of a DyP - type peroxidase from Bacillus subtilis. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Ana Isabel Farinhas, May-Oct 10. Cloning and co-expression in Escherichia coli of ppAzoR Pseudomonas putida from and CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis. Co-supervision: Sónia Mendes. Bachelor in Biotechnology,Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Escola Superior Agrária

Rita Catarino, Bolsa de Investigação (BI). Oct 09-Set 10. Cloning, overproduction, purification, and characterization of bacterial DyP peroxidases. Bachelor in Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Diogo Pereira, Bolsa de Integração na Investigação (BII). Jan 09- Dec 09. Influence of aromatic substitution patterns on azo dye transformation by CotA-laccase. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Lisboa

Catarina Pimenta, Feb-Nov 07. Biodegradation of Sudan Orange G by the bacterium Pseudomonas putida. Co-supervision: Luciana Pereira. Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco

Rui Coelho, April 06-Dec 06. Expression, Purification, and characterization of a “multicopper oxidase” from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Bachelor Biotechnol Eng, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

Diana Mateus, April-Dec 05. Biodegradation of synthetic dyes from textile industries by Pseudomonas putida MET94. Bachelor Biotechnol Eng, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

André T. Fernandes, Oct 04-Jul 05. Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of a laccase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus. Bachelor Biotechnol Eng, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

Erasmus students

Riccardo Tomao, Mar-Sep 23. Engineering PpDyP based in site-directed saturation mutagenesis for efficient synthetic dye decolourisation. Co-supervision: Carolina Rodrigues. MSc Universitá di Modena Reggio-Emilia, Italia

Lorenzo Bonardo, March-Sep 2017 (7 months). Multienzymatic systems to develop new industrial value chains from organic wastes. Universitá degli Studi di Torino, Italy

Beata Rekosz, Aug-Oct 15 (3 months). Isolation and identification of new bacterial lignin-degrading strains. Technical University of Lodz, Poland  

Kamil Trzebinski, July-Sep14 (3 months). Cloning and heterologous expression of a glutathione S-transferase (GST) from Myxococcus stipitatus. Technical University of Lodz, Poland                       

Marcin Jarzebski, July-Sep14  (3 months). Immobilization and spectroscopic studies of glyoxal oxidases. Co-supervisor: Smilja Todorovic. Technical University of Lodz, Poland

Lina Jobuškaitė, Jun-Aug 12 (3 months). Improvement of the heterologous expression of the multicopper oxidase McoP from Pyrobaculum aerophilum. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Institute of Biochemistry, Vilnius, Lithuania

Marek Voišnis, Jun-Aug 12 (3 months). Comparison of enzymatic activities of the recombinant azoreductase PpAzoR from Pseudomonas putida MET94 using NADPH or NADH. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Institute of Biochemistry, Vilnius, Lithuania

Sabrina Föge , Aug 08-Feb 09 (6 months). Directed Evolution of bacterial laccases. Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg, Germany

Amanda Fillat Latorre, Feb - July 06 (6 months). Expression, purification and characterization of the “multicopper oxidase” from Campylobacter jejuni. Univ Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

Summer training

Bruno Sousa (Biochemistry, ULHT), 18 Jun-18 Jul,Production and purification of recombinant bacterial enzymes

Renato Rodrigues (Applied Chemistry, FCT-NOVA), Jul-Aug 22. Rational design of NOV1 monooxygenase. Co-supervision: Mario De Simone

João Costa (Biochemistry FCUL), July 2019. Directed evolution techniques; Studies with AsP2Ox, a bacterial Pyranose 2-oxidase

Catalina Cepeleaga (Cell and Mol Biology, FCT NOVA), July 2019. Directed evolution techniques; Studies with McoP from Pyrobaculum aerophilum

Rita Marques Pinto (Biological Sciences, Plymouth Univ), 23-27 July 2018. Biodegradation and valorization of dye-containing wastewaters using immobilized cells of recombinant Escherichia coli overproducing an azoreductase and a laccase. Summer Science @ ITQB-NOVA

Ana Buga (Biochemistry, FCT-UNL), 15 June-15 July 2018. Studies with AsP2Ox, a bacterial Pyranose 2-oxidase

João Zagalo Pereira (Biology, FC-UL), July 24-28, 2017. Comparative analysis of the catalytic specificity for phenolics of two DyP-peroxidases. Summer Science @ ITQB-NOVA

José Bento (Biology, FCT-UNL), July 17-28, 2017. Comparative analysis of the catalytic specificity for phenolics of bacterial laccases

Pilar Portela (FCT-UNL) & Diana Marques (Univ Aveiro), July 25-29, 2016

Summer Science @ ITQB-NOVA

Mafalda Duque (IST UL), July-Aug 15. Directed evolution of Arthrobacter siccitolerans galactose oxidase for improved solubility.

Mónica Pereira (IST UL), July-Aug 15.Immobilization of PpDyP for generation of biosensors. Co-supervisor: Smilja Todorovic.

Lídia Jesus (IST UL), July-Aug 15.Cloning PpAzoR and PpDyP in pET-Duet.

Ana Margarida Alves (IST UL), July-Sep 13. Isolation of new bacterial strains of lignin degraders.

Inês Almeida (IST UL), July-Sep 13. Isolation of new bacterial strains for biosurfactants production.

Tiago Pinto (IST UL), July-Dec 12. Crystallization of bacterial DyP-peroxidases.

André Belo (IST UL), July-Aug 12.Screening ionic liquids for lignin solubilization.

Marcelo Ferreira, (IST UL) July-Sep 12.Development of a colorimetric screening method for lignin degradation

Alessa Silva, (FCUL, UL) Aug-Sep10.Effect of organic solvents and ionic liquids in the activity of CotA.

Hugo Sant’Ana Pereira (UCL, UK), Sep09. Directed evolution CotA-laccase


High-School Students

Rosa Semedo, April-Jun 24 (2.5 months). Training period “Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III” – 12º grade. Superprodução e purificação de enzimas recombinantes. Escola Secundária de Mem Martins

Ana Beatriz Martinho, Mar - Jul 23 (4 months),Training period “Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III” – 12º grade Superprodução e purificação de enzimas recombinantes. Escola Secundária de Mem Martins

Carolina Francisco, Apr-Aug 22 (4 months). Superprodução e purificação de enzimas recombinantes. Training period “Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III” – 12º grade. Escola Secundária de Mem Martins

Rafael Claudino, Jun-Jul 17 (2 months). Superprodução e purificação de enzimas recombinantes. Escola Secundária do Pinhal Novo, Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III, 11º grade.

Soraia Barata, May-Jul 13 (3 months). Crescimento de microrganismos e produção de proteínas heterólogas. Training period (Prova de Apditão Profissional) “Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III” – 12º grade. Escola Secundária de Mem Martins

Sofia Almeida May-Nov 12 (6 months). Superprodução e purificação de enzimas recombinantes. Training period (Prova de Apditão Profissional) “Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III” – 12º grade. Escola Secundária de Mem Martins.

Tiago Pereira Oct-Mar 11 (6 months). Superprodução e purificação de enzimas recombinantes. Training period (Prova de Apditão Profissional) “Curso Profissional de Técnico de Análises Laboratorais Nível III” – 12º grade. Escola Secundária de Mem Martins.


Visiting Researchers

Nicholus Bhattacharjee, April 24 (1 month). Zymvol Biomodelling SA, Barcelona, Spain

Raluca Bianca Tomoiaga, Feb-April 24 (3 months). PhD student, Babes-Bolyai University, Chemistry Doctoral School, Enzymology and Applied Biocatalysis Research Center

Ferran Sancho, Mar 23 - Feb 24 (12 months). Zymvol Biomodelling SA, Barcelona, Spain

Anja Kostelac, Nov 22 - Feb 23 (3 months). Ph.D. student, Boku-VIBT, Vienna, Austria

Eniko Hermann, Apr-Oct 22 (6 months). Ph.D. student, BOKU-VIBT, Vienna, Austria

Magalí Scoccozza, May-Nov 19 & Jan-Feb 22 (8 months). Ph.D. student, INQUIMAE, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Alain Puente Santiago, Oct-Nov 17 (2 months). Post-doc in Physical Chemistry, Univ Cordoba, Spain

Ana Isabel Vicente, Sep-Dec 15 (3 months). Ph.D. student, CSIC, Department of Biocatalysis, Madrid, Spain

Ana Paula Tavares, Dec 13. Faculdade de Engenharia, Univ Porto, Portugal

Alba Blánquez, Apr-Jul 13 (3 months). Ph.D. student, Universidad Alcalá, Madrid, Spain

Yasmina Mekmouche, Nov-Dec 12 (2 months). Researcher,  Université Marseille, France

Weeranuch Lang, Sep-Nov 12 (3 months). Post-Doc, Kokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Maria Isabel Guijon, Feb-Jul 11 (6 months). Lecturer, Universidad de Cáceres, Spain

Debjani Dutta, Nov-Dec 09 (1 month). Biotechnology Department, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India

Nuria Gómez Santos, Oct-Dec06, Sep-Dec08 (6 months). Ph.D. student, Dep Microbiologia, Univ Granada, Spain


Resident artist

Marta de Menezes 


Decon: deconstruction, decontamination, decomposition

March 06-April 08

Decon's project explores using biotechnology methods and materials as art to develop paintings that are alive and deconstruct themselves while exhibited. In Decon, replicas of Piet Mondrian geometric paintings were created using a bacterial support medium. Pseudomonas putida bacteria progressively degrade the colors in these paintings. This technology is based on the work of Dr. Lígia Martins at the Instituto de Biologia Química e Biológica in Lisbon, where the project has been developed. In her laboratory, scientists research biological strategies to degrade highly pollutant textile dyes using bacteria that are harmless to humans and the environment. During the development of Decon, the artist and her collaborators researched the optimal conditions to influence bacterial activity, adapting the color degradation rate to the environmental conditions of a museum. The objective was to achieve a slow decomposition of the images during the entire duration of their public exhibition. Thus, the artwork is something alive, destined to die and decompose, as we all are.

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