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Concluded Projects


  1. DECATHLON - Development of Cost efficient Advanced DNA-based methods for specific Traceability issues and High Level On-site applicatioNs. Collaborative Project for Small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs, 7th Framework Program, Grant agreement No. 613908 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2013-2016]

  2. Collab4Safety - Towards sustainable global food safety collaboration. Coordination and Support Action, 7th Framework Program, Grant agreement No. 311611 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2012-2016]

  3. BIOMUSH – Early detection and bio-control of mushroom pests and diseases in an Integrated Pest Management approach to comply with the European Directive 2009/128/EU. Research for The Benefit of SMEs, 7th Framework Program, Grant agreement No. 314241(PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2012-2015].

  4. CleanWard – Cleanward - Safe, Chemical-Free, Cleaning of Hospital Ward Surfaces. Research for The Benefit of SMEs, 7th Framework Program, Grant agreement No. 315488 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2012-2014].

  5. Aquaconserver - A novel and combined domestic grey water and heat recovery system suitable for cost effective installation in 90% of European households. Collaborative Project for Small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs, 7FP, Grant agreement No. 286900 (Researcher responsible for IBET contribution: Prof. João Goulão Crespo). [2011-2014].

  6. Towards a Latin America & Caribbean Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) in partnership with Europe. Coordination and Support Action, 7th Framework Program, grant agreement no. 264266 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2010-2013]

  7. Olive Oil for the World, EUREKA Project E! 4997 Euroagri State of the Olive, Junho 2009. (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2009-2013]
  8. BIOlogical agents: Strenghening the Adequate response to deliberate releases by establishment of a Framework European-wide (BIOSAFE). Specific Supported Action - 6th Framework Program, grant agreement no 022725/2006 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2006-2009]
  9. From European fork to Latin American farm: an innovative networking platform for EU-LAC partnerships in food quality and safety R&D (ALCUEFOOD). Specific Supported Action - 6th Framework Program, grant agreement 007116/2005 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2005-2008]
  10. European food safety goes global (SELAMAT). Specific Support Action - 6th Framework Program, Grant greement CT-2004-506386 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2004-2008]


  1. Nitrogen-fixing biofertilizers for gramineous crops, PTDC/AGR-AAM/100577/2008, GCT., responsável Paula Fareleira. (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2010-2013].
  2. Integração de factores de competitividade na cadeia de produção de azeite (Azeite+Global), Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, “Projectos de I&DT Empresas Individuais [2010-2012].
  3. Searching for rhizobial strains with improved skills to thrive in arid soils. Contrato POCTI/AGR/46371/2002 (PI responsible for iBET contribution). [2004-2007].
  4. Caracterização do catabolismo de péptidos em bactérias lácticas de vinho e produtos cárneos. Contrato POCTI/AGR/39613/2001. [2002-2005].
  5. Deepening the knowledge on the role of enterococci, from manufacture through maturation of traditional cheeses. Contrato POCTI/AGR/36165/1999 (PI responsible for iBET contribution)
  6. Actividade Antimicrobiana da Bactérias Lácticas e Qualidade da Azeitona de Mesa, PAMAF. Contrato PAMAF 2010 (PI responsible for iBET contribution) [1996-1998].
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