2022-2023: “Metabolic model building for commensal and pathogenic Staphylococcus epidermidis strains”, SymbNet Project (Genomics and Metabolomics in a Host-Microbe Symbiosis Network Project Coordinated by IGC-UE-Horizon 2020-952537) PhD Award to Elisabete Morais
2017-2022: “Stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications”, Cost Action CA16203. (Portuguese Representative and Working Group Coordinator)
2013-2016: “TBomics - an OMICS approach for diagnosing tuberculosis”, New INDIGO Partnership Programme on Biotechnology applied to Human Health (INDIGO-DBT2-062), ERA-NET Project, (European Coordinator)
2013-2016: EPIGENESIS - One Health approach to integrate Guadeloupe research on vector-borne and emerging diseases in the ERA: from the characterization of emergence mechanisms to innovative approaches for prediction and control (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1), (European Partner)
2012-2013: “Converting C3 to C4 photosynthesis for sustainable agriculture” (FP 7th- 289582) (Researcher)
2011-2015: “Mass Spectrometry Imaging: New Tools for Healthcare Research”, Cost Action BM1104 (Portuguese representative)
2010 – 2014: “Biological adhesives: from biology to biomimetics”, Cost Action TD0906 (ITQB representative)
2010-2014: "Farm Animal Proteomics", Cost Action FA1002 (ITQB representative)
2012: “Novel Probio – nuevos productos para alimentation animal”, CYTED Network
2019-2021: Transnational Cooperation Portugal/France – Pessoa Program “Identification of putative bacterial targets for the development of precision antimicrobials against pathogenic S. epidermidis – a strategy to prevent medical device associated infections”, supported by FCT/Campusfrance
2014-2015: Collaborative Project “Digging Label-free high resolution MS”, supported by Transbio-SUDOE
2012-2013: Luso-French Integrated Action with CIRAD “Identification of Rickettsiales Ehrlichia ruminantium outer membrane proteins using a proteomic strategy“,suported by CRUP, TC-04/12
2011-2012: Luso-Spanish Integrated Action with University Autónoma de Barcelona “Proteomic study of the cell mechanisms involved in the agregation of yeast proteins”, suported by CRUP Ref: E-36/11
2011-2012: Luso-Slovakian Bilateral Collaboration: “Study of evasion strategies from the complement system by Borrelia e Francisella" suported by FCT Ref: 441.00
2017-2020: “Omics platform for the prevention and control of infections and antimicrobials resistance – Oneida” SAICTPAC/0015/2015
2016-2017: “A proteogenomics approach towards the understanding of S. epidermidis pathogenicity” Inter-thematic project ITQB NOVA MostMicro Unit
2013-2015: “Immunogenicity of vaccine candidate antigens from Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in Canis canis” PTDC/CVT-EPI/4345/2012
2013-2015 “Driving Mitochondrial Effectors of Apoptosis Toward Neural Differentiation“ PTDC/BIM-MED/0251/2012
2013-2015 “Understanding echinoderms outstanding nervous system regeneration capabilities using a phosphoproteomics approach” PTDC/MAR-BIO/2174/2012
2012-2014 “Borrow some Boron: New Strategies for Protein Modification!” PTDC/QUI-QUI/118315/2010
2011-2014 “Hepatic toxicity in HIV-infected individuals exposed to nevirapine” PTDC/SAU-TOX/111663/2009
2011-2014 “ER_TRANSPROT-Ehrlichia ruminantium proteome analysis: a complementary approach to transcriptomics towards increased knowledge on heartwater pathogenesis and vaccine development” PTDC/CVT/114118/2009
2011-2014 “Deciphering grain filling mechanisms in Phaseolus vulgaris L. under water deficit” PTDC/AGR-GPL/110244/2009
2010-2011 CEDOC-FCM-UNL internal project “Biomarkers identification of anti-TNF agents efficacy in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients using a proteomic approach”
2010-2013 “Molecular characterization of organ regeneration in starfish – a proteomic approach toward the discovery of new regeneration factors”, PTDC/MAR/104058/2008
2010-2013 “Plant responses to trace element toxicity: cellular mechanisms for detoxification and tolerance”, PTDC/AGR-AAM/102821/2008
2010-2013 “Integration of transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomics profiles to understand the role of T6P in the water deficit response and recovery in Medicago truncatula”, PTDC/AGR-GPL/099866/2008
2010-2013 “Sustainable membrane bioreactors for advanced wastewater treatment: a molecular approach”, PTDC/EBB-EBI/098862/2008
2007-2011 “Protein glycation and transthyretin amyloidogenesis in yeast: A model system of neurodegenerative amyloid diseases”, PTDC/QUI/70610/2006
2007-2011 “Investigating a Q-cycle mechanism in complexes of respiratory chains – A key process for energy transduction”, PTDC/BIA-PRO/66557/2006
2008-2011 “BIOSEAGLUE – Caracterização dos adesivos temporários dos ouriços do mar por espectrometria de massa”, supported by Programa Damião de Góis