DECON: Deconstruction, Decontamination, Decomposition
Collaboration with the plastic artist Marta de Menezes
The art project DECON explored biotechnology methods and materials as art media to create paintings that are alive and changing while exhibited. Piet Mondrian’s geometric paintings were reproduced on a bacterial solid growth medium supplemented with azo dyes (the largest and most versatile dyes recalcitrant to degradation). The colors from those paintings were progressively degraded by the bacteria Pseudomonas putida MET94. During the project's development phase, the artist worked as a Resident Artist at the MET lab (2008) to investigate the conditions for adapting bacterial action to exhibition conditions at Art Galleries.
The SOPHIE FP6 project, IBET, ITQB, IGC, and Direcção Geral das Artes, Ministério da Cultura funded this project.
Please visit:
Marta de Menezes, João Urbano, Lígia Martins, Joana Costa, Inês Moreira, Aida Castro & Luís Quintais.
Ed. Ectopia- Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciência, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. 2009. ISBN: 9789892012261
- Art Moscow2013 - "e-consciousness", Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia. Curador: Simeon
- Documenta 2012 – “The Wordly House”, Kassel, Alemanha. Curador: Tue Greenfort
- Body Nature, PAV – Parco Arte Vivente, Torim, Itália. Curador: Claudio Cravero-
- Principia Exhibition – Milano Design Week 2011, Milão, Itália. Curador: Claudio Cravero
- Apoptosis, Verbeke Gallery, Antuérpia, Bélgica. Curador: Simon Delobel
- Process as Paradigm/El Processo como Paradigma, La Laboral Centro de Arte, Gijon, Espanha. 2010. Curadores: Susanne Jaschko, Lucas Evers
- Dopplereffekt: Bilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Kunstahalle Zzu Kiel, Kiel, Alemanha. Curadores: Petra Gorduren, Dirk Luckow
- Key of Life Festival, Leiden, Holanda. 2009. Curator: Marijke Reuvers
- Mater, Media Lab, Madrid, Espanha. Curador: Josep Perello
- Genipulation. Pasquart Centre, Biel/Bienne, Suiça. Curador: Dolores Denaro
- Hybrider. Trondheim Contemporary Art Center. 2008. Trondheim, Noruega. Curador: Espen Gangvic
- Art and Science in the Post-Biological Age. 2008. Era Foundation, Moscovo, Russia. Curador: Dmitry Bulatov
- Hybrid. Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal. 2008. Curador: Marta de Menezes
- New Polyphonies: Contemporary Art from Portugal, UNI Gallery of Art, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 2008. Curator: Darrell Taylor
- Mater in Progress, FAD, Barcelona, Espanha. Curador: Josep Perello
- Open Day ITQB, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Oeiras, Portugal
- Artists in Labs, Enter3 Festival, Praga, República Checa. 2007. Curador: Denisa Kera
- Decon, Petit Cabanon, Porto, Portugal. 2007. Curador: Inês Moreira.
- Bios4, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC), Sevilha, Espanha. 2007. Curador: Antonio Cerveira Pinto
- BioArte, Palácio dos Capitães, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal. 2007. Curador: Inês Moreira and Instituto Açoriano da Cultura.
- BioArte, Academia das Artes, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal. 2007. Curador: Inês Moreira and Instituto Açoriano da Cultura.