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There will be a welcome cocktail on the 11th at 19:30

Please join us and enjoy!

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The Book of Abstracts is now available HERE.


It is still possible to register at the venue's registration desk on the afternoon of 11/10 or the morning of 12/10.


Information regarding how to get to the venue as well as maps and timetables are available in 'Venue' and in this LINK.

The ILS2 conference/Ascochyta 2016 agreed with three journals the edition of dedicated special issues.

Participants are encouraged to prepare full papers (reviews or research papers) to be submitted in:
a) "Advances in Legume Research", a research topic of Frontiers in Plant Science.

b) "Crop & Pasture Science",  (
Guest Editors: Dr. Sergio Atienza  and Prof. Diego Rubiales

c)  "Advances in Ascochyta Research", a research topic of Frontiers in Plant Science.




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