Optimized protocols to measure the stability of ligninolytic enzymes. Brissos, V, Durão, P, Rodrigues, CF, Melo, EP, Martins, LO. 2025. Methods in Enzymol. accepted
Isolation of lignocellulose biomass-degrading bacteria from Porcellio dilatatus gut-enriched culture. Coelho, C, Martins, LO, Tiago, T. 2025., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 109:35
Unlocking Lignin's Potential: Engineered Bacterial Laccases to Produce Biologically Active Molecules. Brissos, V, Rénio, M, Lejmel, M, Estevinho, R, Robalo, MP, Ventura, MV, Martins, LO. 2025. ChemSusChem, e202401386 (1 of 10)
A new chemo-enzymatic approach to synthesize rare sugars using an engineered glycoside-3-oxidase. Taborda, A, Rénio, Ventura, MV, Martins, LO. 2025. Green Chem.
27, 1044
Enzyme-modified microelectrode for simultaneous local measurements of O2 and pH. Mendes, B, Brissos, V, Martins, LO, Conzuelo, F. 2024. Anal Chem. 96, 16244-16251
Distal mutations enhance the efficiency of free and immobilized NOV1 dioxygenase for vanillin synthesis. De Simone, M, Alonso-Cotchico, L, Lucas, MF, Martins, LO. 2024. J Biotechnol. 391:92-98
Simple and directed immobilization of a multicopper oxidase on flat bare gold electrodes provides high catalytic currents for O2 reduction. Rizzo, F, Brissos, V, Villain, S, Martins, LO, Conzuelo, F. 2024. ACS Catal. 14:4760
Engineering A-type Dye-decolourizing peroxidases by modification of a conserved glutamate residue. Hermann, E., Rodrigues, CF, Martins, LO, Peterbauer, C, Oostenbrink, C. 2024. ChemBioChem e202300872
Flexible Active-Site Loops Fine-Tune Substrate Specificity of Hyperthermophilic Metallo-Oxidases. 2024. Brissos, V, Borges, PT, Sancho, F, Lucas, MF, Frazão, C, Conzuelo, F, Martins, LO. J Biol Inorg Chem. 29: 339–351
Biochemical, biophysical, and structural analysis of an unusual DyP from the extremophile Deinococcus radidurans. 2024. Frade, K, Silveira, C, Salgueiro, BA, Mendes, S, Martins, LO, Frazão, C, Todorovic, S, Moe, E. Molecules, 29, 358.
Evolution and separation of actinobacterial pyranose and C-glycoside-3-oxidases. 2024. Kostelac, A, Taborda, A, Martins, LO Haltrich, D. Appl Environ Microbiol. 09:1 e01676-23
Spectroelectrochemistry for determination of the redox potential in heme enzymes: dye-decolorizing peroxidases. 2024. Barbosa, C, Rodrigues, CF, Loncar, N, Fraaije, MW, Martins, LO, Todorovic, S, Silveira, CM BBA Adv. 5, 100112.
The Quest for New Microbial Monoamine Oxidases. 2023. Martins, LO. FEBS J. 291:846-848
Electrochemical Actuation of a DyP Peroxidase: A Facile Method for Drastic Improvement of the Catalytic Performance. 2023. Scoccozza, M, Vieyra, F, Battaglini, F, Martins, LO, Murgida, D. ACS Catal 13, 7437–7449
Biocatalysis for biorefineries: the case of dye-decolorizing peroxidases. 2023. Silva, D, Rodrigues, CF, Lorena, C, Borges, PT, Martins, LO. Biotechnol. Adv. 65:108153
A Wide Array of Lignin-Related Phenolics are Oxidized by an Evolved Bacterial Dye-Decolourising Peroxidase. 2023. Silva, D, Sousa, AC, Robalo, MP, Martins, LO. New Biotechnol. 77:176-184
Rationally Guided Improvement of NOV1 Dioxygenase for the Conversion of Lignin-Derived Isoeugenol to Vanillin. 2023. De Simone, M, Alvigni, L, Alonso-Cotchico, L, Brissos, V, Caroli, J, Lucas, MF, Monza, E, Melo, EP, Mattevi, A, Martins, LO. Biochemistry, 62:419-428.
The Gastrointestinal Microbiome of Browsing Goats (Capra hircus). 2022. Guerra, V, Tiago, I, Aires, A, Coelho, C, Nunes, J, Martins, LO, Veríssimo, A. PLoS One 17(10): e0276262
Unveiling Molecular Details behind Improved Activity at Neutral to Alkaline pH of an Engineered DyP-type Peroxidase. 2022. Borges, PT, Silva, D, Silva, TFD, Brissos, V., Canellas, M, Lucas, MF, Masgrau, L, Melo, EP, Machuqueiro, M, Frazão, C, Martins, LO. Comp Struct Biotechnol J 20:3899-3910
Distal mutations shape substrate-binding sites during the evolution of a metallo-oxidase into a laccase. 2022. Brissos, V, Borges, PT, Nunez, R, Lucas, MF, Frazão, C, Monza, E, Masgrau, L, Cordeiro, TN, Martins, LO. ACS Catal 12:5022-5035
Direct electrochemical generation of catalytically competent oxyferryl species of classes I and P dye decolourizing peroxidases. 2021. Scocozza, MF, Martins, LO., Murgida. Int J Mol Sci, 22: 12532
Loops around the heme pocket have a critical role in the function and stability of BsDyP from Bacillus subtilis. 2021. Rodrigues, CF, Borges, PT, Scocozza, MF, Silva, D, Taborda, AT, Brissos, V, Frazão, C, Martins, LO. Int J Mol Sci, 22:10862
Wasteful Azo Dyes as a Source of Biologically Active Building Blocks 2021. Ana Fernandes, Bruna Pinto, Lorenzo Bonardo, Beatriz Royo, M. Paula Robalo and Lígia O. Martins Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 9: 672436
Developing a Sustainable and Circular Bio-Based Economy in EU: By Partnering Across Sectors, Upscaling and Using New Knowledge Faster, and For the Benefit of Climate, Environment & Biodiversity, and People & Business 2021. Lene Lange, Kevin O. Connor, Sigurjon Arason, Uffe Bundgård-Jørgensen, Antonella Canalis, Dirk Carrez, Joe Gallagher, Niels Gøtke, Christian Huyghe, Bruno Jarry, Pilar Llorente, Mariya Marinova, Ligia O. Martins, Philippe Mengal, Paola Paiano, Calliope Panoutsou, Ligia Rodrigues, Dagmar B. Stengel, Yvonne van der Meer, and Helena Vieira Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8: 619066
Synthesis of Substituted 4‐Arylamino‐1,2‐naphthoquinones in One‐Pot Reactions Using CotA‐Laccase as Biocatalyst. 2020. Sousa, AC, Santos, I, Piedade, MFMM, Martins, LO, Robalo, MP. 2020. Adv Synth. Catal. 362, 3380-3387
The Methionine-Rich Loop of Multicopper Oxidase McoA follows Open-To-Close Transitions with a Role in Enzyme Catalysis. 2020 Patrícia T. Borges, Vânia Brissos, Guillem Hernandez, Laura Masgrau, Maria Fátima Lucas, Emanuele Monza, Carlos Frazão, Tiago N. Cordeiro and Lígia O. Martins, ACS Catal 10, 7162-7176
Resonance Raman View of the Active site Architecture in Bacterial DyP-type Peroxidases. 2020. Celia M. Silveira, Elin Moe, Marco Fraaije, Lígia O. Martins and Smilja Todorovic, RSC Adv 10, 11095
Immobilized Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase (DyP) and Directed Evolution Variants for Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensing. 2020. Barbosa, C, Silveira, C, Silva, D, Brissos, V, Hildebrandt, P, Martins, LO, Todorovic, S. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 153, 112055
Synthesis of Azobenzene Dyes Mediated by CotA laccase. 2019. Sousa, AC, Baptista, SR, Martins, LO, Robalo, MP. Chem Asian J14, 187-193
Decolorization and Detoxification of textile dyes using a versatile Streptomyces laccase-natural mediator system. 2019. Blánquez, A, Rodríguez, J, Brisso, V, Mendes, S, Martins, LO, Ball, AS, Arias, ME, Hernandez, M. Saudi J Biol Sci 26, 913-920
Mimicking the bioelectrocatalytic function of recombinant CotA laccase via electrostatically self-assembled nanobioconjugates. 2019. Alba-Molina, D, Rodriguez-Padron, D, Puente-Santiago, AR, Giner-Casares, J, Martin-Romero, M, Camacho, L, Martins, LO, Munoz-Batista, M, Cano, M, Luque, R Nanoscale 11, 1549-1554
Unprecedent wiring efficiency of sulfonated carbon nitride materials: towards high-performance amperometric recombinant CotA-laccase biosensors. 2019. Puente-Santiago, AR, Rodríguez-Padrón, D, Quan, X, Batista, MJM, Martins, LO, Verma, S, Varma, RS, Zhou, J, Luque, R. ACS Sus Chem & Eng 7, 1474-1484
A Sustainable Synthesis of Asymmetric Phenazines and Phenoxazinones Mediated by CotA-Laccase. 2018. Sousa, AC, Oliveira, MC, Martins, LO, Robalo, MA Adv Synth Catal 360, 575-583
CotA laccase-ABTS/hydrogen Peroxide System: an Efficient Approach to Produce Active and Decolorized Chitosan-Genipin Films. 2017. Gonçalves, I, Nunes, C, Mendes, S., Martins, LO, Ferreira, P, Coimbra, MA. Carbohydr Polym 175: 628-635
Engineering a Bacterial DyP-type Peroxidase for Enhanced Oxidation of Lignin-related Phenolics at Alkaline pH. 2017. Brissos, V, Tavares, D, Sousa, AC, Robalo, MP Martins, LO *ACS Catalysis. 7, 3454-3465
*This paper is part of ACS Select Collection (20 papers latest groundbreaking research) in Engineered Biomolecular Catalysts J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139 (41), pp 14331–14334
Characterization of a Bacterial Pyranose 2-Oxidase from Arthrobacter siccitolerans. 2016. Mendes, S, Banha, C, Madeira, J, Santos, D, Miranda, V, Manzanera, M Ventura, MR, van Berkel, W JH, Martins, LO. J Mol Catalys. B, Enzymatic. 133: S34-S43
Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Indo Dyes Mediated by a Bacterial Laccase. 2016. Sousa, AC, Piedade, MFMM, Martins, LO and Robalo. Green Chem. 2016, 18, 6063 – 6070.
Encapsulated laccases for the room-temperature oxidation of aromatics: towards synthetic low-molecular-weight lignins. 2016. Pistone, L, Ottolina, G, De, S, Romero, AA, Martins, LO, Luque, R. ChemSusCem 9: 756-62.
The catalytic mechanism of BsDyP an A-type dye-decolourising peroxidase: neither aspartate nor arginine is individually essential for peroxidase activity. 2015. Mendes, S, Catarino, T, Silveira, C, Todorovic, S and Martins, LO. Cat. Sci. Technol. 5: 5196-5207.
Turning a hyperthermostable metallo-oxidase into a laccase by directed evolution. 2015. Brissos, V, Ferreira, M, Grass, G and Martins, LO. ACS Catalysis 5: 4932-4941
Surface-enhanced resonance Raman detection of a catalytic intermediate of DyP-type peroxidase. 2015. Todorovic, S, Hildebrandt, P and Martins, LO. Phys Chem Chem Phys 17, 11954
An integrated view of redox and catalytic properties of B-type PpDyP from Pseudomonas putida MET94 and its distal variants Arch Biochem Biophys. 2015. Mendes, S, Gabriel, A, Catarino, T, Silveira, C, Turner, DL, Todorovic, S and Martins, LO. Arch Biochem Biophys 574:99-107
An enzymatic route for the synthesis of carbazole frameworks using bacterial CotA laccase. 2015. Sousa, AC, Piedade, MFMM, Duarte, MT, Martins, LO and Robalo. Green Chem. 17,1429
Laccases of prokaryotic origin – enzymes at the interface of protein science and protein technology. 2015. Martins, LO, Durão, P, Brissos, V and Lindley, PF. Cell Mol Life Sci. 72: 911-22
Towards the rational biosynthesis of phenazine and phenoxazinone compounds using laccase. 2014. Sousa, AC, Oliveira, MC, Martins, LO and Robalo, MP. Green Chem 16:4127-4136. journal cover.
Improving kinetic or thermodynamic stability of an azoreductase by directed evolution. 2014. Brissos, V, Gonçalves, N, Melo, EP and Martins, LO. PlosONE. E87209
New dye decolourising peroxidases from Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida: towards biotechnological applications. 2014. Santos, A, Mendes, S, Brissos, V and Martins, LO. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 98: 2053-2065
Biodecolorization of a food azo dye by the deep sea Dermacoccus abyssi MT1.1T strain from the Mariana Trench. 2014. Lang, W, Sirisansaneeyakul, S, Martins, LO, Ngiwsara, L, Sakairi, N, Pathom-Aree, W, Okuyama, M, Mori, H and Kimura, A. J Environ Management 132: 155-164
The crystal structure of Pseudomonas putida PpAzoR: the active site revisited. 2013. Gonçalves, AM, Mendes, S, De Sanctis, D, Martins, LO and Bento, I FEBS J 24: 6643-57
Characterization of a new oxygen-insensitive azoreductase from Brevibacillus laterosporus TISTR1911: towards dye decolorization using a packed-bed metal affinity reactor. 2013. Lang, W, Sirisansaneeyakul, S, Ngiwsara, L, Mendes, S and Martins, LO, Okuyama, M, Kimura, A. 2013. Bioresource Technol 150:298-306
Laccase-catalysed homocoupling of primary amines towards the biosynthesis of dyes. 2013. Sousa, AC, Martins, LO, and Robalo, MP 2013. Adv Synth Catal 355:2908-2917
Distinct structural and redox properties of the heme active site in bacterial dye decolorizing peroxidase-type peroxidases from two subfamilies: resonance Raman and electrochemical study. 2013. Sezer, M, Santos, A, Kielb, P, Pinto, T, Martins, LO, and Todorovic, S. Biochemistry, 52: 3074-3084
A DyP-type peroxidase at a bio-compatible surface: structural and mechanistic insights. 2012. Sezer, M, Genebra, T, Mendes, S, Martins, LO, and Todorovic, S. Soft Matter 8: 10314-10321.
Methyl syringate: an efficient phenolic mediator for bacterial and fungal laccases. 2012. Rosado, T, Bernardo, P, Koci, K, Coelho, AV, Robalo, MP, and Martins, LO. Bioresource Technol 124:371-378
The kinetic role of carboxylate residues in the proximity of the trinuclear centre in the O2 reactivity of CotA-laccase. 2012. Brissos, V, Chen, Z, and Martins, LO. 2012. Dalton Trans 41, 6247-6255
Unfolding pathway of CotA-laccase and the role of copper on the prevention of refolding through aggregation of the unfolded state. 2012. Fernandes, AT, Lopes,C, Martins, LO, and Melo, EP. 2012. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 422:442-6.
The role of Asp116 in the reductive cleavage of dioxygen to water in CotA-laccase: assistance during the proton transfer mechanism. 2012. Silva, CS, Damas, JM, Chen, Z, Brissos, V, Martins, LO, Soares, CM, Lindley, PF and Bento, I. 2012. Acta Cryst. D68: 186-193
Crystal structure of the multicopper oxidase from the pathogenic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni CGUG11284: characterization of a metallo-oxidase. 2012. Silva, CS, Durão, P, Fillat, A, Lindley, PF, Martins, LO and Bento, I. 2012. Metallomics 4: 37-47. Selected for journal cover
Synergistic action of azoreductase and laccase leads to maximal decolourisation and detoxification of model dye-containing wastewaters. 2011. Mendes, S, Farinha, A, Ramos, CG, Leitão, JH, Viegas, CA and Martins, LO. Bioresource Technol 102: 9852-9859.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the azoreductase PpazoR1 from Pseudomonas putida MET94. 2011. Correia, B, Chen, Z, Mendes, S, Martins, LO and Bento, I. Acta Crystallographic section F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 67:121-3.
Molecular determinants of azoreduction activity in the strain Pseudomonas putida MET94. 2011. Mendes, S, Pereira, L, Batista, C and Martins, LO. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 92:393-405.
The removal of a disulfide bridge of CotA-laccase changes the μs-ms time-scale dynamics involved in copper binding. 2011. Fernandes, AT, Pereira, MM, Silva, CS, Lindley, PF, Bento, I, Melo, EP and Martins, LO. J Biol Inorg Chem 16:641-651.
Mechanisms underlying dioxygen reduction in laccases. Structural and modelling studies. 2010. Bento, I, Silva, CS, Chen, Z, Martins, LO, Lindley, PF and Soares, CM. BMC Structural Biology 10:28
The multicopper oxidase from the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum shows nitrous oxide reductase activity. 2010. Fernandes, AT, Damas, J, Soares, CM, Todorovic, S, Huber, R, Pogni, R and Martins, LO. FEBS J 277:3176-3179
The role of E498 in the dioxygen reactivity of CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis. 2010. Chen, Z, Durão, P, Silva, CS, Pereira, MM, Todorovic, S, Hildebrandt, P, Bento, I, Lindley, PF and Martins, LO. Dalton Transactions 39:2875-2882
On the mechanism of biotransformation of the anthraquinonic dye Acid Blue 62 by laccases. 2009. Pereira, L, Coelho, AV, Viegas, CA, Ganachaud, C, Iacazio, G, Tron, T, Robalo, MP and Martins, LO. Adv Synth Catal 351:1857-1865
Expression system of CotA-laccase for directed evolution and high-throughput screenings for the oxidation of high redox potential dyes. 2009. Brissos, V, Pereira, L, Munteanu, F-D, Cavaco-Paulo, A and Martins, LO. Biotechnol J 4:558-63
Enzymatic Biotransformation of the Azo Dye Sudan Orange G with Bacterial CotA-laccase. 2009. Pereira, L, Coelho, AV, Viegas, CA, Correia dos Santos, MM, Robalo, MP and Martins, LO. J Biotechnol 139:68-77
The Hyperthermophilic Nature of the Metallo-Oxidase from Aquifex aeolicus. 2009. Fernandes, AT, Martins, LO and Melo, EP. Biochim Biophys Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 1794:75-83
Proximal mutations at the T1 copper site of CotA-laccase spectroscopic, redox, kinetic and structural characterization of I494A and L386A mutants. 2008. Durão, P, Chen, Z, Silva, CS, Soares, CM, Pereira, MM, Todorovic, S, Hildebrandt, P, Bento, I, Lindley, PF and Martins, LO Biochem J 412:339-46
Copper incorporation into recombinant CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis - Characterization of fully Cu-loaded enzymes. 2008. Durão, P, Chen, Z, Fernandes, AT, Hildebrandt, P, Murgida, DH, Todorovic, S, Pereira, MM, Melo, EP and Martins, LO. J Biol Inorg Chem 13:183-93
Insight into stability of CotA-laccase from the spore coat of Bacillus subtilis. 2007. Melo, EP, Fernandes, AT, Durão, P, Martins, LO. Biochem Soc Trans 35: 1579-82
Differential expression of the three multicopper oxidases from Myxococcus xanthus. 2007. Sánchez-Sutil, MC, Gómez-Santos, N, Moraleda-Muñoz, A, Martins, LO, Pérez, J and Muñoz-Dorado, J. J Bacteriol 189:4887-98
A robust metallo-oxidase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus. 2007. Fernandes, AT, Soares, CM, Pereira, MM, Huber, R, Melo, EP and Martins, LO. FEBS J 274:2683-94
Incorporation of a model protein into chitosan-bile salt microparticle. 2006. Lameiro, MH, Lopes, A, Martins, LO, Alves, PM, Melo, E. Int J Pharm 312:119-30
Perturbations of the T1 copper site in the CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis: structural, biochemical, enzymatic and stability studies. 2006. Durão, P, Bento, I, Fernandes, AT, Melo, EP, Lindley, PF and Martins, LO. J Biol Inorg Chem 11:514-26.
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