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"CMOS Low Current Measurement System for Nanopore Sensing Applications", has been accepted for presentation at the 2011 IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference , to be held in San Diego, California from November 10-12, 2011.

Artificial Surface-Modified Si3N4 Nanopores for Single Surface-modified Gold Nanoparticle Scanning.

Yann Astier,*, Lucien Datas, Randy Carney, Francesco Stellacci, Francesco Gentile, Enzo DiFabrizio


Here, the use of functionalized Si3N4 nanopores Ech 1 txt-200000.0V-800000-0001.jpg

for the detection of negatively charged gold nanoparticles from 2.4 to 8.9 nm diameter.

MPSA Astier 2_0030.jpg

It is possible to detect the surface molecular interactions through ionic current alterations, whether or not the electric-field driven nanoparticle threads through the pore.




Electrophysiological Study of Single Gold Nanoparticle/a-Hemolysin Complex Formation: A Nanotool to Slow
Down ssDNA Through the a-Hemolysin Nanopore**
Yann Astier,* Oktay Uzun, and Francesco Stellacci

Our NanoTool is able to capture a single gold nanoparticle under 3 nm in diameter, and use it as a speed regulator during the threading of ssDNA through the NanoPore. New improvements on this system will be published soon...

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